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this is my life

**UPDATED 7/29/07:**
(Most recent entries are at the bottom.)
Hi. My name is Erin. I am a 19-year-old New Yorker [as of 5/23/01]. Right now I am just another struggling actress, but I'm on my way up. You can now virtually follow my career. Every so often I will update this site with the next step I am taking in my career to become an up-and-coming, successful actress. You can follow me on this adventure and say you "knew me when." Let's begin:

WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd 2001
(1). Today I researched schools in California to transfer to for Junior year. Right now I'm going into my second year as a Musical Theatre major in Chicago, Illinois at Roosevelt University. I sent out about 20 different emails to 20 different schools asking questions about their programs, deadlines, etc.
(2). I also researched the "ettiquette" of agent/actor relationships, as well as, what to look for, what THEY are looking for, the different KINDS of agents (of which I found there were six), and the general rules and regulations of contracts.

THURSDAY, MAY 24th 2001
(1). I mailed out my $100 deposit to B.Burns, my headshots photographer. I should start picking out outfits for the shoot!
(2). I called Row, my hairdresser, for one last appointment before the shoot. I'm gonna highlight my hair and probably trim it.
(3). I bought another book to study from. This one is about commercials: agents, auditions, callbacks, compensation, etc. You know, I never used to think books on acting were helpful. I didn't think you could learn anything about acting from books, but you can. You can learn a lot!

FRIDAY, MAY 25th 2001
(1). I got my eyebrow ring (hoop) taken out and replaced with a (removable) barbell. That way whenever I need to take it out now for plays, auditions, or (hint hint) photo shoots, it won't be a problem anymore. Thus, I am not limiting myself to solely "punk rock rebel girl" roles and at the same time, I am not compromising my own lifestyle and interests because of my career. Good deal, huh?

MONDAY, MAY 28th 2001
(1). I picked out my "joke." It's always good as an actor to have one joke memorized and rehearsed because the "casting directors" will sometimes ask you to recite a joke for them at an audition, if they are interested in hiring you. I'm in the process of memorizing it as we speak. It's fairly easy. I know, it seems like a small thing, but it's something.

TUESDAY, MAY 29th 2001
(1). Okay, so here's the deal on my ongoing college search: not only do I have to find a school that has a theatre major (preferably film & musical, as well as, straight), but it also has to have a Sign Language Interpreting major that I can double in (because that will be my means of financial support until I can support myself through acting). With Sign, I can interpret for a beginning wage of $25 an hour as a student fresh out of college w/ a degree - that way I can afford an apartment, a car, care for my kitty, food, clothes, headshots, etc, without depending on anyone (especially: parents, a husband)! I want to be completely independent. (Life Hint: Never depend on ANYone financially. Always have a way to support yourself.) Anyhoo, Complication #1: There are only like TEN schools in all of America that teach Sign. Solution #1: I found ONE in California. One! California State University of Northridge. Complication #2: It's a community college, which most likely means... crappy theatre program. Solution #2: I found out that I could go somewhere like UCLA, which has an amazing theatre program and STILL go to Northridge for, like, night classes - thereby earning two degrees at once and living happily ever after. Complication #3: I looked up Northridge online when I got home from the bookstore and nowhere did I see a listing as Sign Language Interpreting as a major! Solution #3: I'm gonna call them tomorrow and find out the real deal.
(2). I bought a new book. This one was just about auditioning and stuff, but it was from the viewpoint of numerous [famous] casting directors, directors, producers, agents, etc. I should learn a lot from that.
(3). Thought Of The Day: "Headshots freak me out! Why? Because just knowing that you have to commit yourself to ONE look for TWO years [at least] freaks me out! If my hair is long, I think I look too childish and I get the urge to cut it off. If my hair is short, I feel ugly and wish I had the opportunity to grow it back. Headshots freak me out! So, duh - with my headshots coming up this Friday, I'm beginning to freak. I'm having doubts. Right now my hair is a bit above shoulder length and I'm thinkin', I look dumb - but now there's no time to grow my hair out and I'm thinking: Should I postpone my headshots? Or will I always be freaked by how I look in headshots? I think I always will be freaked out by headshots. Sigh."

WEDNESDAY, MAY 30th 2001
(1). I got my hair highlighted and trimmed up today to get ready for my photo shoot.
(2). I've chosen five colleges in California that I'd be interested in attending: USC, UCLA, California Institute of The Arts, California State: Fullerton, and University of San Diego. Now I just have to start the application process and scheduling for auditions. Blah, blah, blah. Also, I talked to Mom about visiting Cali in August to check out the colleges and talk to them in person. Mike (my brother) might be going too because he wants to go to USC. We're looking into plane tickets.
(3). Last year my favorite acting teacher got me an interview with his agency (a very good agency), but I had neither the headshots, nor the knowledge to proceed forth. They told me when I had decent headshots to get in touch with them. Today, I called my old teacher and told him about my upcoming photo shoot. He said it would be okay to call the agency and remind them of last summer. I've decided to wait though. When I have my finished photos in my hand, (or at least in the mail), I'm gonna give that agent a call and see if I can get myself another interview. This time I'm going to be prepared. And good news!: They are not only a New York agency, but they ALSO have an office in Cali!! So, if I get in with them, I don't have to transfer agencies when I move to Cali. Bonus!
(4). Thought: I know I NEED to practice and I WANT to, but I procrastinate so much because I'm afraid that when I finally DO sit down, practice, and put my heart into it, I'll discover that I don’t know what I'm doing. So my psyche says, 'Just procrastinate forever and you'll never have to know if you suck or not.' But that kind of thinking ends tonight! I'll never get in this business if I'm afraid of things and I'll never learn the right techniques if I don't practice.

THURSDAY, MAY 31st 2001
(1). Packed my outfits for the photo shoot and all that jazz.

FRIDAY, JUNE 1st 2001
(1). Got my headshots done !!!
(2). Got a handheld recorder. Helps to have one of these for script memorization, practicing interviews, and brainstorming out loud.

MONDAY, JUNE 4th 2001
(1). I ordered myself a "Cranberry Ice"-colored beeper (from SmartBeep). The beeper itself cost, like, $60, but the service fee is only, like, $35 a year with a $10 transfer fee if you change states during your year's service period. Yay! I'm going to have a beeper! I feel so L.A. already! (jk)

TUESDAY, JUNE 5th 2001
(1). I called Barry (photographer) today and he said the negatives are done. So, either tonight or tomorrow (whenever he gets a chance) he's going to print them up into proof sheets and mail them to me. So, I should have the proof sheets in my hand by either Friday or Saturday. Sooner than I thought!
(2). I also found a printer (on Lexington & 54th) to print up my headshots. I'm gonna get 250 commercial shots and 250 theatrical shots, which overall, is going to cost almost as much as the photographer! So, some time next week, I'm gonna take a day trip to Manhattan to get all this set up. Test prints, the whole shpeel!
(3). I bought a package of 14 (fancy) business thank you cards (and seals) to send a note to everyone who has been helping me along the way (so far: Barry/photographer, Bert/teacher, Robin/Makeup-Artist). It always helps to pave your back-road with friends - never burn a bridge because you never know who's gonna show up in your future! Besides, Bert really deserves a lot more than a card. I love him!

(1). I got my renewed theatre financial scholarship stuff in the mail today. They're givin' me $11,000 per semester this year. Yay!
(2). I worked with memorization today. I memorized two full pages of dialogue in about fifteen minutes. That's pretty decent, right?
(3). Narrowed down some monologues. I gotta start getting, at least, one ready because I have one due (to perform) the first week I get back to school. Then, I need three others (monologues) if I plan to audition for other schools (California).

FRIDAY, JUNE 8th 2001
(1). I got a letter from Columbia College today (if you didn't know about this, I was planning on staying in Roosevelt and attending Columbia at night for sign language, and even though I haven't been accepted yet, I don’t know if I am going to be able to go anyway, because my major - acting - has many night time commitments that would interfere with my sign classes) saying that I have 33 transferable credits, which... doesn't really matter considering I'm wouldn't actually be transferring.

SUNDAY, JUNE 10th 2001
(1). Picked out a monologue from ANTIGONE by Sophocles.
(2). Great book to read: Your Film Acting Career by M.K. Lewis!

MONDAY, JUNE 11th 2001
(1). I got my headshots today!!!

SUNDAY, JUNE 18th 2001
(1). I sat down with a magnifying glass and began the excruciating task of choosing JUST ONE picture for my theatrical shot. I've narrowed it down to about three (which, out of five rolls, is quite the accomplishment). I haven't even ATTEMPTED picking out a commercial shot yet. Sigh. I'll have my choices final by Tuesday night.
(3). I started reading ANTIGONE. Yay, me.

MONDAY, JUNE 19th 2001
(1). I got a letter in the mail today from Roosevelt saying that, as of this year, no theatre student is allowed to audition for shows and/or other theatre work outside of school! How ridiculous is that?! That was one of my favorite things about Roosevelt and I had so many plans for this year, what with my new headshots and such! I am so disappointed. It all seems rather pointless to waste $300 right now in printing if I can't USE the shots, so what do I do?? I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Suggestions?

TUESDAY, JUNE 20th 2001
(1). Thought Of The Day: "I was thinking; since I can't get audition outside of school this year and I can't really do any theatre work this summer (because of my schedule), maybe now would be the time to experiment with my hair. Nothing weird or anything (except maybe I'll streak it purple again just for fun around Thanksgiving), but other than that, I just mean, growing it out. Seeing how long I can grow it before it becomes unmanageable and stringy. That way, when I am ready for work, if I don't like the longer hair, I can cut it off, print the headshots up, and be good to go... but if I like the longer hair better, I can ALSO get NEW headshots with long hair (as well) with the money that I will have saved up from this summer and my part-time job in Chicago.
(2). Advice: "Wanna be an actor? Don't fall in love until your career is established."

(1). Joy of all joys!! I got my beeper in the mail today!! Yay! I have a beeper!! Somebody beep me!

SEPTEMBER 9th 2001
Well, this website went down for awhile after June because I started working steadily (at my summer job) and basically... nothing was happening. But, now I'm back at college and things are up and running again, so, I've decided to start this page back up again. Yay! In the meanwhile, let me update you, as to what has happened since June:
(1). I auditioned for the Roosevelt University Fall 2001 Show Season. The audition went beautifully!
(2). I got callbacks for the Musical Theatre Showcase, and the next day, found out I got in. Rehearsals have not yet started, however, I'll let you know early on: Opening Night is November 14th and we run through the 18th. For ticket information, call, (312) 341.3719
(3). I am currently ASMing (Assistant Stage Managing) RU's production of Romeo and Juliet. We have rehearsals everyday from 6-10pm until opening night, which is October 19th.

(1). We are now two weeks into rehearsals for our showcase, with only two weeks left till opening. Time flies!!
(2). Romeo and Juliet is one week done now, so I've actually had time to sleep on some nights. What will my next project be? Well, if I get my arse in gear, there's an audition for a "showcase" called THE NIGHT OF SCENES, coming up next week. I just need to set up a monologue. Also, my friend, who works for PerformInk, is preparing a script that he's very interested in producing and he's already asked me if I would do a part in it, which I happily told him I would. I'll keep you updated on how that progresses.
(3). I got my first cell phone this week!!! YAY!

Update: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4th 2001
I turned twenty today.

(1). I auditioned for THE NIGHT OF SCENES the other day. I prepared a monologue from the comedy THE EIGHT: REINDEER MONOLOGUES. That's one of my favorites. I wore antlers and everything. When I got there, I knew about 5 of the 8 directors sitting in, so I didn’t have to do my monologue cuz they already knew my work, so I just read for, like, 4 scenes. I got, at least, one really good laugh from them, so I was happy with how I did. They weren't doing callbacks this time; they were just posting. I didn't get in though. That's okay. I need time to catch up with school.

