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2007.5.1: relig/tarot


. the intelligent supernatural force, or god in our lives,
is the same as that in the knowledge and writings of the ancients
. the knowledge of ancients may not have been quite an icon of critical thinking,
and our treatment of secret teaching and the tarot
may be tainted by a reveling in, or revulsion of, the supernatural;
 the tarot is still of interest in the study of religion,
as an account of what knowledge
the ancients perceived as being of god, or a source if personal power .

. these are notes from (builders of the adytum tarot keys)`s
revision of
 paul foster case 1947`[ the Tarot, a key to the wisdom of the ages]
. to help me understand it, I also gathered some reference material on astrology,
greek or roman gods, and some of the symbols of alchemy or astrology .

. the authors spoke about what qabalists thought of a certain number
in the context of a tarot key of the same arabic number
but since the qabalah was what the [/]hebrew numbering was all about,
I put that description with the key having that hebrew number
. the arabic numbering is [not about numbers, rather, it's]
about ordering the keys
. one reason the ordering was important was that
laying them in rows of 7 (and skipping the fool key)
gave columns of (powers, agencies, conditions) .

.`s book builds on some of his previous work:
1920`[an intro' to the study of the tarot],
1922`the book of tokens .

. as well as the history of occult teaching in europe:

dr.Gerard.Encausse`Tarot of the Bohemians
 is the "(Papus) or leading spirit of French occultism
which is a development of
Eliphas Levi 1854` dogma and ritual of transcendental magic,
the author of which touted the Tarot as his most important source of info,
"(an erudite, Kabalistic book)
-- Levi influenced H.P.Blavatsky and dr.Anna.Kingsford

. english contributions to Tarot study include:
( S.L.MacGregor.Mathers
, dr.W.Wynn.Westcott
, dr.Arthur.Edward.Waite ` key to the Tarot

. New Thought writers include:
. general.Albert.Pike`morals and dogma of the Scottish Rite
repeats much of the French occultist`s bk"[dogma and ritual]

. for the traditional occult interpretations of each hebrew icon
see bk"[Sepher Yetzirah] (book of formation)

. for more about the occult meaning of numbers
see [the pattern on the trestleboard] [@]
the vocab of which is:
the truth about the self
all the power that ever was or will be
unfailing wisdom
primal will-to-good
eternally creates and sustains the universe
path of liberation
undeviating justice
divine expression
limitless substance
the sure foundation of eternal being
perfect {realization, law}
eternal splendor of the limitless light
the kingdom of spirit
embodied in my flesh

Many students of the Western esoteric tradition consider
Paul Foster Case's "The Tarot" is the finest modern explanation of
the hidden meaning of numbers, the construction of the Tarot,
and the attribution of the twenty two major trumps to the Hebrew alphabet
. In clear and understandable language Case,
illuminates the occult tarot tradition, and technique for the contemporary thinker
. students of the tarot will find in these pages the necessary information
to understand and apply the principles of daily living
. also includes extremely useful chapters on methods of study and Tarot divination

This is the first revised edition Paul Foster Case`s classic
"(the tarot: a key to the wisdom of the ages)
 since its initial publication in 1947 by McCourt publishing company
. this book has come to be regarded as a seminal work on the tarot
and on the tarot's intimate connection with the Qabalah, astrology, alchemy,
and the other hermetic sciences
. the only other revisions that have been made to the original work
are of the correction of misspelled words and any obvious error in credits

. Case first began the study of the tarot in 1907 at age 16
. throughout the early part of this century, he lectured and published works on
the tarot, Kabbalah, astrology, alchemy, masonry, and Rosicrucianism .
) .

builders of the adytum tarot keys

. the word Tarot comes from a recursing of latin`rota:
o   a
. the Tarot was invented by adepts who met in Fez, Morocco, 1200AD
which had become the literary and scientific capital of the world
after alexandria had burned down

. the icon of this publisher is presented the same way:

[!] icon"[ builders of the adytum tarot keys ]
[ shining star
contains frame:
A   O
23: and center is a cube:
( top -> horned female sign [@] (planet"mercury)
, low.left -> theta [@] (alchemy`salt)
, low.right -> mountain-triangle over plus [@] (alchemy`sulphur)
) ]

 hebrew alphanumerics and the shapes of their icons

. the crux of tarot study is attribution of the major trumps to the hebrew`icons,
and the key to making them opensource
is getting that attribution without the assistance of a secret order or occult school .

