ok well yea my other site broke so i have to make another one just cos i'm bored...but i guess there's gonna be lots of photos on here and stuff about skating and stuff so er yea fun huh...i know i know...by the way i suck at making web pages so it isn't the greatest and i don't come on here too often so it'll take ages to update...I HAVE FINALLY UPDATED IT...kinda anyway...i have some new photos...and um...well...that's it lol i'm sorry if ur expectations were higher of me

stuff about me

more stuff about me

my photo pages

some photos of me skating in comps and stuff

some trick tip stuff

just a few of my random thoughts moments

stuff that i think looks cool

my car :D (these pictures kinda suck though...)

ooooh...your awesome hair! :)

tattoooos!...and natalie lol

my ''special'' people

my bass...stuff...

sooo u think u know me huh? why not find out in my test thing!

some survey i did when i got bored!

EMAIL ME!!!!...if u want...:)

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