(1). So, our show [MUSICAL THEATRE SHOWCASE] opened last night. I'm proud to say that our run [of 5 performances] is completely SOLD OUT. Preview nights on Monday & Tuesday went very well. Opening night went good as well, but it was just a very weird feeling. We close on Sunday.
(2). So, I got called into the University Theatre Director's office today during class. At first I thought I was in trouble, but it turns out, he liked my work in the show last night and he got me an audition for CHICAGO SHAKESPEARE THEATRE!!! (Which, for those of you, who don't live in Chicago, or just flat-out don't know... Chicago Shakespeare Theatre is one of the biggest theatres in Chicago)! Doesn't that rock?! So, anyway, they wanted me to come in tomorrow at 10am, but I have a scene performance due, so I'm gonna go next Tuesday around 11am. I have to sing a 32 bar ballad. Hmm, which will I do? It's gotta be a really good one. The show is, Shakespeare's, The Tempest, & I'd be auditioning for the part of one of the Sprites! Oo, hey - I'd better READ The Tempest before going there. Good idea, Erin. Wish me luck!
(3). Also, un cosa mas, rehearsals for THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES, which go up this Valentine's Day, sorta begin this coming Monday [Nov 19th]. It's our first meeting, where we choose our material for the show. I didn’t have to audition cuz I did it last year. How cool is it when you don’t have to audition for a show & you just get in? That rocks.

(1). So, I went to the 1st Vagina Monologues "rehearsal." I picked out a monologue featuring a character that happened to be a 72-year-old woman. I was then told by the director that I didn't look the part - well, duh... I'm 20 & I look like I'm 15, but I assured her I would put on old-age makeup and dress appropriately. And then she said that I couldn't do it because I would need a heavy New York accent and I laughed and said, "Honey, do you KNOW where I'm from?" (Jokingly, of course). She didn't believe that I could do, so she made me show her a sample & then she was like, "Oh... that's a pretty good accent. Yeah, you can have the part." So, I took it and ran! Haha. Rehearsals begin December 1st 2001 and we open on February 14th. I believe it's only a 1 day run.
(2). I had a friend take my picture for a makeshift, crappy headshot, cuz I don't have any legit ones right now. Yes, I know I got my headshots done in June, but I grew my hair out, so I can't use them right now. So, I took the photos to a one-hour development place and then ran them over to Kinkos to get one blown up. It didn't look so good, but it would have to do for now. I have nothing else. (Note: Don’t ever do that.)
(3). I went to the Shakespeare audition on Tuesday morning. I got up at 7am, showered, set my hair, warmed up my voice, and met some of my acting friends downstairs in the lobby. Together, we got on a bus & headed over to CST - there were only 5 of us. When we got there, it was just awesome, because they let us in backstage and we got to sit in the cast cafeteria room while we waited. The whole place was so gorgeous. It was like a gigantic Manhattan penthouse apartment. Then, the director, who was really nice to us, came out and introduced himself, and, one by one, we went into the audition room and sang for him. Unfortunately, the accompanist had gotten in a car accident that morning, so we had to sing a capella. Wonderful, right? I know I went off-key at one point in the song, but I did the best I could at the time, without music, and there's nothing I can change now, right? I wanted to apologize and tell him I could’ve done better with music, but BIG RULE in auditioning... NEVER APOLOGIZE. So, I just kept my mouth shut, smiled brightly, and thanked him for allowing me to audition. He asked me I had had any dance training and I told him I had had a bit of ballet in the past and he said, "Thank you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. We'll be getting back to you within the week." And so ended my 1st professional audition. So, we'll see what happens. I'm not even sure what they're looking for at this point, but I guess we'll see come the end of this week. Wish me luck.

(1). Regarding the Chicago Shakespeare: I never got a callback, but I didn't expect to. Two of my friends got callbacks, but neither of them were cast. That's okay, though, cuz it was an awesome experience. I just really need authentic headshots. Those psuedo-headshots were crap!
(2.) Thought Of The Day: "Okay, see, I know I'm getting really good training here at school, but I also just feel like I'm wasting away. I want to get out into the real world and get an apartment and decent headshots and an agent and start really working! I talked to my friend Phil about it and he said that's basically how every actor-in-training feels, but that it's important to get this training while you're young. See, but I was watching the bio of Drew Barrymore on E(!) and she got everything she wanted done by the age of 14 and I'm thinking - what am I doing with my life? I should be OUT there working already! I'm just getting so impatient and I still have 2 1/2 years left here. I can't get an agent because I live in two different places and I'd need a stable location and I can't get headshots because I haven't decided on my final 'look' yet. I'm just ready to grow up and start my life. I want to be back in New York auditioning and stuff. I feel as if I'm being held back, but the important thing for me to remember is that I need this training NOW to begin ANYthing. I just don't wanna be 22 when I finally get out of here. I want a career NOW! I think I just need to figure out a way to satisfy BOTH needs. I need to figure out a way that I can study here, but somehow start my career outSIDE of school. Maybe find a way to get connections or networking or SOMEthing!"
(3). I'll be back in New York from December 19th to January 20th.

(1). Just thought I'd let you in on the joyous celebration that is finding a new monologue! Auditions are in T-Minus 12 days and I'm gettin' ready. Also, I just wanted you to know: I'm still alive and I'm headed back to Chicago in 10 days. Two more Sundays in New York to go.
(2). Gotta start getting ready for the V-Day Monologues too. I'm modeling my character after Sophia from Golden Girls. I've already got the glasses. I'm looking for an outfit. Anybody got a white old ladie's wig?

(1). Went to my first V-Day Monologue rehearsal. The entire cast just sat around the table and read our pieces. Then, we had a long "personal questions and/or encounters" discussion, which was awesome! It was such an amazing bonding experience for our cast because we were just so open with each other and we found out we have more in common than we first thought. We were told we might even be playing out in Shaumburg, as well as, on campus. It was a good first rehearsal... and now the REAL work begins!
(2). I had my season audition this past Tuesday (1/22). I sang 16 bars of "Happy To Keep His Dinner Warm" from HOW TO SUCCED and performed a monologue from THE MARRIAGE OF BETTE AND BOO by Christopher Durang. How'd it go? Well, it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. It wasn't something that I walked away from, confidently, but it was my own fault. I didn't work hard enough to get where I wanted to be. Now, I know what I need to do. I think I'm going to start looking into an outside monologue study class.
(3). The callback list went up this morning. I got called back, twice, for "Something For The Boys" by Cole Porter. I had one callback at 4:30pm, which was a general chorus dance audition, and then I had one at 6:15pm, which was a lead role callback.
(4). So, I go to the general audition with, like, at least, 40 other people - all dressed in jazz shoes and dance apparel. It was very "A Chorus Line." So, first the people who had previously worked with the show's choreographer, Ron, did their dance routine, while the rest of us watched on the sidelines. It was only about a two-minute routine, but let me be the first to tell you: I am NOT a dancer! Hah. So, then, my group went up (the people who HADN'T worked with Ron before), we "learned" the routine, and then performed it a few times. Then, we were sent off to the sidelines and the first group went back up to perform again. Meanwhile, I was frantically repeating the entire dance a million times over in the corner, so that I'd be near perfect when they called us out again. Finally, I got it down and I was so excited. Then, Ron goes, "Okay, thank you all very much." Just goes to show you... sometimes you never get a second chance. Do it right the first time. What does THIS tell me? I need to buff up my weaknesses to succeed (ie. dancing). Later, about 20 of us had lead callbacks. Some people were asked to sing. I was not because, Bruce, the musical director already knows me, and my range. After that, people were paired up in every combination to see who fit what. At first, Bruce only asked me to read for ONE part, ONE time... and it was like a two-pager, so I was upset. Of course, I didn't SHOW that I was upset. I just sat there smiling, preparing for my part by reading it over and over again, while at the same time, watching the other actors on stage to learn what I could from their experiences. The part that he wanted me to read for was not the part that I thought he would have picked for me. It was the part I had been practicing most since we sat down because I thought that would be my character if any - a sarcastic, independent, New Yorker - haha. As I sat, getting ready to read, I wished so hard that he would just give me a CHANCE to try for the role of the New Yorker - just to let me read. I wanted to ask him, "Bruce, can you just give me a chance to read this part once?" But, I didn't know if that was professional or not, so I just kept my mouth shut. By some miracle, he DID end up asking me to read for that role and I was soo happy - just to have a chance! So, I read for it and then he had me read for about 3 other scenes, as well. I was so grateful. It's a horrible feeling to be at a callback and only get asked to read for one small scene. Every actor gets doubts now and then, but it's part of the business. It's weird because, on those occasions, you start to question things, like, "Should I even be trying to be an actor? Am I any good at all? Everyone else is better than me. I can't do this." But, then you have to kick those thoughts in the arse and remind yourself that you CAN do this and the reason you've pursued it THIS far is because ACTING IS YOUR LIFE!!! It's those that let those thoughts get too deeply buried inside, that never make it. You just gotta keep pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and just continuously improve yourself. Not happy with something? Change it! Can't dance? Get lessons. Trouble with monologues? Take a class. Hard time with cold readings? Practice! And just remember, what YOU think was a bad audition, could have been the best audition of the day to the casting director watching - you never know. Smile and do your best. That's all you can ask for. And I got to read for 4 scenes.
(5). Cast lists were posted tonight at 10:30pm, so a bunch of my actor friends and I headed over to see what the results were. I got into the show! On the cast list print-up for "Something For The Boys," there was just a general list of people with a note underneath saying, "Congratulations on those that got in. Specific roles will be assigned within the week." So, that's all good - I got in and I was happy, but that wasn't even the BEST part! The BEST part was, as I was walking back to the elevators to go back to my dorm room, I ran into Bruce (the musical director) and he stopped, smiled at me, (keep in mind, this man doesn't compliment many people often) and said, "You read very well." I was in shock. I thought I had been the most awkward reader there! I stuttered out, "T-thank you." And he said, "No, I really mean it. You read very well." I couldn't say anything - I just hugged him. From there, I floated into the elevator and all the way back to my room on clouds. That he said that to me meant more than I could ever tell you. It just meant a lot. I really respect Bruce so much and to hear that from him, just made my night. See, and I thought my readings sucked - you never know how other people will see you! Now we just have to wait and see who gets cast as what and if I get a lead or not! Wish me luck!

(1). So, my friend, Tony, came in my room at around 5pm today and said, "Wanna be in a film?" So, I said sure, and by 5:30pm we were on set. Apparently, Tony has some Chicago connections. It was cool. It was me, Tony, and about 4 other girls from school that went. We all had to dance in "club" apparel. It was "Extra" work for a new series that they're trying to get Showtime to pick up, called, BOUNTY HUNTERS. We waited around in the Extra's lobby for a couple of hours, until they called us on set. Finally, we got up to the club, where we were all set up around the room. Some people were bartenders, some waiters, some bystanders sitting at the bar, some dancers, etc. I was placed as a “dancer” with my friend, Jessica, and this 30-year-old guy, for the first scene. So, we had to club dance WITHOUT music, which was SO weird! For the second scene, I was dancing with my friend, Tony, - once again, WITHOUT music. We were probably on set for maybe an hour and a half before they called it a day. It was fun. You know, if you had told me this morning that I would have been on a film set tonight, I would have said you were nuts. The preview for the short, which will only last 8 minutes (unless it is picked up for a pilot), will be showing at the Chicago Community Cinema at Excalibur (632 N Dearborne) on February 5th 2002, at 6pm, & then, the actual 8 min film will be shown, same place, on March 5th 2002, same time.