webster`s hebrew alphabet

. the first name is webster`s (eg, they spell yod as yodh,
and when there's a minus sign, that's the letter`s form when at the end of a word
and when a paren on that name, it means the name`s initial is nothing like the pronunciation
. the 2nd field is what it looks like at first glance to an english writer
and then in paren's
are exact instructions for making the letter
( a "(;) means the next description is drawn to the right
, "(over) means the next description is drawn under then entirety of what has prev'ly been described
. a head is a very short dash;
 heads and dashes will spiral up to the left slightly, as if hebrews write left-handed .
. a nipple means a dash with a very short vert on one side
. a foot is about the size of the feet on "(I)
. a drop is a leg connected at the very end -- as if body and leg were one continuous line
. a rise is an upside-down drop
. a leg is a vert added to body as a separate line about 1mm from the edge

aleph('), {x, backward %, 3 heads }
beth{b, bh},  backward c
   (resh over dash)
gimel, { .i, slim backward c }
   ( head; right drop that veers right to make room on left for a left-branching foot)
daleth{d, dh}, { T, backward r }
   ( dash with right leg ),
he, { lT, greek`pi }, [@] bota`heh
   ( daleth with unconnected left leg )
waw, i [@] bota`vav
   (head with right drop)
zayin, { i, T } [@] bota`zain
   ( head with centered leg )
heth(h .), {TT, greek`pi} [@] bota`cheth
   ( dash with 2 legs)
   ( he with left leg fully connected )
   ( daleth with left leg)
teth(t .), { u, o } 
  ( zayin; underscore; vert, backward diagonal )
  (upside-down heth with footed left leg, and with right leg hooked inward)
yodh, '
  ( very short waw )
kaph, ]
  (dash; right drop; over dash)
-kaph(kh), T
  ( daleth with longer drop)
lamedh, s
  ( dash with tiny-headed left rise; over tiny-footed / )

mem, D (right-leaning waw; ^; right drop curving left to dash left )
-mem, O (heth over dash)
nun, I (waw over short dash)
-nun, l (waw with longer drop)
samekh, D
  ( heth but right leg is curving left to dash left )

ayin(`), y
  ( head with center leg curving right; head with right drop curving left; over / )
pe,  backward e [@] (bota`sp: peh)
  ( rightward nipple hangs on upper left of bacward c )
-pe(ph), 9
  ( rightward nipple hangs on upper left of resh with longer drop )
sadhe,  y ( .. over v over - ) [@] (bota`sp: tzaddi)
-sadhe,  y (.. over v over l )
qoph, p
 ( lamedh modified by removing the tiny-headed vert and adding vert to left unconnected )
resh, backward r
  (a dash with right drop )
sin(' s), { iw, ill }
  (dotted zayin; right-lean zayin; right-lean nun)
  ( :.. over l// ),
shin, { wi, vi, lli }
  ( ..: over l//),
  (zayin; right-lean zayin; right-lean dotted nun)
taw{t,th}, n [@] (bota`sp: tav)
  (úresh with footed left leg) .

Case`s [key of the cosmos and numbers]

. the { star of david, shield of david, star of macrocosm } diagram
is key to the construction of
qabalistic diagram"tree of life [@] aka"(key to all things)
[@] footnote: the author was also very excited about the construction of
"(the Great Pyramid) and Rosicrucian`founder`tomb
-- Rosicrucianism is described as "(simply the expression of the tenderness of true Christianity) .

. this diagram sees that star
-- not as 2 overlapping triangles but --
as a triangle for each circle in
a circle of six circles
-- these will exactly contain a 7th circle of the same size
. the inner corners form a hexagon
. over the 7 circles (drawn with dashed lines)
are drawn 2 circles, in solid lines

. certain points are lettered like so:
a-b is a vert in the center, spanning the 2 solid-lined, stacked circles
c-d is hexagon`s top.hor
e-f is hexagon`s bottom.hor
g-h is contained by hexagon`s middle.hor
. I puzzled at the location of points g and h
 because their x coord's don't correspond to any of the critical points of david`s star
nor to those of the circles
. the x coord's of point"g appears to be defined by
having a line parallel to d-e
originating from point"a,
and stopping at center.hor (between the 2 solid circles);
and then,
 point"h is vert.symmetrical to point"g .

