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Baby Parts & Glue
Suicide or Murder?
Kurt Cobain&Nirvana
Music Tabs
Picture Gallery
-=More Information=-
Guest Book
E-Mail Me

-=Other Bands=-

Pitch Shifter


This site is dedicated to Nirvana and Kurt Cobain for the music and passion he made.Kurt was a beautiful person who was taken to earliy in life.The music will always remain yet he did't.He spoke to millions of their dreams and fears.Always treasure what he left us and never take it for granted.Words really can not speak of his passing so i hope this site will do it for me and anyone else in the same postion.

"Peace, Love, Empathy."

~Kurt D.Cobain~

Site News!

Currently i am working on a 2nd Picture Gallery and more on the Lyrics and CD's.I will soon post the singles and Bootlegs of Outcesticide and some other material featured on other CD's.Most important of all the Trading Page is almost done.I will have an extrem amount of Nirvana Cd's, posters, Videos, Tapes, and in CD's i mean the singles and Bootlegs as well.I just got done with the Nickelback page and it will be on constant upgrade as well and soon to be working on the Pitch Shifter page.When i get the time i will add more bands on the Other Bands icon.The Links Page and Polls will take some time to work on untill i finish the Gallery2 and i have to also get a Guest Book in soon.If you have any suggestions feel free to e-mail me some...which is under heavy construction.To let you know there will be constant upgrades.I will keep you posted.

New News!

I have completedmost of the Interviews&Articles Page.Cheack it out.It has the lost Interview and the one with Eddie Vedder of Perl Jam After Kurts death and many more.

New News!
Soon coming after my Pitch Shifter page i will add a page on a band who connected with many hearts and minds, Blind Melon page soon to arrive.

~[Doll Meat]~


This is one bad ass site at it out for multipile things to deal with Nirvana.

This site has some loose Links because he hasn't worked on it in like 2 years.This site belongs to a personal friend of mine in real life.This site is great for information and more..only if he would continue work on it.

This site has nothing to do with Nirvana but, it's my friends and it helps with scripts etc. give it it a look....God my site sucks.

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