(1). Finally, just a few days ago, the cast list for SOMETHING FOR THE BOYS went up. I got a part! I'm playing the part of Melanie Walker (one of the three female leads). Melanie is a spoiled, rich New York City girl, who is engaged to this army guy, Rocky, who has become interested in this other girl, Blossom, in my absence. Long story short, Blossom tries to get rid of me the whole show and, in the end, basically succeeds. It's a really funny show. I'm very excited!
(2). Our production of THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES opened (and closed) tonight - one night only, Valentine's Day, performance. We were completely sold out. I think it went well. For some reason, I think I was the most nervous I've ever been before a performance, with this show, but it's such an awesome thing to overcome your fears and just go on. Being in front of an audience is the best feeling ever - they are so unpredictable, but when you have them in your hands - nothing feels better. I'm happy this show is over though. That's a BIG weight off my shoulders!

(1). Well, after two months of daily rehearsals, we opened our show, "Something For The Boys" last night. We've been in previews for the last week, so opening wasn't SO stressful - (we were already used to an audience by then). My family is here from New York to see the show, tonight, actually - so that should be good times. Unfortunately and fortunately, we are closing tomorrow after a matinee. We will be sad to see our show close, but we will be happy to actually get some SLEEP. In parting, we bid a fond farewell to our director (Tony Stevens) and our choreographer (Mitzi Hamilton), as they are both returning to NYC for their next projects. I will also be returning to New York in 11 days! Goodbye Chicago! See you in 3 months!

TUESDAY, MAY 14th 2001
(1). Hey!!! Guess what?! As of May 21st 2002, I will be attending my first Second City class!!! If you know nothing about Second City or how exciting that is, let me tell you this: it is the school, in which, everyone who is now (or has been) on SNL in the past, has studied at. It is a comedy/improv school and, basically, a training ground for SNL! I am soooo excited! This is a big step!

Well, folks, it's been a while, but summer's over and I'm back in Chicago. Here's a list of things that's happened since last we spoke:
(1). Second City Level A was completed and graduated successfully in New York City.
(2). Back in Chicago, I switched majors! Yes, that's right! I'm no longer a Musical Theatre major! I've changed to Theatre Performance. I know I am to be shunned by my small former clan of Musical people, but I just feel that for the remainder of my time here, I'll be getting more of the training I am looking for out of the Theatre Performance classes. I'll still be continuing with my singing lessons though, of course. Also, I am a Junior!!
(3). Auditioned for RU's upcoming Fall season of shows. I chose to sing for my audition still, for political reasons, AND because I really admire the director of the musical.
(4). Got called back and cast in the Musical Theatre Showcase. Rehearsals begin 2nd week in October.
(5). Signed up for Second City Level B in Chicago's original Second City conservatory over by Sedgewick. Classes begin October 19th and run 8 weeks.

So, okay, it's been awhile and I've been scolded for not updating this site. Here is the update:
(1). I finished my Level B class at Second City
(2). I got two really good parts in the Musical Theatre showcase. I got to play the comic relief for the entire show. Really awesome opportunity!
(3). I auditioned for the 2nd semester of shows here at RU and got called back for 3 shows - The Naughty Little Cabaret, The Three Penny Opera, and Pilgrims of The Night. I'm not going to really go into all the politics and opinions I had with these callbacks, but I'll say, I did get into The Three Penny Opera. We are in our 4th week of rehearsals and we have four more weeks to go. We open on the 25th of April. Enough said.
(4). Okay, so here's something that sucks: my 'mentor' came up to me a few days ago and said he had gotten me an audition for STEPHEN SONDHEIM'S NEW MUSICAL "GOLD" and to wait for a call!!! So, that's like REALLY big news! Anyhoo, so I wait three days... long story short... the casting woman lost my number! Needless to say, auditions are over and I'm outta luck. Sigh, my friends were more upset than I was though I think, because, although it WAS an AMAZING opportunity (to say the least), I didn't have a recent headshot (cuz I'm waiting till after my Senior year), I didn't have a resume (because my laptop broke down), and I didn't have a Sondheim song memorized (which was the smallest problem, cuz if I had had to, I could have just memorized one in like half an hour). Oh well. It's okay. Whatever is supposed to happen, will.
(5). I'll be in New York again for the summer in a month and a half.

Here is a brief update at what I am (and have been) up to.
(1). I am a Senior in college now. Twenty-two years old, with only one semester left to go before I ship out to NYC to stay.
(2). I am currently in a production of A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre (on Navy Pier). We opened on December 29th 2003 and run through February 15th 2004. For tix, visit "" or call (312) 595.5600. It is my 1st professional show!
(3). Beginning April 23rd 2004 and ending, two days later, on the 25th, I will be in the last show of my college career at the O'Malley Theatre, Roosevelt University. The show is PAL JOEY. For tix, call (312) 341.3831.

SUNDAY, APRIL 11th 2004
(1). I am officially graduating college in T-minus 33 days (15 hours and 50 minutes)! Yikes!
(2). PAL JOEY opens in less than two weeks! I play Melba Snyder. For those of you who don’t know the play: I walk on for a cameo in the second act; do a 7-min scene, a 7-min strip-tease dance, and exit. It’s actually a pretty challenging role. It’ll be a huge weight off my shoulders when this show closes, but I’m having fun.
(3). I also got “cast” in a scene that one of my friends is directing. It’s from BLUE ROOM. We perform only once on May 6th at 3pm at RU. Room 782/83.
(4). I have a big showcase coming up on May 17th. I am doing a 2-minute monologue for a full house of Chicago agents! Which reminds me, I’ve got to get speed-headshots soon.
(5). Here’s a really good “How To” book on living and working as an actor (in New York and L.A.): How To Be A Working Actor by Mari Lyn Henry and Lynne Rogers. It’s very thorough. It’s like a step-by-step book. It tells you everything. Enjoy.

FRIDAY, APRIL 30th 2004
(1). Graduation: 14 days, 11 hours, 41 minutes!
(2). PAL JOEY is over. It was very successful. My strip number turned into a comedic strip number and was better than I could ever have hoped for. I'm glad it's over though. We were all under a lot of stress.
(3). I got my headshots done on the 27th and they came out great. Believe it or not, they are already printed up and ready to go. I handed in 100 copies today to Jane [Alderman], who is directing our Showcase. Now I've got to get 100 more printed up for New York. Things are beginning.

THURSDAY, MAY 20th 2004
(1). I am now a COLLEGE GRADUATE! As of Saturday, May 15th, I have graduated Roosevelt University [of Chicago, Illinois] with a BFA in Theatre Performance!
(2). We performed our Showcase on Monday, May 17th to a house of approx. 50-60 agents and casting directors. It went well, I think. We'll see what - if anything - comes of it.
(3). I got a message last Thursday on my cell phone saying, "Hi, this is ---- from CBS Casting in New York and if you could just give us a call back, we'd love to set you up with an audition for next week." Now, I had no idea what this was for, but I called back and, apparently, the director of our Showcase (who also happens to be a casting director) sent in my headshot and résumé to CBS Casting and they were doing their Chicago auditions for new female leads in New York & L.A.-based Soap Operas (like "All My Children & As The World Turns). So, on Tuesday, May 18th, I went in and did a reading for the Soap Opera casting director and Jane Alderman at 10:45 am. I got a callback and came back to read my second time at 4:30 pm. The callback didn't go as well as I would have liked, but you never can know what anything will bring.
(4). I will be back in New York on Tuesday.

(1). So, would you like to know what I've been up to since graduation? I'm back in New York and doing a show now. This past month, I've been rehearsing at Arbington Theatre [in the city] for a musical called YOU'RE IT. It's a well-paying gig, non-union. I am playing the "leading lady." On Monday, our cast & our sister cast [of LUIGI BOARD] is moving to Seaside Heights, New Jersey, where we will be playing for two months. We will all [12 of us] be living in a six bedroom apartment, one block from the beach - free room, board, & beach pass. Awesome! For tix, call (866).811.4111 or go to "". I'll be home again, hopefully very tan, on September 7th. Wish me luck!
(2). I've also created a website, documenting what my graduating class has been up to since mid-May. You can check that out at: "". It will be updated every six months (if everything goes as planned).

FRIDAY, JULY 23rd 2004
(1). So, here's the 411: Our show in Seaside closed. There were insurance problems, as well as, marketing issues. Long story short, we closed about two days after we opened (and after a week of previews). Since then, I've been residing out in Seaside because we still have the beach house all summer long (for free) and I've been getting a great tan. Well, today I came home because the author and the producer of our show have gone around showing the video tapes of our show to some people in NYC and now we have an audition for a venue on Thursday. This means: we are performing our show in Manhattan to an audience of investors (papered with family members) and if they like our show, someone will pick it up. If someone picks it up, we will be regularly performing our show in NYC (in the theare district)!! The theatre is right across from the Winter Garden Theatre (where "Cats" plays) and it is where "Forbidden Broadway" played for a number of years. I won't say anything more until after our audition. Wish us luck! Prayers needed! :)
(2). Also, I thought this would be of interest to you. Two days ago, I got a call from O'Conner's Casting [agency] in Chicago, asking if I could come in for an interview the next morning at 10am... in Chicago! I told them I had moved to New York and asked if they had any sister agencies in NYC, but they said they didn't. Can you believe, two months after the Showcase they call? Well, that goes to show: you never can tell what audition will get you where at any point down the line. It is cool that they called though.

(1). Last night I went to an invite-only Drama Desk party in NYC. [The Drama Desk Awards are like the Tony's, but instead of covering only Broadway shows, they cover Broadway, as well as, off & off-off Broadway shows.] The producer of my last show, Bob Blume, is the executive president of the D.D.A., so he invited us all. It was pretty cool & a lot of people came up and talked to me. The head of "" took my picture (and took down my name) & I met someone from a Broadway show (lol, he was intimidated because someone had told him I was famous - oops).
(2). Just so you know, the audition for the venue fell through & ended up never happening. It's all cool though. Everything happens for a reason. What's next?

(1). Tuesday, I had an audition for Universal Studios, Osaka, Japan! They were auditioning for Marilyn Monroe impersonators & also, people to be in some musical. So, I was there at 9am, in full M.M. garb! There were 110 people there. I went in with 16 bars & then they asked to hear another 16, so I did that too. I got called back. At 2pm, they saw me again - now, there were only FIVE of us! We had to do improvs - 2 of us at a time - twice. From that, two of us were eliminated & I was one of the THREE left standing! Yay! Now, this was a nationwide audition, so they had already done Orlando & they still had Chicago left to do. Anyhoo, they took my measurements, I had to fill out a questionnaire, I had to do a 20-minute interview, & they recorded me singing on video. They said they'd call me in the first week of December to tell me if I got the job. Meanwhile, I've got to send them proof that I've got a passport, which I don't, so I have to do that soon, but it's frickin', like, $145 (with rush). If I do get this job, it's a 13-month contract & I'd be living in Japan! You get free visa, plane tix, housing, food compensation money, a paycheck each week, medical benefits, and a parting bonus! Pretty cool opportunity! We'll see!
(2). Also, I started a regular job. I now work at the Music Department of Barnes & Noble. It's money & it's flexible. They give me days off to audition, so that's definitely cool.

I turned 23 today.

(1). Yesterday morning, I auditioned for the National Tour of RENT. There were almost 200 people there, I believe, and it was only the girl's audition day! The first thing they did after we all signed in was to 'type' us. We all went in a seperate room and stood in several rows of ten as they looked us over. Then, they eliminated half of us by "look" alone; who had the "RENT-look" they were looking for. So, I made that cut. Three hours later, I got to go back in and sing 16-bars of TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME. I think it went well, but, by the time I got in there, I'd been waiting so long, I think I was just over-anxious to sing - and I felt good about it - but I totally blew out my voice. I'm okay now. Anyway, one of the auditioners bobbed his head & snapped his fingers while I sang, like he was gettin' into it, which really encouraged me - so I think that's a positive. Anyway, they gave me all of "Maureen's" music - TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME, OVER THE MOON, and ROGER'S MOM - & told me to learn it. They said they'd be calling me, so... I guess that's considered a callback. They didn't say when - so, that's kinda weird - but whatever. Now, at least, they have my headshot, they've heard me sing, and they seem interested. All I have to do it wait for the call.
(2). Japan should be calling in less than 10 days!!! What will I say if I get in??