. other solid lines in this diagram belong to:
(1) a 3-dimensional system:
( x`axis-> g-h
, y`axis-> a-b
, z`axis-> e-d
(2) an ellipsis that encloses the 2 solid circles
( long.axis-> a-b
, short.axis-> g-h
(3) the diagonals {c-d, e-f}  so that c-d-e-f forms a "(Z)
(4) the diagonal a-g (the definer of g`x and h`x)
(5) the vert c-i
. apparently the author thought it important to include all the arabic numerals in this diagram;
and the 5th digit`s vert requires this line
. c-i is a vert originating from point"c
and stopping when it intersects the bottom solid circle

. the 3-d axis system and the placement of the 2 solid circles
reminds that when spheres are packed,
they are touched by
6 on the side, 6 above, and 6 below
so that 19 spheres are being packed into a 3-d hexagon that repeats indefinitely
although the solid circles are arranged in a way unlike they'd be if packed
since they are stacked on top of the star-of-david spheres, and in the center
) .


. in the bible, the names Lord and He
is translated from a hebrew word meaning "(to be)
as a short.hand for
that which was, is, and shall be

. the letters of that word are "(yod, he, vav he)
which is romanized as "(IHVH)
. the following notes will refer to that IHVH as simply "(Be) .

. the Qabalah
divides Be into 4 worlds

archetypal -- will-ideas, the forms

creative -- the ideas of past and present but not the future .

formative -- the expression of ideas: physical processes
--physical processes that make the world, and the astral plane of occultism .

material -- . the objects returned by physical processes

. each of the 4 worlds has the 10 minor trumps: ace..ten
which represent the sephiroths
of the psychical realm

. each world has 4 courtcards:
( page -- body (the material)
, knight -- ego (personal focus of energies and sense of selfhood)
, queen -- soul (personality`s inner pattern)
, king -- spirit "(the essential Self in man)

the sephiroth graph

. this graph gives the meaning of numbers,
and the opposites of those meanings;
. in parentheses, the edges of the graph are also given
except for edges to seph#6(beauty)
since every node is connected to that one except seph#10(kingdom)
---. finally, a survey of major trumps
will list how sephiroth edges are associated with the same hebrew letters that major keys are
( given as sephiroth`edge"<node pair> )

. crown, ipsissimus, 8, (2,3)
. wisdom, magus, 9, (1,3,4)
. understanding, master of the temple, 8, (1,2,5)
. mercy, exempt adept, 7, (2,5,7)
. severity, greater adept, 6, (3,4,8)
. beauty, lesser adept, 5,
. victory, philosophus, 4, (4,8,9,10)
. splendor, practicus, 3, (5,7,9,10)
. foundation, theoricus, 2, (7,8,10)
. kingdom, zelator, 1

the occult meaning of numbers

. the arabic digits were actually invented by hindu priests
and then modified by arabian math'ians who introduced them to europe

zero, ellipse
. cosmic egg, no-thing, the boundless, limitless light
. involution descent of the ellipse, refers to non-volitional (no will or volunteering)
. evolution ascent of the ellipse: ( stone, plant, animal, human, godly) .

one, I Am
. self-consciousness, admirable or wonderful intelligence, supreme crown, the directive or volitional .

two, emotions are too!
. reflection, Wisdom of the self-conscious, the number of the spirit side of all biology .
22: found with the high priestess card#2:
"(being at all times uncritically amenable to suggestion,
and at the same time the channel of telepathic communication,
subnconsciousness is the source of most of the foolish notions which cause our mal's
. this situation was some-symbolized by the adam-eve allegory)

three, triangularity
. sanctifying intelligence
. multiplication, developement, application, [deduction?]
. understanding -- vs wisdom -- concrete application of intuition`s generic intelligence .

four, icon showing draftsman`s triangle and t-square
memory, planning surveying,
. measuring intelligence

five, religion (severity)
. the versatile one-law that says multiple things:
* strength to the materialist
* fear to the ignorant
with concrete interpretations that will convince the young or stupid
* abstract interpretations for the wise 
that inform and grace .

six, yin-yang
. intelligence of {mediating influence, separated emanations} .

seven, security of an oath
. the occult or hidden intelligence .

8, digit value of the name Be
. 888 is the number of the name Jesus in greek .
. the number of the god variously named" {roman`mercury, egyption`thoth, assyrian`nebo, greek`hermes }
. the number of magic and hermetic science
. splendor, the perfect intelligence .

