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The whole, long, sad and tragic story behind PantsLess Ed. PantsLess Ed. wasn't always the quality punk/ska rock band you're used to hearing now. We used to suck (oh by the way this story is going to be told in the point of view of me, Ryan and I'm, telling it at 2 in the morning because I have no life). It all started when freshmen year of 1999-2000 when Brian got his set of drums right outta the blue. He called me up to tell me the glorious news. He said that he had got a set of drums, for no reason that I heard, and that was it. I said that Matt and Aaron had been playing the guitar since either.hmm... i can't remeber... either sixth grade or seventh grade something like that and Pat was playing bass just as long. I bullfloppeded to Brian that I could sing for them, and since I couldn't play an instrument singing was one of the only was I could hang out with everyone with out becoming a roadie or something stupid like that (this is before we thought about Kevin and before ska). Since we were all already friends, because of three similarities skateboarding, punk rock music and the fact that we all went to a stupid school, it would be easy for everyone to get along and have practices.


The first practice was kinda discouraging to me. The first real practice was at Pat's house. All we played was Jenny (867-5309), Turning Japanese and Blink-182 stuff (which was played with perfect skill on drums, bass and guitar but I couldn't sing worth a lick) Pat knew his stuff on bass and vocally. He had nice Irish lads' voice. It was quite melodic with the music. So I decided to back Pat up with my harsh screaming vocals. We all thought we sounded nice and I got to be part of the band!


PantsLess Ed. I feel is a good name simply because of two things. #1. it's catchy and #2. it's an inside joke (soon to be outside after this paragraph). After the first practice we were desperately thinking of band names. We came up with some stupid ones that I totally blocked from my memory. One day we decided to go skating and Matt decides to take his pants off while we're skating, in public. From then on we knew him as "Pantsless Blum"(that's where Pantsless comes from) Then another time we were joking around with Matt and spread a rumor that he had Erectile Dysfunction. (Other wise known as Ed.) So one day Brian and I saw Matt and Brian was like why if it isn't Pantsless Blum. And I said yeah hey its "Ed." (Which we made the meaning for "ed." to be Erectile Dysfunction). Then it dawned on me. PantsLess ED. I told the guys right then and there. We need to be called PantsLess ed. We put the period after the "d" in "ed." Just to remind people that Ed. isn't someone we know as a person, forsay, but it's a meaning.


Our first gig was courtesy of Matt. He was at a Blink -182 concert and signed us up for a battle of the bands that we weren't ready for. We had like three months to come up with at least 15 min.s of stuff. So we learned Linoleum, The Brews, Jenny, Turning Japanese and.once again i must have wiped this memory or my mind cuz we had more songs but then we had a song that we ripped some blues riff from and pat worte lyrics to it. It was called Mr. Has-been. That was our only original. We found out that the whole concert was going to be played at Clutch Cargo's in Pontiac and to get a good spot we had to sell a certain amount of tickets. We sold like thirty around school. We were stoked (cuz we didn't know we sucked then) that so many people were going to Pontiac to see us play. We got there and I think like five people showed up that we sold tickets too. And to this day, they remain our most loyal fans, Thanx Justin, Frankie, and Al. But any who we get on stage and I'm scared poohless at first but once we started playing I got relaxed. We played our set, two singers, one who just skainked the whole time and the other who played bass, two guitarists and a drummer. I screwed up the lyrics Linoleum; it was a miracle that we actually played The Brews for the first time right, ever. I was surprised that we didn't get kicked off. But there was a mosh pit so we must not have sucked to badly. But we must never speak of that AGAIN. After that we had a brief hiatus from our once a weekend practices and then it was back at it. Only this time we were working on originals and actually making a real set. Our first real song was "Frankie".


We thought we were hot stuff. We played a gig at Clutch Cargo's. That was a good thought. But troubles brewed ahead for the band. Pat had this girl, Emily, on his mind and his grades started to slip. He got grounded from the band (but yet he could hang out with his girl friend which fueled the lyrics to "Emily Stole My Bassist") and we were out of a bassist and a singer, indefinitely. Brian, luckily, knew Kevin. Actually they grew up with each other. So they knew each other. Kevin was or maybe stills is/was in a dead end, going nowhere band that didn't know what they wanted to play. Brian asked Kevin if he wanted to play bass for us. Kevin was down with it. While Pat was on his "study trip" I was left to sing for the band. I was scared. But I was pissed as well (well that's just the way I am, prolly cuz of what I listen to) I listened to a lot of Against All Authority, Slapstick and Lawrence Arms then and still do and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Danny Lore's growling/screaming hardcore voice and the melodic screaming of The guys from Slapstick and The Lawrence Arms. So I gave it a shot. I tried to mimic something similar to that. I guess it works because that's what I use to this day and no one has had any complaints yet. But I feel Pat's leaving the band was almost a blessing in disguise, because that's when I learned to sing. Thanx Pat. Any who so we taught Kevin the songs on bass. And we practiced with him for like three or four sessions and Pat said he could come back. We loved Kevin but Pat was the rightful bassist. We had a decision to make. Cut Kevin or Pat. I remembered Kev telling me about how he plays trumpet for school, so something hit me in the back of the head, Kev could play trumpet. We wouldn't have top cut anyone and no one had their feelings hurt. SO Kev got to work fitting ska like trumpet parts to songs that sound similar to a Lagwagon/Nofx type music with a couple of ska songs mixed with vocals that sound like Against All Authority. Tough stuff for Kevin but some how he dose it, even though he's lazy.


Our First real gig where we were completely amongst friends at a venue run outta basement and had no one being an ass to us was at Mr. T's where we opened for Arch Nemesi (now EDGEDALE) and Narcoleps. We played the best show we've ever played there (I think). We were joking around, everyone felt comfortable. Good sound system and good audience and that was the first time we were face to face with our audience. It was totally cool until you get complete ass holes like Evan Sarnacky who pushes kids from behind into your mic stands and stuff. But we thank Rob for having us play and Brett for inviting us. We prolly brought about 20 people from Dearborn there for the first time and picked up some new ones who were there to see Arch Nemesi and after that show I think we picked up some new friends. It was a blast. We played almost everything we knew. We had complete fun and actually got paid and respected for the first time in our career. We will never forget that show.

Well now you know the PantsLess ed. story as told by me, Ryan, lead vocals for Pantsless ed. Thanx for actually reading this load of crock. IF you've got all the way to here and aren't sleeping yet, you must really love so go sign our guest book and hope to see ya at the show.

Thanx, Peace and Unity,

© 2002 Adam Sugg