(1). I got an interview with an agency through a friend of my aunt's! January 4th at 11am, I have an interview with my first agent since graduation.  
(2). My Christmas present from my Mom and Dad this year is new headshots!!! So, I scheduled a shoot with Cain-Weidner Studios for the 24th of January! I am soo excited!
(3). Japan still hasn't called. I am giving them till Tuesday and then I will call them.

(1). I wrote Universal Studios, Japan and asked them what was going on with the casting process and they wrote me back saying, "We are finalizing our casting contract offer this week, and we should be able to get back to you in about a week or so." So, there is still a chance, but I still don't know if I'd go or not.
(2). A few weeks ago, when I went to Actorfest, I had spoken with a whole bunch of people. Well, today I got a call from Exxcel Modelling Agency, asking me if I'd like to come in for an interview some time next week. I said yes.

(1). Japan called me last night. They are offering me the role of Marilyn Monroe for a nine month contract in Osaka, Japan. They are also offering me another role of Pheona (from Shrek - when she is the princess, not the green thing). So, I'd be M.M. for 3 days a week, and Pheona for two. I'd have my own (paid-for) apartment and $43US/day for food, plus a good deal of money per month for salary. I'd leave in March and return on Christmas Day, a year from now. Wow. So, I have a few days to decide whether or not I'm going to go.

(1). I called and accepted the position in Japan. I am now just awaiting my contract in the mail. I leave in, like, three months!
(2). The Exxcel Model (& Talent) interview went well, I guess. They were interested in me & they are freelance (so, I wouldnt have to sign exclusively to them), but I'd, apparently, also need a modelling comp card (ie. the model's equivelent of headshots) & that'd be another $600. Yes, I definately want to invest in that. No, I certainly can't right now. Yes, I surely will after Japan. In the meantime, I told them I'd give them some of my acting headshots after I get them printed up, cuz apparently they do acting stuff too. Oh, and they said I can't do runway because I am 3 inches too short! Three!! Dah!!
(3). I went to the About Face (Acting) Carson-Kolker Agency this morning. My interview was about 7 minutes long. I gave her my headshot, I filled out a form, I read a commercial copy for her & she basically explained that she works freelance and she would "call me." I'm not sure what that means. Her husband works exclusively, but I didn't see him because I told her about Japan &, once again, - can't sign anything if I'm going to Japan. So, maybe she'll call me for work(?), but she was very quick and vague, but she gave me her card. I can't be sure what to make of it. It was all almost a blur. Two hours on a train for a 7-minute interview - that's showbiz for ya. But I guess you never know what can come of anything down the line. Connections, Connections, Connections!

(1). I signed my "Japan" contract and mailed it out.
(2). I went for my pre-shoot consultation this afternoon. I like this woman. She was very professional and I really think she knows what she's doing. I'm very excited and a little nervous. Monday is the shoot. Finally. Woo Hoo!

(1). I GOT MY HEADSHOTS DONE TODAY!! They are digital, so I saw them already and they are fantastic! I highly, highly recommend this woman. Her name is Christine and she owns Cain-Weidner Studio. I'll add her link on the bottom with all the rest, so check her out! Not only did I get headshots, but we also made up a model composite!!! We did an underwear shoot and everything! Thank God! So much for getting it done seperately for a further $500!! I finally got it done! Next step is to choose pictures to print up. How exciting! I can finally WORK! Now if only I didn't have to wait nine months...

(1). Just so you know, I've been living in Japan now for over two weeks. My Marilyn show has opened and I do 5 shows a day. My Fiona show is still in rehearsal and we don't open till April 16th.

SATURDAY, JUNE 13th 2005
(1). I've been living in Japan for three months and I love it! My HAPPY HARMONY CELEBRATION show (the one I am Fiona in) opened in mid-April and it is so much fun! Later on, it's definately going to be on my list of favorite shows I've ever done - maybe second only to A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC.
(2). I have a new show opening on July 14th. It's called the ROYAL SWEET WEDDING and I will again be Fiona, but this is going to be a really cool show. It's going to be really big & elaborate!
(3). I did my first commericial as an adult actor. It was an advertisement for the new show. How crazy that my first commericial is only gonna be played on Japanese TV! But I had so much fun filming it! We filmed from like 9am-4:30pm and I was the main character in it! I think it airs at the end of this month and they are going to give me a copy of it. Also, I did the poster for this show. So, it's just a big picture of Shrek & I and they told me it's going to be posted at most Japanese train stations! I haven't seen the finished poster yet, but I've seen shots from the photo shoot and, from the ones I saw, it came out cute.
(4). In late August, they will be holding internal auditions for new contracts. I think I will be auditioning for the MONSTER SHOW over here - just for the heck of it!
(5). Oh, and I've gotten really good at chopsticks too! Haha, Later!

SATURDAY, JULY 16th 2005
(1). My new show, ROYAL SWEET WEDDING, opened 3 days ago. I've gotten to do some really cool publicity work for it too. Three days ago, I was in several newspapers out here with "Shrek" and Morichan (a special guest, soap opera star). Two days ago, some of the other members of the cast and I got to do a special appearance on a news show at 7am. They [the news guys] came to USJ and we did a cute little clip for them - it was live too! It came out really well. And then, yesterday morning, only "Shrek" & I went to ABC Television Studios and made a special guest appearance on a morning TV talk show. We were live on air for probably about 4 minutes. It was awesome. They are gonna send me tape. I'm so excited - I haven't gotten to see it yet.
(2). My internal audition for next season's shows is August 2nd at 5pm. I'm going to sing for them. Let's hope it goes well. We'll see. Fingers crossed, right? (Time goes so quickly here).

(1). Today was my Internal Audition for USJ. I feel good about it. I went in, all dressed up in a sexy "Mimi"-type outfit, and sang OUT TONIGHT for them. Then, they gave me the sheet music to I WILL SURVIVE and I came back and sang that for them too. I told them I was specifically auditioning for the part of Bride. After I finished singing, there was a dance audition, and I actually feel that I did well on that. They video taped the whole thing. Well, now that that's over and done, my fate is in their hands. We won't actually find out anything about casting until late November because they are just about to begin their National Casting Call in America (& Australia) in September, (through to October). So, we have a while to wait. We'll see what happens. I'm just glad that I'm happy with how my audition went. Yatta!

(1). I've been in Japan for 5 1/2 months now. My HAPPY HARMONY show ended last week and my ROYAL SWEET WEDDING show just ended today. So, for two months, I'll just be doing my MARILYN show and then in November, we'll be coming back with HAPPY HARMONY CHRISTMAS!!! Yay!!
(2). Still waiting for word on the contract situation.

(1). In one week, it'll be my 7-month 'anniversary' of living here. Seven months! We're just here, trying to get through the Halloween season so we can get to Christmas. Our Christmas season begins November 3rd, which I'm looking forward to. It's still pretty warm here too.
(2). On September 22nd, we shot the Christmas Season commericial. It was a long shoot - from 8:30pm to 4:30am the next morning. I guess it should air sometime this month. I can't wait to see how it came out.
(3). I only have 12 more weeks here. Yikes! No word on contracts yet. Next month.

(1). Today I turned 24 years old!

(1). So, HAPPY HARMONY CHRISTMAS opened a few days ago on the 6th and it's going fine. I'm really happy to be doing that show again (but now with a Christmas twist).
(2). That commercial we did last month that I told you about was actually for a real show they were putting up. They didn't tell us till later, but I'm one of the people in it. It's called WONDER CHRISTMAS CAROL and we opened on the 3rd. It's been a huge success. 10,000 people PER NIGHT come to see it! Ten thousand! I don't think I've ever seen that many people in one place at the same time before, nevermind performed for them. It's great!
(3). In four days, it'll be my Eight Month Anniversary of living here. I've got 6 1/2 weeks left here. Wow, that just sounded really scary. Still no new information about contracts, but now we are hearing that we won't know till like the second week in December. So, watashi-tachi-wa mada matte-imasu...

(1). Yes! I've got a Contract Meeting! Monday, December 5th at 1:30pm, I will be meeting with the Talent Resources group of USJ to see what their decision is. They can either say, "Yes, we want to keep you and are offering you such-&-such-a-role..." OR they can say, "We're sorry. We loved having you, but there are no roles available that we feel you would qualify for this upcoming season..." But, one way or another, I will, at least, know what my near future options are on December 5th! And, if they do ask me to come back, then my second task is to figure out exactly what I want to do next...
(2). Amazingly enough, I'll be back in New York in 33 days. I'm half sad/half happy. Well... maybe a little more sad...

(1). No, I did not get a contract. I got the, “We, at the moment, do not have an available position for you, but we’ve loved working with you and we appreciate all your hard work this year. If anything comes up in the future we’ll be sure to call you,” talk. New York, New York, here I come!

(1). I am back in New York. I went into the city today and met with my photographer. I got a lot accomplished. I got my theatrical headshot to the printers and that's being worked on as we speak. Plus, I also picked out a Soap shot and a TV/Film shot. I gotta go back in next week to take those to the printer as well. And then all I have left (except for Sitcom - which can wait) is my model composite. Boy, is THAT going to be a job! So, by the end of next month I should have all my headshots in order for the first time in my life. Next step, applying to every agency in NYC. Haha. I figure, I'll print 200 Theatrical, 200 TV/Film, 50 Soap, & maybe 100 Modelling. Yay!
(2). I also ordered a year's supply of BACKSTAGE to be delivered right to my home! My first issue should be coming the beginning of next month.

(1). It's done! My headshots are finished and being printed! 200 legit, 100 commercial, 50 soap and tv shots. I went into the city this afternoon to approve all the prints and by next Tuesday, I will have them all completed and in my hands! I will be M.I.A. for the next two weeks and then in March I'll be back to start things up again and get my modelling composite in order. I'm almost there.

(1). This week I sent in my pictures to a modelling agency for a particular job and today they sent me an email saying, "Thanks for your interest in this project. We must select our models this week, so it is important that we see you as soon as possible. We really like your pix and would like to consider you for this job. Please come in for a go see this week." If I got the job, it would be $75/hr for 4 hours in March. I was going into the city tomorrow anyway for some other stuff, so I made an appointment to meet them tomorrow at 11:30am. They have two offices: one in Manhattan, one in Brooklyn. Tomorrow's go-see is in Brooklyn.
(2). Also, tomorrow, one of the things I'm going to do in the city, is pick up my headshots!! Finally!! I am very excited to have them in my hand! March is the beginning of everything that happens next.

(1). So I have 500 headshots in my closet. I have 100 headshots, stapled to 100 resumes in 100 addressed envelopes, waiting for a cover letter, to be sent out. What a big job! Hopefully I'll be mailing it all out tomorrow. Results to follow. We all hope.

(1). I am over that hump. Yesterday afternoon I mailed out 77 coverletter/resume/headshots to different agents in pretty little envelopes. For the next week, it is a waiting game, and after that, I have to start calling... somehow. I can't even tell you what a big project that was. I've been working towards yesterday since January. I am hoping to hear from a lot of people. I really put a lot of work into my 'packages.' This has been the slow part. Now, hopefully, we'll be like a snowball rolling down a hill; getting bigger and faster as we go.
(2). I'm also trying to schedule a day with my photographer when I can go in, sit down with her, and pick out modelling shots for my composite. That's the next thing I've got to get printed up. They said she's really booked up this month, but I'm sure she can squeeze in a half hour somewhere. I'm just waiting for their call back.