9, recursion
. basis, or foundation
. pure or clear intelligence .

10, the kingdom
resplendent intelligence

structure of tarot`s major trumps

. the crux of tarot study is attribution of the major trumps to the hebrew`icons
. the 22 major trumps or keys are numbered 0..21,
and iconized with
the 22 alphanumerics of the amended hebrew

. the deck`s major trumps in 4 segments:
( key#0 -- the fool --
, the 3 types of other keys:
   { powers, agencies, conditions }
. there are 7 keys in each set { 1..7, 8..14, 15..21 };
and, for any x in 1..7
it's true that power#x
works through agency#( x+7 )
to modify condition#( x+7*2 )

. keys not labeled as "{above, below} are somewhere in ground-level space

. each major trump is associated with a hebrew letter
because their letters are nouns for mental pictures;
 these letters have values of 0..9, 10*(1..9), 100*(1..9)
which makes them useful in [/][word numeration],
ie, converting words into numbers
. Case [@]
has a unique hebrew mapping that differs from classic tarot decks,
. Manly.P.Hall, and dr.Waite objected to the Case`style used here
because the numbers on the keys conflict with
the numbers on the hebrew letters
but these number serve different purposes:
 hebrew`icon`values => word numeration
 tarot`key`numbers => ordering of the major trumps
) .

the major trumps

(as arranged by [structure of tarot`s major trumps]) [@] above


0, the fool

aleph, a, 1, bull ox,

## powers or potencies ##

1, the magician

beth, b, 2, house, above, mercury

. the magician is surrounded by flowers that are, like sine,
about cycles:
lily ->
roses (campi) ->
. some card variants use the juggler instead of magician?
I notice the juggler`s motions are like that of the infinity sign:
a sine wave as seen on an oscilliscope .
( From Latin oscillat-, the perfect participle stem of oscillare "(to swing)
  , from oscillum (swing, mask)
  (of Bacchus hung as a charm on a tree to swing), from os (mouth) .

. magic was archaic term for science?
notice science is cyclic like the sine wave:
 (hypothesize, observe test, theorize, test new theory with another hypothesis)

. lily is a symbol of abstract thought;
what about renewal?
actually both ideas consistent:
renewal is like abstraction in the way that the life-death
cycle turns the individual into abstractions of role:
parent, child, teacher, criminal, wise man, fool, etc,
. and again,
he calls red roses a symbol of venus and the desire-nature?
the desire nature (addiction, foolishness, mania)
is indeed synonymous with the roses reputation as both the most beautiful and thorny .
[@] footnote:
. the scientific name of rose is campi?
reminds of theatrical`campy meaning a pair of overplayed expressions
grinning and frowning)

. infinity is the number that occult has ascribed to hermes (p41) ?
I saw it as the sine wave representing how
rotation translates to linear motion
27: . the sine wave looks like an infinity sign when rotating in
an oscilliscope


2, the high priestess

gimel, g, 3, camel, below, moon`metal"silver,
 uniting intel,
. this priestess sits with sick eyes
as if she having a hard time with the stress of her position
. beside her are pillars of solomon and hermes,
shaped like tulips, with varying surfaces:
on her right is black with white letter"beth
(stands for boaz(strength [as in religion]))
on her left is white with
black letter"yod
   (stands for jachin (establishing principle)

. a cross on chest, moon on forhead
in front of hat which is shaped like the ram horns of zodiac#aries
  (but the horns also appear to be like a jester)

. the tarot`key#[the world] reminds that
liberation of the female represents
liberation for the entire world,
the high priestess of feminine power
is taking the ram`s
if you keep ramming away at converting souls,
the world will be saved
-- and reproductive control by women
is said to be the key to ending the cycle of
(over.pop, poverty, no choices, domestic violence, over.pop ... )

. ram horns also fit next to the full moon on her head
looking like the waxing and waning of moon crescents
. they appear like the horned diadem of the egytian goddess" isis
. she holds the torah (bible of israel)
. the veil behind represents virginity?
 the flowers and bizarre plant forms
that are printed on the veil
seem to be howling for attention even as she remains numbly stoic .

