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BMW Guide -- E34

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Site Author Profile:

Name: Giri Sripathy

Age: 15+

Location: Singapore

Comments: While looking for E34 520i sites I found several sites that contained very useful information, such as model numbers and specs, model history, as well as maintenance and buying guides. However there were no sites that brought all this information together. Having recently bought a 1989 BMW 520iA, I decided to put this site together. I tried to gather information from the sites that I looked at while researching the car. I have put a bit of information on the year to year history, as well as model history on this site. However, there is still a lot of information that I was unable to put on this site, hence the Sources page. I will continually update this page to contain the best, and most accurate E34 information. The sources page is really where the main information lies. The sources page also contains the URLs of sites from which I obtained the information contained within.










Giri Sripathy 2003