(1). I've already heard from two agencies and they've only had my materical for one full day! I won't write the name of the agencies, but I'll write their initials. I got a call from P.A. and they want me to come in for an "interview" on Thursday at 3pm. I also got a call from H.M. and they are sending me a non-exclusive contract for work only on Long Island. (They are the only L.I. agency I applied to because they were highly recommended to me).
(2). I also got a call from the casting director of a movie I sent my headshots to. I'll only write the initials of the movie, but they asked me to come in this Sunday and do a cold reading for "A.S.U." I couldn't do it Sunday (plus the audition was being held 30 mins north of NYC). So, he said that he was 75% sure that they would be holding auditions in Manhattan and he said he had a bunch of actors waiting for that. He said, "Would you like me to put you in that pile?" So, I said yes and he said he'd call me when he had all the information.
(3). I decided that I need to start taking voice lessons again. So, I took my issue of Backstage and called every singing teacher listed in there. I asked how much, how long, and where. I think I've narrowed it down to about two people. Lessons are expensive though! But they are necessary.

SUNDAY, MARCH 12th 2006
(1). Well, I got the contract from H.M. in the mail. I filled it out, signed it, and I hope to mail it out sometime tomorrow. So, now I have one agent, but she is only exclusive to Long Island. That means she can get me work on Long Island and in Manhattan, but she, legally, can be the only Long Island agent that I have. I am free to get any other representation in Manhattan.
(2.) I went to see the agent at P.A. agency. He said he was interested in me, but he wanted to see what I could do. So, sometime within the next two weeks I have to go back in and do 2 monologues and 2 songs for him, in his office. As I was walking from his office back to the train station, I got a call from him. He said, "I just got a fax from Breakdown Services for a part in a soap opera that looks like it would be perfect for you. Would you like to go to that audition sometime next week?" Of course I jumped at the chance. So, he said he'd call me sometime this week about it.

(1). I got my first SAG voucher yesterday! I was doing background work for a Warner Bros. pilot (which I got paid for!) and I got my first SAG voucher! All I need is two more and I can join SAG! Also, if the pilot gets picked up, I'll be on TV! Yay! I hope so!
(2). I mailed out my contract to H.M. agency. I think good things will come from that.

(1). Today was such a big day! First of all, I got my modelling comp card done! Finally! I picked out 6 photos and I'm really happy with my selections. It was expensive, but it's also the last time (of this photo shoot) that I have to go back in to pick out pictures for anything. I'm done. The card should be ready in two weeks. Then, I can start mailing out to modelling agencies too.
(2). Also, today was my meeting with P.A. agency. I had to do 2 songs and 2 monologues for the agent. After I finished, we sat down to talk. He offered me a one year contract, completely exclusive, for film, television, and theatre. I'd be free to find another agent for commercials and modelling. I told him I need a week to think about it and then I'd call him. It's a very big decision. A year is a long time. I'm so confused! I need to think.

MONDAY, MARCH 27th 2006
(1). I went in and dropped my headshot off at the 2 big agencies I hope to hear from most: A.A. & C.E.S.D. We'll see if they give me a call.
(2). I went to the School for Film & Television today to take a look. I'm going to wait until April 8th's Open House there to make a decision as to whether or not I'm going to sign up. However, if I do sign up, I'll be taking their I.T.S. (Individualized Training Solutions) program, which is 4 classes in 2 semesters. Each class goes for 8 weeks for 3 hours each session. So far, it looks promising, but I can't really tell until I take the sample classes.
(3). I went in for my first audition acquired through an agent. H.M. got me a print go-see. So, I went and they took a few shots to show their client. I guess I'll hear soon from H.M. whether or not I got the job.
(4). Also, on April 8th, I'm going to be at Giant's Stadium being a Red Bull Girl! Haha! From what I hear, it's the opening soccer tournament and I'll be there from 3-11pm promoting Red Bull. And it's good money. Sounds fun. I hope we get flirty little outfits! Woo hoo!!

FRIDAY, MARCH 31st 2006
(1). Well, I called P.A. and it did not go well. I've gotten a lot of advise from a lot of people over this past week and everyone is telling me not to sign. Everyone was telling me to freelance for now because if I sign something, I'm with only him for an entire year and he wasn't even a big agency. Maybe he could get me work, but where is my guarantee? Plus, I'm really excited about A.A. & C.E.S.D. I don't know. So, I wanted to ask him what he thought. Well, no sooner did the word "freelance" slip from my mouth (and in a question, mind you - ie. "What would you think about going freelance with me?") did he go crazy. I mean, not crazy really, but he got angry. He basically, for all intents & purposes, started yelling at me, "We don't do freelance here! Freelance is ridiculous and useless! You need to figure out what you want to do here!" On & on it went. I was shocked. I expected a civilized conversation! So, I politely told him, "Okay, I need to think a bit more about this and I will call you back." How can I work with him now? I feel like it's a crapshoot - he could either be really good for me or really bad for me, and I have no way of knowing, except to sign. But everyone says, "Don't! Better opportunities will come! He's not the only one that will want you!" So, I think I won't sign. I will grit my teeth and wait for better things. In the meantime, I guess I'll call his assistant and say, "Thank you so very much for the offer, but I just don't feel that I'm ready to sign with anyone yet." (Or something along those lines.) I certainly won't speak directly to him [the agent]! He's scary. I hope I'm not making a mistake.
(2). I finally got an email from this guy I met while doing the Warner Bros. pilot. He was a client at A.A. & said he could help me get in (at least for an interview). So, for starters, he told me to mail off a headshot to a specific agent [his] at the company and tell her that "David" referred me. Hopefully this will get me in. If not, I am going to keep harassing them with pictures until they finally agree to see me.
(3). I ordered 200 postcards from Reproductions. I'm gonna try something new. I bet I'd get a lot more calls by sending out postcards instead of sealed envelopes.
(4). I got a real job for the time being. I will be working nights at a local restaurant and hopefully working days as an actress. I said I'd never waitress again, but it's such quick money - although, you do work hard for it. Job starts April 3rd.

MONDAY, APRIL 3rd 2006
(1). I got my first paycheck for film work in the mail today. It was the paycheck from the Warner Bros. Pilot. Yay. I photocopied it. Mom says I should frame it.
(2). I got a call from H.M. today for a Wednesday audition. It's an on-camera audition, but I'm not sure what for. She said it might be an internet commercial or something, but I guess we'll see.

(1). In a surprising turn of events, P.A. agency called me back. The agent kindly said, "Hey Erin, I've submitted you for some stuff this week..." So, the first thing he submitted me for is a feature film (aka. a movie-theatre movie). It's a lead role and it's a bit overly sexy, but I'm gonna go anyway, #1: for practice #2: just to see what happens. That'll be Friday.

(1). I went to the on-camera audition this afternoon. It took all of 5 minutes, so it was a good thing it was near my house. I think it went well. We did four takes. The first two were kinda rocky, but the last two were pretty good, I think. So, we'll see.

MONDAY, APRIL 10th 2006
(1). Friday - I had my feature film audition. I think it went well. I had to read two scenes on camera and I feel good about it.
(2). Saturday - I couldn't make it to the SFFT Open House because my Red Bull thing got moved up to an earlier time. We had so much fun though! There were 30 of us girls (amazingly we all got along very well)! We all got little white capri shorts, skimpy adidas crossback sport shirts with a red zip-up Spring overcoat (I use the word "coat" very loosely) and new, white adidas sneakers. (Afterwards, they let us keep the entire outfits for ourselves!) The first hour sucked because they made us go out in the 39 degree, rainy weather (in tiny outfits) and put bracelets on VIP people, but the second half rocked! We got to go in the VIP party and dance and drink Red Bull. It was still freezing, but it helps when you are dancing. We were up on tables and stuff, just dancing and pulling boys up to dance with us, and taking pictures with people. It was great! We got cut at 8pm, but it still turned out to be a cool thing cuz we (15 of us) got to ride the bus back into NYC with the radio blaring as we danced for all the cars passing by. I hope I get to be a Red Bull Girl again!
(3). Sunday - I went to another film audition, but this one I think was for an independent. I got this one from Backstage. It didn't go so well. It seemed like a very amature production and I was immediately wary of the "community theatre-esk" settings/audition style. Six of us went in at once and sat in a circle. We had to do scenes together on camera and my partner kept stepping on my lines and dropping his and running in and out of the camera. When one of the girls was asked, "Why do you think you are perfect for this part?" She replied (on camera!), "I think I am perfect for this part cuz... I like acting." Oh my. The audition went on for an hour and I kept wondering, "This IS a film,... right??"
(4). Monday - I had an audition today, but I just couldn't go. I was so absolutely exhausted from this weekend. I just couldn't drag myself up and on to that train. I didn't get any sleep this weekend. I did, however sign up for my classes at SFFT this morning. First class begins Wednesday.
(5). Oh, and... I quit my job. Yes, after only 2 days I quit. It just wasn't for me. Guess the job search is back on.

MONDAY, APRIL 17th 2006
(1). I got back my model comp and new film headshot. They came out great. I'll be calling the printer tomorrow to order some.
(2). So, I got a new idea: if I sent one headshot a day [to those two agencies that I really want to be in] they'd have to acknowledge me at some point. And I could drop in once a week on Tuesdays before SFFT to give them a headshot submission. They can't ignore me forever. I just have to be persistant. I started today.
(3). Speaking of agent news: I called the agent David referred me to at A.A. agency. I left her a message on her machine, basically saying, 'I'm Erin, David referred me, can we meet?' So, we'll see. Hopefully she'll call me back with good news.

TUESDAY, MAY 2nd 2006
(1). I signed up on Breakdowns Ltd. and have been sending out headshots/resumes through there. I actually got an audition for a non-union TV pilot. I went this morning and it was a drama in the style of "curb your enthusiasm" - all improv, but based around a story line. The audition went really well and when I got home, I had this email in my mailbox: "Of the many people I auditioned for this project and on past projects, [you] really stood out and impressed me with your improvisation skills. While you are not totally right for the main roles in this pilot, I'd like to work with [you] in supporting, smaller roles, and should the pilot get picked up, see if we can expand the roles for future episodes." So, I accepted and I will be a supporting role! It should still be fun! I'm excited!
(2). Oh, and I got a new "real" job. I'm working nights at Starbucks with one of my best friends from High School. Also, L.A. is back on the table. We, the girl I work with now, and I are thinking of moving there at the end of the summer. To be continued.
(3). And I'm taking two nights a week [of classes] at The School For Film & Television. Yippee! No word yet from A.A. or C.E.S.D.

FRIDAY, MAY 5th 2006
(1). I got another booking through Breakdowns! It was a non-union film short. I'll call it, "VTV." It was a mockumentary about music video auditions. There were about 8 or so girls & I and it was all improv. I think it went well & I made $50, haha. They said I could call in 2 weeks to get the footage for my reel - which I have yet to start. It was a lot of fun though! I love improv! Breakdowns rule!

FRIDAY, MAY 12th 2006
(1). Oh my gosh! What a surprising turn of events! So, I went to my new class at SFFT (I add the extra "f") and I spoke to one of my teachers about P.A. agency and he said it was a great agency and when I mention the agents name he looked like he'd pass out. He was like, "Is there anyway you can go back begging for another chance?" Apparently, this agent is big. Okay, so that was 2 days ago. I haven't spoken to this agent in about a month and a half and I was like, "I'm screwed." Today... he called me!! Out of the blue he called me and said, "I have an audition for you on Monday for ALL OF MY CHILDREN." Does this not seem like a sign to you? But I must be wise. I have to make my decisions. I called my Aunt, who has been opposed to this guy since the beginning and she finally called someone at TVI to ask about him and she called me back immediately and said, "Sign with him!" (which I never thought I'd hear her say in a million years - a night and day change of heart)! If I were to sign with him, it'd definately be good for my New York career - as long as I'm getting work with him, I don't need CESD or AA - and if I were to move to L.A. (he said he had connections out there), it'd be good to have an agent BEFORE I moved! So, this is crazy. Now I have to concentrate on NOT seeming too desperate! I think it might be a good idea to sign. This is like a really big chess move and I'm scared to death of the outcome. I think I'll call him the day after the audition and ask to meet with him, but how can he not see right through my bluff? This is going to call for some very good acting on my part! Wish me luck. I'll just have to remember, whatever is supposed to happen is what will happen. There is a time for every season under the sun.