. in one sense is the First Mother, first matter of the alchemishts
who call this prima materia their virgin diana
diana is goddess of crescent moon,
diana is the great hecate of greek`occult philosophy
  Greek goddess of darkness and the underworld
 . She was the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria.
 ( Greek Hekate, a form of hekatos "(far-darting)]
  constrast this role
  Luna, Roman Moon goddess
  Greek equivalent Selene [@] (reminds the mineral selenium is godly powerful, both in healing and killing)
  the element silver in alchemy (archaic)
  (Latin, "(moon) )-27

this goddess is all the virgin godesses,
( artemis -- helper of childbirth
, maia -- mother of hermes
, bona dea -- never left her bower [@] (the woman`s bedroom in a medieval castle)
, kybele --  stayed apart in caves
[23: from the picture, I got the sense that
this character is not just a commander who happens to be female;
her power represents that calling
that brings men into the female
to insure the next round of soldiers
-- the ones who serve to howl in their darkness
for us to relieve them with robotics
]-23 [24:
. though you might also see picture as being about mental ilness,
where there is an obsessive protection of virginity
due to dreading the strain of labor . ]-24

[23: . the flip side of this destruction that calls for high-tech
is the powers of women or institutions that protect virginity
29: . virginity raised is population reduced, which retards high-tech devel' . ]

. sephiroth`edge"1,6

3, the empress

daleth, d, 4, the leaf of a door: that which admits or bars,
. hindu`prakriti = great womb of all forms,
. venus is mother-goddess,
similar to the cow-headed egyptian goddess"hathor
(hathor, when spelled ator, is a twist of tora, torah, tarot)
. her sceptor is headed with a ball that has a band holding cross,
so if it were held upside down it would be the venus sign

. in her right hand is a heart-shaped box with a dove on it

. surrounded by a wheatfield
 reminds of how the tarot symbolized death as the grim reaper`s
harvesting of people as if they were wheat

. a necklace of huge pearls;
her left foot is on the crescent moon

. 12 stars in front of wreath on head
arranged as (triangle; one surrounded by pentagon; trinagle)
being stars of david, they signify dominion over the macrocosm or great world
[ . the 12 stars, when used in the context of
having the female as icon of tarot#[the world]
suggests how
women`s role in any society
is an anologue of the jew`s role in culture

. in both cases, a part of people (body or culture)
is being prepared for a special use .

. luminous intel, venus`metal = copper,

4, the emperor (he who sets in order)

heh, h, e, 5, window[@] wind-door, constituting intel,

. his right hand holds sign of venus on a sceptor (circle on a t-square)
. his fireman`s hat has little aries ornament at top center
. left hand holds ball with ribbin fully around and half-way over,
with a cross on top .
. the emporer  sits on a salt cube with the sign of a ferocious ram,
reminding us that in the roman empire
 the soldier`s need for daily wages (salt)
makes them very smart on head-butting
. as he looks away from us and towards his sceptor
he looks away from the shoulder that is
 bearing a ram that looks like a monkey
[27: the fact that this ram looks like a monkey
reminds that goats look and act much like rams,
suggesting that
the strategy of continuous head-butting is rather stupid,
since goats are notorious
-- not only for headbutting even the rocks --
but also
for urinating on themselves -- a habit that has made them
a familiar symbol to
 satanists [@]
( those who don't pretend that god is good,
  -- being cousins of the old-testament hebrews
  who swore that a one-god world meant that
  [/]He was the sole source of both good and evil .

. another coincidence concerning the ram for the emperor
is that the empress is all about useful sexuality,
while ramming is the key strategy of the sex act
. also,
the primary means of dealing with both overpopulation and poor emergency planning
was the ramming technique of periodically pillaging the neighbors
. in the british empire, the scottish were notorious for that,
hence the many colorful uses of their name as an adjective . ]-27
. the twin peaks around him
look as if they are all bare stone shattered from head-butting .

