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Whats going on?

Date News
01/01/03 Here is an official announcement regarding the post on the guestbook about NVTT splitting up. This post was completely FALSE, the band are still together and ready to pump out kick ass punk tunes, so don't worry, NVTT will still be around for a long time to come!

It has also been decided that, due to the recent abuse by a few individuals, the guestbook will be removed, plans are to put on a forum where users must sign up, we'll let you know as soon as its ready!

4/12/02 There will soon be some NVTT stuff available to buy, hopefully before christmas. The main things planned to be on offer are 2 T-Shirts (sized S,M,L,XL and baby doll ones for the laydees :-) ) and our first CD which is still in the planning stages but will contain between 4 and 6 tracks. Prices of both of these will depend on production costs, but will be as low as we can make them because we love you all! Also we will be giving some of the free shit away at gigs, so get yourself down and go crazy! For more info email
4/12/02 Hey people we have plenty of tickets for the Rios so just email us at with your postal address and we'll send them right out! Hurry though, they are going fast. It will be a good night as four quality bands have been booked, including Ex-Terrorvision guitarist Mark Yate's New project "The Boston Crabs" and the whole event is Headlined by the all mighty "Butterfinger". Doors open at 7 so get there early for some pre-band drinking fun at! Visit for directions to the venue.
3/12/02 Today the news page was created, this will eventually contain all of NVTTs important news and messages, so keep checking because it will be kept as up to date as possible