TUESDAY, MAY 23rd 2006
(1). I went to the A.M.C. audition and I think it went well. It was actually at ABC studios, which was cool. So now we wait.
(2). On Sunday, I filmed the TV pilot all day with Jordan (the director, who also acts in it with me). It was a long day, but it went really well - I think. Production will be done in August and he said he'll send me the footage for my reel then. Also, I got this email from him yesterday, "Thanks for your amazing work today. I have worked with many improvisers in my career and you are amongst the very best. One of my great wishes would be to sell this series and get the chance to work together on many more occasions." That made me very happy.
(3). I called the "VTV" people to ask for my footage (again, for my reel) and they said it's almost finished. They said they'd mail a DVD to my house when it was finished. Yay!

SATURDAY, JUNE 24th 2006
(1). So, I've been in a gigantic internal debate, which has been driving me insane. Should I move to LA (where there's more work) or stay in NY for a year (where I might possibly have an agent)? So, I finally made my decision. I'm going to let the agent decide. Indirectly, of course. I told him that I had 'made up my mind to stay in New York' and 'would he still consider representing me?' If he says 'yes', I have an really good agent and I will stay in New York for the year (hopefully, after that, he can transfer me to an agent in Cali). If he says 'no', I have nothing to lose by leaving New York and at least I won't be sitting in Cali going, "But what if I had accepted that agent?" So, you see - either way, a decision will be made. Whatever is supposed to happen will happen. It's honestly a 50/50 chance for either side right now. I sent him that email on Thursday evening and I don't expect that he will answer me anytime before Monday afternoon - if not longer. Maybe a week or two. We'll soon see where my next destination will be.

SUNDAY, JULY 2nd 2006
(1). The answer is in! (Drum roll please!) I will be... staying in New York for the year. A week after I wrote the P.A. agent that email, he called me and asked me to come in this Wednesday for a meeting to 'settle everything'. He sounded very positive and pleasant. So, I'm excited! But I'm also a little wary. Until I have my name signed on that one-year contract, I'm going to be nervous. Let's all please hope that everything goes well!
(2). By the way, I never got that reel footage from "VTV", so I wrote again yesterday and hopefully I'll be getting it soon.

(1). I have an agent!!! Yes! So, I went in to meet [G] (name abbreviated), the agent from P.A., which is now my agency(!), and he basically just said, 'welcome. you're in.' We talked a little about 'where I want my career to go' and other things like that. We shook hands on all of it and he said he'd print me up a contract and some letterhead paper for my resumes ASAP. Ok, so there's more! I asked him about that commercial agent that he "partners" with - ([G] only does film, tv, and theatre) - and he said he'd set me up with him. His name (as we'll call him) is [N] and guess what agency he is from..... A.A.!!! The very agency I'd been trying to get into all this time! I couldn't believe it! So, now I'm supposed to call [N] tomorrow and hopefully set things up with him. Then I have to call [G]'s in-company partner, [R] because she wants to meet me too. Very exciting.

FRIDAY, JULY 14th 2006
(1). So, I got the "VTV" video, which was very funny, but it's cut up so much that I'm hardly in it. Seriously, my part was cut down to about 30 seconds, lol. And the 30 seconds that they used of me, I don't particularly like - but, what can you do, right?
(2). In other news, the non-union pilot I did, "TP" is nearly finished in post-production and the trailer is up online. The link is listed at the bottom of the page. I can't wait to see the rest of it in August when it goes up for (fingers crossed) festivals.
(3). I went in to meet with [R], my agent's partner, a few days ago in a 'get-to-know-you' type meeting and gave them tons of headshots. Now, just waiting to sign.
(4). Also, last week, I got called in to do a "tv pilot" audition for THE ACTOR'S MARKET. I write the actual name as a warning to other actors. I went in yesterday to read and they told me I'd have to pay $1500 to be in the production "if" I were cast. So, I handed them the script right back and walked out without reading. Scam.

(1). So, I went on my first "official" audition for my agent (although he's technically sent me on two before we signed). It was a feature film called, "GB" (abbreviated, obviously). I went in and read sides for the lead role. I really liked the script, which is something I don't usually say. And I really liked the character, which, again, is something I don't normally feel. I'm hoping for any good news. I like auditioning. How'd it go? It wasn't one of those "nailed it" auditions, but it wasn't an "I messed that up" audition, so "somewhere in the middle" is still pretty good. It's one of those, "I'm not sure how I did, but it didn't feel bad." Please call?

(1). I have another audition from my agent. August 7th I have an audition at NBC Rockfeller Plaza for a sitcom called "T.R." (abbreviated). Someone from SNL is starring in it.

(1). So, I went to my audition at NBC for "T.R." and I think it went well. It was cool because I got my own personalized pass to go up to NBC Casting. I just read on tape with another girl and she said it was "very good". So, we will see what happens.

(1). Big News! This coming Tuesday I have a meeting with... who else? A.A. Agency! Yes! If you don't know why I am so happy, scan up and read other entries. Anyway, it's because my agency doesn't do commercials, and this new agent [N] (name abbreviated) from A.A. is friends/partners with mine from P.A. Long story short, if things go well, I will have a commericial agent at A.A., which is one of the biggest agencies New York!
(2). Tomorrow I have another film audition from [G]. Well, actually, it's from one of his in-company partners, named [C]. The movie is called "WGTB" and I think it's like a teeny-bopper movie. Hey, I'll do anything but nudity and reality tv!
(3). Let's quickly refresh you to who these initialed people are because there are only four. [G] is my agent from P.A. agency. [C] & [R] are my agent's in-company partners, who sometimes get me work too. [N] is the new agent from A.A. agency who does commercials and is my agent's out-of-company partner. Good. Now remember those.

(1). I went to the "WGTB" audition today. It was a "Mean Girls" kind of character. After I read they asked me if I was ever a cheerleader and do I know any gymnastics. Yes to both. Didn't know that about me, huh? Haha. Anyway, it was a very stereotypical part - the snotty head cheerleader with the jock boyfriend who plays football. But I think the challenge would be to find out what was underneath her sterotype. Anyway, I guess it went well. It'd be shooting in Massachusetts in, like, a week from now. It's a SAG Ultra Low Budget feature film. I don't know. Keep plowin' forward.

(1). Today was my super important meeting with [N] at AA Agency. Well, it turns out [N] won't be my agent because he is the V.P. of AA, so he just met with me and gave me a "personality/type" interview, so-to-speak. He was very, very nice. We went to his office and he looked over my resume and then we just talked for ten minutes, about Japan, about how I met [G], about where I went to college, and then he said that I had a "great personality and was very marketable" and that he'd set me up for a meeting with one of his agents. However, they are so booked, the next appointment they had available is September 21st! So, on 9/21, I will go for a meeting with my new agent(s) [A&A] - funny, huh? I guess these two people work as a team. Well, we'll find out, but as far as I'm aware, I'll be signing with AA in September. I can't believe it!

(1). I had an audition today from [G]. It was for NBC again, so I had to go to '30 Rock', as they apparently call it (or so I've come to find). It was for a sitcom pilot call "ALSTW" (abbreviated). It was hilarious - (I read the script) - and it had 2 big name actors in it. I was up for one of the 3 series regulars. Anyway, I don't think it went that well. I don't know why. It just flew by so quickly, I hardly saw it coming. It's hard when you have 3 pages of copy and your audition is 30 seconds long, but that's how it is. I was quite disheartened when they asked the girl ahead of me to "stay after" - not a good sign for me. I think I am just disappointed in myself today and I think I have to change some of my auditioning tactics. More to come.

(1). Aaaand I'm back in school! Since SFT ended, I went and registered today at TVI Actor's Studio. So, I'm booked with classes from now until the new year! It was a bit expensive, but all classes are. I signed up for the membership, so I'll have a lot of discounts throughout the next year. I'm so excited to start! I think TVI was the right choice.

(1). I got my DVD from the pilot I did, "TP." I was so excited!
(2). I went on an audition for [C] yesterday for a new show on ABC called, "SD." I think this audition went really well and (knock on wood) I'm excited. I'm just waiting to see if I hear something. And the casting director who auditioned me was really nice - they are always nice, but she was very nice. She even asked me questions about myself!
(3). I went to my first 2 "intensives" at TVI. The first one sucked, but the second one was great and well worth the money. Haha, 1-for-1. But, no, I think, overall, this is going to be a really great thing for me. I'm so excited to start taking my weekly classes and go to more intensives! My first weekly class starts Sept 7th.

(1). I met with [A&A] at AA Agency (that's a lot of A's!). They said I looked like Heather Graham and I told them comedy was my strength. They basically just said, "We'll throw you in the mix and see how things go." So, I guess they'll throw a few auditions my way and see how they work out.
(2). In other news, I haven't heard from [G] in a few weeks, so I wrote him and he was very nice to write me back as he did, (quote), "Hasn't been busy, it's not you, but the season." He went on to say that he'd like to meet up with me to "discuss October." Sounds good to me!
(3). I'm still studying at TVI. I've actually finished my first weekly class with them and I loved it. I'm starting my next weekly class with them on Tuesday.

(1). I went to the EPA audition for Little Mermaid on Broadway. Of course, being nonequity, I didn't get seen. Geez. There were 80-something nonequity people and I was, like, #82. Nice. I stayed there for like 3 hours before I decided that, in the remaining two hours of the audition, I had no chance of being seen. So, I headed over to my agent's instead. Turns out, he knows the casting director of that show; she even has an office in his building. So he said he could get me a scheduled audition with her within the next couple of weeks!! Man, I can't wait for pilot season. Things've gotta start lookin' up.

(1). So, my best friend, Bobby, his Dad met with or is friends with (something like that) some Indian director (these initial facts might be jumbled) and he is making a new movie with John Malkovich (supposedly that is true) and he is looking for a part that I'd be "perfect" for. Anyway, Bobby's Dad mentioned me and this guy really wants to meet me. So, on Thursday either Bobby and I are driving up to Connecticut to meet with this guy for dinner or he is coming down here and we are meeting with him for dinner - I guess we find out tomorrow. Anyway, wow - talk about nervewracking. I wasn't going to meet with this guy until he mentioned John Malkovich because anyone with a camera can call themselves a director; I wanted to know he was real. I mean, I guess it can't hurt. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Even if this turns out to be nothing, what does it matter? It could turn out to be something quite big.

(1). Well I met with that Indian director tonight. Apparently he's a big deal over in India - he's done over 20 movies there. And, apparently, John Malkovich is in the movie - not a rumor. We met at Starbucks and talked over coffee. So, I gave him my headshot, resume, and my agent's number and he said he'd call me in 3 weeks. He was very hard to read because he was so serious (although seemingly nice), but my friend was with me and he understood Indian and he said the guy was saying nice things about me. So, we'll see.
(2). I have an audition through [C] for "TSOT" on October 17th. It's TV and it's for Warner Brothers.
(3). I also have an audition through [G], which is a little more complicated. It's called "URSP" and I have to get it on tape (professionally done) and have it mailed to and IN Los Angeles by October 18th, which is only a few days away!! Yikes! Also, they want me to sing on tape, as well as, read!