. aries the ram

5, the hierophant (revealer of sacred things)

vav, v, u, w, 6, nail, hook, construction adhesive, bonding agent, "(and)--for saying lists,
pontifex(bridge maker between experience and meaning)
triumphant and eternal intel
[@] [. I imagined this being sarcasm about why we had religious leaders:
it has to do with thinking god plays favorites,
and this guy is telling us we are still favored ]

. many characters wear symbols on shoulder,
but this revealer wears zodiac#torus signs
 only near his shoulder --  on his chair --
and they are slanted at 45degrees  like shoulder pads might be

. the square dais (raised platform) apon which his throne sits
suggests the number and meaning of 4
. the carpet leading up to the thrown
is lined on either side by a circled X
( 2 pairs can be seen, for a total of 4)
. I notice the circled X is a variation of the earth sign
slanted 45 degrees
this is the slant you might give a 3rd axis in a 3-d graph;
which could remind one of the other -- psychical -- universe
. and this is exactly the slant you would give for making an circled 8-point star,
8 being a right-angled infinity sign
-- the authors suggest these are the venus sign folded in on itself
( the venus sign is a circle over a cross )

. around the carpet the flooring looks like a black&white checkerboard
as is masonic mosaic pavement,
[reminding us of life being cycles of revelation and occultation]

. the top of his pillars remind me of the
the rear underside view of a pelvis framed as if
we are watching from the bottom of a toilet
as s skeleton is sitting on it
. the throne and pillars are the same shade of grey as
tree of life` sephirah#2

. part of a theme in the tarot
is to have characters with feet are in 2 diff'ing worlds
as has been said of schiz'ia
-- often a character in the tarot will have only one foot in water
. in the case of the hierophant,
the feet are in the same place,
but near the feet are the keys of papacy,
and on these,
their crosses having various metal:
 {silver, gold} => true light of sun
and the imitating, false light of moon
[. this reminds how the revealer separates the
fool`s intuition (whose dress also sports crosses)
from the voice that is consistent with deep understanding ]
. there are crosses on hands and feet (again, 4 total)

. his crown is a triple tiara (like thepope`s)
. it appears to be a 3-story bldg
where each story is a row of trefoils (clubs or 3-leaf clovers)
[@] ( the symbol of the archetypal,  will-ideas, [the psychical world of forms] )
it has 1 marble at the top => (archetypal world),
and each row is for another world, and an associated number of clubs:
3, creative;
5, formative;
7, material .

. the tall staff in his left hand
is a cross with triple horizontal's of varying lengths
-- making the whole thing appear as if cut from an up-arrow
. like his triple story crown, this is topped with a marble

. his collar is 2bands connected by up-facing crescent moon
[27: the keys near his feet have are crossing eachother
so that they appear to be have handles of circled X's rather than circled crosees;
the key heads have a picture that can look either like 2 keys facing eachother
or the mask of an executioner ]-27

. two bishops greet him as he holds up his first 2 fingers,
as if preparing for an anal inspection
the guest on the left (with the shirt of roses)
is gesturing at the guest on the right (shirt of
weird tropical white flowers, with hands out in prayer)
as if to say
"( look how sorry he is, sir,
what should we do with him?! )

. the flowers of the guilty man`s shirt have 6 sausage-shaped petals
 the author says these are the same flowers as in the magician`s garden?
the roses are the same,
 but the white flowers in the garden are much more like normal morning glories` trumpets

. the author also said both of them wore 
palliums (ribbons positioned like suspenders; typical of popes and bishops)
and these symbolize being yolked;
they had the color of mercury (intellect)
which is a deeper tint of yellow than uranus .

. taurus the bull

6, the lovers

zain, z, 7, sword, weapon, victory, above, disposing intel [@](to place apart)
 smelling the properties of things

. she has a form that is very pleasing
but appears to be worried
-- and this seems to be about the power of coercion --
as she looks up to the angel raphael for what to do,
while he has his face and hands gestured
like "(hey, what is this?! give it up!) .

. behind her is the tree in eden with the serpent, and 5 fruits
[ the zodiacal constellation scorpius, between Libra and Sagittarius,
has a part that looks like an arching tail ready to strike,
then another part is a T square
showing where the tail is about to land;
and, the fruits on this tree look like that T square ]

. the female angel above has an expression like "(everything is going to be fine, just leave them alone)
and is raising her hands like
"(I'm staying out of this, let it be)
. the male, on the right, has a tree of fire,
and the angel`s hair looks like part of the huge sun behind her
like it might be on fire, or just have thick streaks of grey

. there is blood on the ground
reminding of what happened after eden, with cain and abel .
. the jackal is know for a keen sense of smell,
representing discernment and sagacity;
[ why is she anxious about him?
 can she smell blood on his hands? ]

