.O.N.L.I.N.E. 10/22/01
allright... i do a couple things while im online. (which is about 70% of the time im not sleeping. hehe. my favorite chat program is called The Palace. (to learn more about that go here.) my fav. editing program? well, hands down that would be paint shop pro (to learn more about that, go here then to downloads. If you need the crack ask me in the guestbook, we might be able to work something out. ;) Adobe photoshop is ok, but ive found its not as user friendly as psp. hmm... lets see what else do i do? i d/l songs. I use several mp3 programs.. Morpheus, audiogalaxy, limewire, and winmx. I used to use Napster but now... it sucks (THANKS A FUCKIN LOT LARS!!!!! YOU SUCK) Anyway, we wont get on how bad he sucks here.. heh, if you want to do that go here. hmm, well, anything else that i do online is basically anything i happen to come across that makes me laugh.. to learn more about those go to my links page... but if your to lazy to press the back button and look at that heres a little link just for you! (you dirty pothead you)

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