(1). I went to the Warner Brother's audition for "TSOT" and I felt really good about it. It was the first on-camera tv audition in which I didn't "think" throughout the entire audition. I just had fun. I think I prepared more than I ever have - thanks to the stuff I am learning at TVI - and I just went in to have a good time. I had two really awesome readers and it was just great. I felt confident and I felt connected and I just made them laugh. I didn't restrict myself because of nerves or whatever else. I think it went really well and I was very happy. You have to learn to just be happy with 'being happy' about your audition. Whether or not you get a callback, you should make 'having a great audition' the thing that satisfies you. I think that is a healthy goal. And then if nothing comes of it, at least you are proud of yourself for having personally done so well.
(2). I also went and recorded that tape for the new L.A.-based MTV series "URSP." The tape came out really good, I think, - although, I had to sing on tape and that always looks dorky. I was proud of the tape. So I overnighted it to L.A. and then I get a call yesterday from [J], [G]'s assistant, saying that 'their [the office in L.A.'s] mailroom was really backed up and did I track the package to make sure it got there because they hadn't received it yet.' Well, stupid me, I lost my tracking number, so I was going crazy with no proof that I had gotten the tape there on time. Long story short, we harrassed the post office till they looked up the tracking number and found out that the package arrived on time - talk about panic. So, responsibility is off my hands now. I hope they find it and watch it - I put a lot of effort into that tape.
(3). Then, I got another call from [G] about and Under-5 role for Guiding Light. I got all dolled up and went, in the pouring rain. How did it go? Not well, I think. I met with the CD's assistant, instead of the CD (whom I knew) and, as I read for her, she didn't look up at me once, nor did she tape the audition. I was very confused. The audition took under a minute and then it was, "Thank you, so nice to have met you," even though I had met her two nights prior at TVI when I did a workshop with her. Oops, right? Oh well. Can't win 'em all.

(1). I got the Under-5 on Guiding Light!! Shut up!! This is my first booking with my agent, as well as, my first tv appearance!! We will be shooting November 3rd, so I'm assuming it will play the following day - on my birthday!! What a present! I am so happy! I will be a waitress, but I will have as many as 5 lines!! This is so crazy! I'm nervous, but a good kind of nervous!
(2). Also, they couldn't find that tape in L.A., but - good news is - they are casting in New York this week. So, I sent my tape to my agent to send it to them here - cuz I think the tape came out really well - but he also said they'll probably want to see my in person. I hope they get to see the tape... and I hope they like it.

(1). I went to the "URSP" audition at the MTV Casting Studios today. It was the same audition that the tape was for. Well, they wanted me to sing a Melissa Etheridge song acappella - that didn't go too well, I believe. I learned the song in one night and did the best I could without any music, but I don't think it was that good. The reading went well. I mean, I had prepared so much for it. There were 2 sides actually. One of them was newer material, but I still think it went pretty well. I just got so nervous with the acappella. Blah.

(1). TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I AM OFFICIALLY 16.... um, hey! This is MY website! I can say whatever I want!
(2). I did the taping for Guiding Light yesterday and boy(!) do I have a story for Conan O'Brien. Wink wink. Foreshadowing. No, I was sick as a dog!! I didn't even think I was going to make it. I must have been hit with The Plague, Strain 1A. I was throwing up all night, right up until 7:30am, when I had to hop... more like fall... into the shower. I was literally lying on the bathroom floor doing my hair and makeup! It was crazy. I do NOT know how I did it! I cannot even tell you how sick I was. Well, I got there, was put in a dressing room alone and kinda had to figure everything out for myself. Thank God I had a really nice security guard who pointed me in all the directions I needed to go - he was my lifesaver! I went to wardrobe, hair, and makeup without instruction and got all ready. An hour later, I was called to a dry rehearsal. Everyone was SOOO nice to me!! Half an hour later, we were on the set, taping. I think I did very well "acting" like I wasn't sick. I don't think anyone knew that I was one step away from death, haha. I think it went well. I can't emphasize enough how nice everyone was to me. We all even joked around together and had a really good time. I had to slap someone in the face too (in the scene) - one of the main characters. We had to do like 4 takes - lol. Everyone said I did a good job and they seemed to be happy with me. I even ran into Rob, the CD who cast me, which was really cool. Overall, minus the death, it was a very good experience. How did it come out? No idea!! It will play on December 14th on Channel 2 (CBS), so I'll be watching it for the 1st time along with the rest of you. I hope it comes out well!! I don't know! Yikes!! Hope it looks good!!

(1). I went to the off-broadway audition for "R.O.A" today. It went better than I thought it would. I had to sing an 80's song and read some copy. I sang first. I still have the cough left over from my cold, so I knew I couldn't hit those headvoice notes... so what did I do? Well I sat there thinking, "I'm about to go in there and make a fool of myself... so... why don't I just accept that and go to town?" So, I went in and belted the entire song. Yes, I butchered it, but I belted it and I belted it well. Best I could do in the moment. Then I read and I think that went very well. The guy I was reading with was very responsive. I had very low expectations for this audition and I exceeded them all by a great deal.
(2). Also, I went to Reproductions today. I got some new headshot postcards printed up with my name and my agent's number. I have to send out postcards soon about my upcoming appearance on Guiding Light. Gotta make sure the CDs are watching.

(1). I had an audition yesterday for an LA-based pilot. It's called "G.K." I auditioned for the part of a california sorority girl. The audition was taped and quite a few girls were there. I think it went well. I liked the part. I don't know - it was just fun to play. I even showed up in a pink spaghetti-strap tank top... forgetting it was going to be the first real day of winter that day. I promptly ran into a Walmart and bought a sweatshirt, gloves, and a hat so that I didn't die before I actually went on tape. It was fun.

(1). I had an audition Monday for an another LA-based pilot; this time for ABC. It's called "B&S." I prepared the part for 2 days thinking, "This character is angry." I memorized it, but still had the sides in my hand, so I'd have the advantage of not having my nose in the paper, but still keeping it for safety. If I needed it, I looked down, but for the most part it was just there as a safety. I thought I'd try that out - that was a test on my part. Anyway, I got in the room, all prepared, and she goes, "Okay, now do this as if you are not angry at all. All these hurts she has are long gone in the past and they just amuse her now." Right, so imagine taking 2 days of work and then changing all your objectives in 2.3 seconds... nearly impossible. I tried my best not to be angry, but I think it slipped out in places because that's the work I did for it. I wish I coulda been more "amused," but that's the way it happened. I guess, if I learned anything, it's to take in all changes for a few seconds longer and really be aware of the adjustments that have to be made. I think I just panicked internally. I think it went well, acting-wise, but not 'taking direction'-wise. Live & learn.

(1). So, I went to school the other day and after class I was waiting to receive a scene (for next week) from my teacher (who is also a casting director) and she's looking at me strange. Then she goes, "Do you have a headshot on you?" Stupidly, it was the one day I did not. She said, "I have an audition for you." I said, "Oh, great! Well, let me give you my agent's info." So, I told her I was with P.A. and she was like, "I know them." So, apparently she's gonna call [G] with an audition opportunity. I just thought that was so cool. I got an audition just by going to school. I definately picked the right school. I love that it gives you a chance to study/work infront of CDs.

(1). I got off the plane from Florida today at noon. I had been at a wedding. I went from JFK to Jamaica to Penn for a 4:30pm audition. It was the audition from that TVI teacher I told you about. I got a call from [C] about it. It's like an off-broadway play, I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I got there and she [the teacher/cd] was there and she was so sweet (she wasn't in the actually audition room), but she gave me a big smile and a really nice hug. It was cool. So, I went in and there was one woman watching and one woman "reading" with me. It was so crazy because I haven't really done a theatre audition in forever! I forgot what it was like! I had so much fun and it went really, really well, I think. And you know I almost never say that. I had a really great woman acting with me. All that I've ever done/learned/enjoyed on the stage came flooding back to me. It was just so fun to do a theatre audition again after all this time. The woman who auditioned me (the director?) said that things were moving pretty slowly for their production, but I guess we'll see in time. I felt really good about it.
(2). I also sent out those postcards about Thursday - the soap opera spot. I sent out 64 postcards to various film casting directors! That was like 5 hours worth of handwritten invitation!! Hand cramps!!!

(1). I got a call from [G] today about yesterday's audition. He said that they said they were interested in me and wanted to see me again. Okay, so here's where it gets complicated. They told him they wanted to "explore the character with me for 3 hours" and he said, "Um, are you offering her a contract? Is this a rehearsal? Is this a callback? What is it?" So, they were very vague and shifty about it and were saying, "We can't say anything official till we talk to so & so..." So, he said, "Well, call who you need to call and then call me when you have answers." He said his 'antennae' were up about all of this and told them to have the director call him personally to speak about the "offer". After that, I went to work and later got a message from him saying (in a much happier, upbeat voice), "Hey, I talked to the director. It's all worked out. Everything's gonna turn out fine. Call me tomorrow morning to talk." So, I'm assuming he's going to tell me I have a callback, but I really have no idea. I'm surprised they called me back so soon anyway. More tomorrow.

(1). So, I talked to [G] this morning and he said that he spoke with the director last night, who happens to be a famous actress of my parent's time (they both knew her name). He said that she is a bit unconventional and likes to do workshop things before actually casting. So, I said, "So is this a callback or an offer?" And he said, "Well, neither... but you should know that she said she was so impressed with your audition, that you are the only girl she is calling back for this role." !!! I still don't have the contract and I won't rejoice a victory until I do, but I am so excited to be the only girl they called back!! So, the director, (let's call her [E.P.]) wants to meet with me tomorrow from 1-4pm (which means I will miss my own TV debut, lol) and basically what [G] said was that she wanted to mix & match - anotherwords, it will be me and several guys and she wants to see who fits together. I'm so excited. Little bit nervous, but excited! :)

(1). Today was a big day for me. My American TV Debut. I was on Guiding Light this morning. We recorded it onto DVD and my Dad edited it to just my scenes. I have attached a link at the bottom so you can see it. Check it out.
(2). Also, I had the "callback" today for that show, let's call it "N.O.T." So, I looked up our director and not only is she an actress... she's an Academy Award winning actress! Apparently this show will have lots of publicity because of her and also because they are trying to get someone from Battlestar Galactica to star in it. I went in and instead of a further auditioning, we actually did a read-thru of Act One. Everyone was there, except the guys who would be playing "my" betrothed husband and my true love. (The most important ones!) Anyway, she kept referring to me as if the part were already mine... yet, still no offers have been officially laid down. So, I wrote [G] today and let him know what's going on. I guess I'll just wait for his/their answer. This is a pretty big role.

(1). I got the part!! This will be my first real New York show! I will play the lead girl ingenue. I still have yet to see my leading man - yikes. This should be so much fun!! It's a little intimidating - talk about pressure - but it's also full of promise. :) I'm a little nervous and a lot excited. I think it will play in February or March, but as we get closer to the date, I will post it if anyone wants to get tickets and come see.

(1). Incredible! I got a call from [J], my agent's assistant, who said they had an audition for me this coming Friday. So, I said, "Ok, cool. What's it for?" LITTLE MERMAID ON BROADWAY, the part of ARIEL!! I thought that was long gone!! He was like, "If you know any songs from the movie, you can sing those..." I was like, "If I KNOW any SONGS?! You kiddin' me?! I WAS the little mermaid!" Hah! Check out the entry on 10/6/06. As I wrote in my journal (and knock on many pieces of wood)... this is my destiny. Haha!
(2). Rehearsals have not yet begun for "N.O.T."

(1). So I went to the Mermaid audition and it went so much better than I had even hoped. Long story short, I went in and sang "Part of Your World" and then did a scene with the reader. I think it went really well. I am hoping so much. I'm on the edge of my seat.

(1). I went to an audition today for a new show on ABC called, "F.W." I auditioned for the part of a series regular. I don't think it went well. It wasn't on tape, the reader didn't look at me once and read at the speed of light. I tried to maintain my calm, but I think it flustered me a little. Sigh.
(2). I have an audition tomorrow for a part on All My Children. Wish me luck.