. gemini the twins,

7, the chariot

cheth[@]say(khayth), ch, h, 8, fence [@] (a chariot is a movable fence -- the abode if inflowing power)
below, intel of the house of influence
[@] (related to speech and other communications
     like tarot#[the tower] but in a positive way)
. there are 2 sphinxes;
the one on the left is black and pouting,
[@] (severity => religion)
just like the
 moon face on the charioteer`s left shoulder pad
. the one on the right is looking
ery feminine and concerned
[@] (mercy)
similar to  the yes-sir grin on the moon face
 of the right shoulder pad

. behind and above each shoulder is the star of david
and the same is all over the canopy`s exterior

. his medallion is a white square with a black "(T) intruding
from the sides and top (the T is never shown rightside up)
. these stand for
the limiting power of saturn
and the letter tav, order, and purity .

. crown of weaved-band stars
. staff, in right hand, has a head that is
a bead that is binding a figure 8 [@] (religion means "(to bind) )

. the skirt is composed of belts with geomantic symbols
used in making magical talismans
as they typify dominion over terrestrial forces
. the emblem on the chariot front is
 [an eagle-winged ball] [@] (variant of the egyptian winged globe)
suspended over
a shield containing a diamond set in cup

. cancer the crab,

## laws or agencies ##

8, strength

teth, th, t, 9, snake, the serpent-power
, "(what moses typified by his brazen image in the wilderness)
, "(the reproductive organs of Adam Qadmon the archetypal man)
, the astral light of eliphas levi, theosophy`force"fohat,
intel of secrets of works or spiritual activities
[@] (intel of not being schiz'ic or keeping occult the core of politics & relgion )
. the great secret is subconsciousness is controlling all subhuman activity

. pictured is hathor the mother nature, with infinity halo,
controling the mouth of a lion who is
on some ground that is streaming with blood
 as in tarot#[the lovers],
where the woman is being coerced into having sex .
. amidst only one sharp hill, there are some bushy trees in the background,
whereas in backgrounds of most other keys,
the trees are very tall and very thin
. her hair is filled with flowers  and held with a double-roped headband
( like the hierophant`s collar
. abover her head is the infinity sign

. leo the lion [@] (the tribe of judah or tarot#[the hanged man])

9, the hermit

yod, i, j, y, 10, the hand of man, the open hand, potential power, below,
intel of will,

"(prep'ing for demo of existence of premordial glory, "(above all) [@]
[sanctified; many of the prophets were forced to live with god`s word by themselves!]

. the hermit has a head lowered and under the hood of hebrew`letter"yod [@] (fattened yin-yang line)
holding a staph for rocky walking,
and a lantern whose light comes from the star of david
[@] (
sign of judaism`s relationship with god,
and the idea of being isolated from the world
due to seeing the world only by the word of their god )

. virgo the virgin,

10, the wheel of fortune

kaph, c, k, 20 or 500 when a final letter, the closed hand, a curve,
west, wealth-poverty axis, jupiter,
intel of conciliation (seek and you shall find)

(desecription of picture described next )
[@] wheel of fortune`graphic

. sephiroth`edge"4,7

wheel of fortune`graphic

[@] eliphas levi` ritual of the sanctum regnum/ the wheel of ezekiel

. the wheel of fortune is thought to represent the Great Work:
the technological progress of culture, civilization, amelioration)

. wheel`s inside`s have
( N: mercury, yoga`sattva, consciousness
, E: sulpher, yoga`rajas, passion, activity,
, S: 2 wavy lines (like the aquarius sign)[@] alchemy`dissolution, the great work`fundamental process
, W: salt [@]theta, yoga`tamas, ignorance, enertia
. riding on the globe are:
( N: woman as sphinx with sword
    -- top-of-the-world as if the perfection of a cycle
, E: jackal-headed human body, hermanubis (hermes-anubis)
      the egyptian god of keen smell, head toward the sphinx,
, S: the legs of the hermanubis are womanly but appears to have a male crotch
, W: snake: yellow serpent headed toward hermanubis
   appears to be start of woman`s cycle,
   or man`s cycle as being women of the gods
   by giving birth to the Great Work (eternal progress)
)  )