(1). How did the All My Children audition go? I don't know. Not bad, but not fantabulous. It was just one of those things. I guess I felt like I personally could have done better. Just one of those things. Who knows.
(2). I keep having great faith in that Mermaid audition though. I just felt like it went so well. I continue to wait.

(1). I had an audition yesterday for a new (theatre) show called, "F.K." I sang "Happy To Keep His Dinner Warm" and it went very well. Then, I read sides and I think that went well too. Then, I had to ride the elevator down with the casting people cuz it was their lunch time... and that was awkward.
(2) I have an audition next week for a new Meryl Streep movie! It's called, "M.M." It's a movie based on something else, so I'm having to study that something else. Also, Tom Hanks is producing the movie! Ahh!

(1). I got a callback for the "F.K." show!! So, I have to go back in on Wednesday, sing the same song and read possibly different sides. I'm very excited!

(1). Yesterday I had my "M.M." audition. It was very unique. Usually they video tape you and you have a pianist if you are singing. I dressed up in a white spring dress, but when I walked in, it was just a small recording studio. There was only one guy behind a desk with a bunch of computer & recording equiptment. In front of me was a professional recording mic, so I kicked off my heals, and was like, "Forget what I look like! This is all about the voice." So, we "laid down" two tracks and that was it. We didn't even have any sides. I think it went "well." I was able to belt out all the notes I needed to (and they were high). My only criticism would be that I went off note a few times because the music was pre-recorded. See, when the pianist is in the room, no matter how loud I belt, I can still here him. With a pre-recorded track, I begin to sing louder than it and I lose it. Well, anyway, most of it went well. Haha.
(2). Okay then, so TODAY, I went and did my "F.K." callback. By the time I went in, I'd been waiting for 45 minutes, so my nerves had built up a lot, haha. I walked in and there were a lot of people in the audition room, but it's the waiting that's bad. Once I'm in front of people, I might be a little nervous, but I'm just ready to go! So, I sang the same song I sang last time and it went over very well. One of the women even said, "You sang that song very well." And everyone was smiling. Next, we read sides. A few lines in they stopped me and gave me a note - I adjusted immediately and did the rest. It went very well and they even laughed a bit. Then they go, "Do you have another song? Like a 'pop'-ier song?" So, I sang a RENT song, of course, (that I know like the back of my hand) and it went well. I probably sang about 15 bars or maybe a little bit more and though I wasn't looking at the people (I was looking slightly above them), I could tell they were smiling and stuff. So, I finished and they said something like, "Really good job. Really good audition." I said, "Thanks so much. Nice to have met you all!" And calmly walked out. I was so happy with how it went, regardless of what happens next. It was a really good callback! I went straight to the elevators and thanked God. Haha!

(1). I quite possibly had the worst audition of my life today. I had a feeling it would be the worst too, lol. However, I can proudly say, I am now a NY member of the 'Auditioned for L&O' Club. Haha. (If you watch TV at all, I'm sure you can guess what 'L&O' stands for). It was a very specific audition because the part was for a deaf girl. They called me because it says ASL (American Sign Language) on my resume and, whereas, I do speak ASL, I am not fluent. Knowing this, I knew also that I was set up for disaster. I went in and was like, "Just go for it!" Lol. The room was filled with deaf girls and interpreters!! So, I went in the audition room, butchered my way through, said thanks, got in the elevator and said to myself outloud, "That was the worst audition of my life." Done. AAaaaaaaaand Scene!

(1). Okay, first of all, I don't know if I ever told you, but that show I got cast in "N.O.T." was postponed because they wanted a specific theatre space that was already reserved. They told me they think the show will go up around September. That's all I know for now.
(2). I had an audition for Avenue Q for the role of 'Kate Monster' on Feb. 7th, however, I became deathly ill on the night of Feb. 6th. It was a stomach virus for the books! I was incredibly sick from 1am to 9pm!! I had to cancel my audition, but it was, luckily, rescheduled for Feb. 13th.
(3). I had an audition today for a movie called, 'F.T.' I got the call for this one yesterday and they were like, "We'd like to hear a non-theatrical monologue." So, I spent the whole night finding, memorizing and preparing a movie monologue to do for them. When I got there, they were about an hour behind. By the time I got in, they were an hour and a HALF behind and desperate for time. I didn't even get to do my monologue. They apologized and said, "We don't want you to think this means we're not interested in you... we just don't have a lot of time. We have to speed things up." So, they had me slate, then they asked me two questions about the character, then they said, "Will you be free this summer? We'll call you back if we're interested." And that was how it went.

(1). So much has happened. I went to that audition for Avenue Q. It didn't go badly, but it didn't go great either. I had a cold, so I couldn't really hit the high notes. It was a bit of a struggle. Oh well.
(2) I just moved into my new apartment on the Upper East Side. I love it! I live with 2 girls and my cat. Now, I'm frantically searching for a job. I just got up the courage to audition for a singing waitress job in midtown. Actually two of my college friends are working there! Small world, huh? I didn't even know. Hopefully I'll get that job for the time being.

TUESDAY, MARCH 13th 2007
(1). I had another audition today for All My Children. It was for a reoccuring role. I think it went well. I really hope I get this job - but in a healthy way. Nothing was spectacular, but I just had a contented feeling. I hope I'm not saying too much.
(2). I got a call today from the casting company that recently was involved in a modelling shoot/web commercial I did. They asked me if I'd be available to do a spot tomorrow on 30 Rock! I'm sure it'd be a very small part, but I'd be so excited! I tried calling back tonight, but their office was closed, so I'm gonna call them at 9:30am tomorrow and hopefully the job will still be open to me!

FRIDAY, MARCH 16th 2007
(1). I had an audition for an MTV pilot yesterday. I wore a pink mini-skirt and knee-high boots in an attempt to look like an MTV VJ, but surprisingly no one else went that far out on a limb. Hopefully I stood out a little? Auditions are so quick. I mean, yesterday's was about 45 seconds! Prove to everyone that you can support a part in a new TV show in 45 seconds! Go! It flies by your eyes. I think it went fine. I just wish I could see the recording afterwards to keep track of my progress or lack thereof.

FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd 2007
(1). A few days ago I got a callback for the MTV pilot and today I went in. I wore the same clothes, same makeup and read the same sides the same way. I think it went well. I did the best I could. I guess now it's just a matter of who they are looking for. Actually, it was funny cuz the end of the sides go: (Her) - "I am going to the show with Jack." (Me) - "Not in that, I hope." [I hand her a shorter skirt]. (Her) - "I think you forgot the bottom." [referring to how short the skirt is]. For my first audition, we ended on my line. I said, "Not in that, I hope." [pause, continue to react, camera off], but today he ended on HIS line and I didn't expect it. So, I go, "Not in that, I hope." [pause, continue to react] He goes, "I think you forgot the bottom." And my brain doesn't process this as part of the script, so I think he is telling me in REAL life that I forgot some of my LINES on the bottom. So, instead of giving him a sassy "no-that-skirt-isn't-too-short" look. I gave him a "I-forgot-a-line?!-Oh,-that's-in-the-script!-Cool,-I'll-just-play-it-off" look. I don't think it made a significant difference of any kind, but it was one of those half-a-second moments that felt like 3 minutes in my head. Ya know? It was such a minuscule thing, but it was funny cuz afterwards, I went in the bathroom to change and I go in there and laugh to myself about it and I say, "Crap!" outloud and then {FLUSH} the girl that went into the audition before me walks out of the stall. Nice one.

TUESDAY, APRIL 17th 2007
(1). A bunch of news all at once: Well, first of all, I never got that MTV thing. Sigh. I hope it wasn't cuz of that "look" that I gave at the end by mistake. Double sigh.
(2). So, [G] called me about the show "N.O.T." Remember that show? I got cast in it in mid-December as the female ingenue lead and then it got postponed indefinitely. Well, apparently the show is going back up some time in the near future and he asked me, "Would [I] still be interested?" Of course I said yes. He sounded hesitant. He said, "Well, let's approach this carefully and cautiously." He was hesitant because of some of the issues surrounding the production. So, I asked him for his advice and he said, "Let's tell them you are still interested and available, but let's keep auditioning in the meantime and hope something else comes up." I trust [G]. He's not just throwing me in and saying, "Do it! It's a job!" He's concerned and looking out for my best interests, or so it has always seemed. I am really blessed that he was the agent placed in my life.
(3). I have an audition for a movie called, "F.T." However, the casting directors are not auditioning in New York, so I have to get a tape made and send it to L.A. So, I called up the woman who did my last L.A. tape and I have an appointment with her on Sunday. I'll have the tape out by Monday afternoon. I have to do the whole audition in a Russian dialect though and in the breakdown it said, "Must speak Russian as well." I called my agent's assistant and said, "Uh, I don't speak Russian. Does this present a problem?" He basically told me to make the tape and worry about the Russian later, haha!
(4). Also, I have an audition on Friday for "T.F." (an off-broadway show).

(1). So, we officially accepted the contract for the "N.O.T." show. There is one week of pre-rehearsal in June and then we start real rehearsal in mid-August. The show opens in September and runs for one month. Anyway, there is some loophole that allows me to get out of this contract if another (bigger) thing happens to come up.
(2). I went to that audition for "T.F." (off-broadway) on Friday and it didn't go well. I didn't get a callback. Oh well.
(3). I also put my "F.T." audition on tape and gave it to my agent, who is mailing it out to L.A. So, we'll see what comes of that. Interesting side note: this movie is being filmed in Moscow.
(4). Something's gotta happen soon!

FRIDAY, JUNE 15th 2007
(1). I haven't written here in a while. Well, last month I had another audition for Law & Order. Obviously, I didn't get it (or else I would have written you very excitedly). Haha.
(2). Today I got a call for an audition for this Monday for a big role on a popular TV show, "S.V.". Well, I printed out the sides right away, but I thought, 'I need to get serious here.' So, I looked up and called an acting coach tonight and she was kind enough to fit me into her schedule for tomorrow evening (after I get out of work). It's a really, really great price for an hour & a half and it's someone to work on my material with! I'm excited! And an hour & a half of pure scene study/practice on my audition will help me so much! Praise God! I really wanna have the best shot at this I can. :)

MONDAY, JULY 16th 2007
(1). I've had two other auditions since my last entry. One was for an Ensemble/Swing replacement for Spring Awakening (on Broadway) and one was for a movie called, "D.I.L." They were both on June 27th and I never heard back from either.
(2). My show "N.O.T" supposedly starts rehearsals around August 13th. That's not a definite date, but it'll be around then. I'm getting a little nervous, but excited too.
(3). Tomorrow I have an audition for a movie called "C.T." It's written by the guy who wrote 'The Departed' and Adrian Grenier will star in it.
(4). On Thursday, I have another audition for a movie called, "T.W." It's another movie with a Russian-type accent. Anyway, wish me luck on both!!

SUNDAY, JULY 29th 2007
(1). The two movie auditions went fine, but obviously I haven't heard anything back.
(2). I had an audition the other day for A Tale of Two Cities (the Musical) bound for Broadway. It went horribly. It was a soprano role and I am not a soprano. I sang weakly and then they said, "And are you a dancer?" Sigh. Lol - it was like the final kick in the butt. I was like, "Ugh! Noooo." Yeah, I wanna stop going out for these soprano/dancer roles. Here's where I belong: straight acting, comedy (and/or improv), and some forms of belting (ie. not terribly high). I have an extremely strong middle belt.
(3). Then, two days ago I had an audition for a new (comedy) movie. It's in the "Airplane"-genre of comedy style. It was perfect for me. Right up my alley! I think the audition went pretty well. I was happy with it. I really want a callback for this one!
(4). Tomorrow is my first cast dinner for "N.O.T." I am so excited to meet everyone!


My American TV Debut 12/14/06
TVI Actor Studios
Cain-Weidner Studio
Universal Studios Japan
My Trailer for Turning Point
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