. wheel`s outside`s have:
( E: A
, NE: I (yodh)
, N: T
, NW: H (he)
, W: O
, SW: V (waw)
, S: R
, SE: H (he)
) -- hebrew letters for TARO and IHVH (jehova, Be),

taro`cycled says "(wheel of tarot speaks the law of nature):
( rota
, taro
, orat
, tora
, ator [@] old.latin`egyptian`goddess"hathor (law of nature)

outside the wheel are the fixed signs of the zodiac:
[@] (see  ezekiel 1:10 and revelations 4:7)
, NE: eagle: scorpio [@] (like a bird, the scorpion`s tail can attack you from above?)
   [27: --the bible`living creature# predator with defense#evasion ]
, NW: man: aquarius [27: --the bible`living creature# omnivore with brain creating defenses#unlimited ]
, sw: bull: torus [27: --the bible`living creature# herbivore with defense#strenght ]
, se: lion: leo [27: --the bible`living creature# the carnivore ]
. the tarot pictures man in this context as being lost in the simple pleasures
rather than thinking about the unlimited potential of the human brain .

11, justice

lamed, l, 30, to teach, the ox-goad [@] the fool`s goad,
faithful intel [@] (hebrew`amen = faithful, egyptian`god"amun, sanscrit`aum|om)

. all imagination is based on memory [@] aummmm ....
. among characters in the tarot, justice is shown as a much younger man than all except the fool
--. it might refer to a sort of double justice
[@] [27: the fool is holding a rose away as though he's hitting the road after a lover soured;
while the youthful civilization is meteing out justice to the caught (and even the sorry-looking)
instead of creating a world that prevents crime
. both are blind to how their chosen road will greet them
with the same thing they left behind
. on a hat that looks like half a clam (containing a square frame around a pearl)
sits a very small 3-point crown that has short teeth
yet they still bend under their own weight like the jester`s hat .

. libra the scales,

12, the hanged man

mem, m, 40, 600 and center when a final letter,  seas, water
(the mother of all minerals, (the 2nd of 3 mother letters))

. a man is being hanged by one leg,
with a pair of crescent moons facing eachother around his genitals
. he doesn't look in pain, quite relaxed,
but streams come from his head like heat from the sun .

. like the man hanging upside down, water reverses what it reflects
. 12 = tetrad * triad
. the man has white (lvx, light) hair like the emperor and the hermit
[@] (one way to distract destructive thinkers is constant pain
  as would be found hanging by one foot)


13, death

nun[@] say(noon), n 50, 700 when a final letter
fish, to sprout, to walk, perpetuity when a final noun,
[@] [jc wrote a fish in the sand
  when he secretly looked for members of what would become
  the new religion that sprouted from judaism
  . a sprouting is a walk from mother to child,
  like from judaism to christianity ]
. imaginitive intel

. the skeleton with scythe [@] (manual wheat harvester)
as if he heard you coming from behind
and is teasing you with a ready of his blade
. below are 2 left hands, 1 foot, a right hand,
and 2 heads whose face remind me of the pair lost in
tarot#[the tower] ( 2 males, one wearing a crown,
 who are slightly more effeminate compared to
other tarot characters
 (the author asserts the uncrowned one is female)
. speaking of the hebrew`letter"nun, tarot#13, agency#6: death,
[27: and confusing men with women ... (what's up with [/]afterlife!) ]:

joshua, moses successor, after whom jesus was named,
means jah[1] liberates;
and qabalists ascribe this divine name to chokmah, or wisdom,
the sencond aspect of deity
. "(jah) is found in the psalm 68,
sing unto god,
sing praises to his name:
extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name jah,
and rejoice before him
. chokmah is also the sphere of the zodiac or masloth, the highways of the stars
. he that rides the heavens finds expression in the
big-picture astronomical order beyond our solar system
. the meaning of "( to christ every knee shall bow)
means that eventually [by robotics]
all men will eventually embrace liberation as an ideal
[as no one has need of slaves]
)-nun and joshua

. the fallen body parts are among plants
that are spaced apart so you can see them clearly,
and each one has 3 leaves
but near the crowned head there were 7 leaves

. the sunset seems to melt into the river
as if it's a fallen ice cream scoop
and all the trees -- like those behind the empress --
are bowing toward the sunset
. the upper right has an icon of a medallion
with the picture of a sun set
but the icon is turned to the left, and then stretched horizontally .

. scorpio the scorpion

14, temperance (adaptation)

samekh, c, s, 60, tent-peg, prop, quivering, vibration, above,
. probation or trials-tolerance intel; temperance as in holding one`s temper
[@] (the only algorithm for a 7-pointed star is iterative rather than formulaic)
. the rainbow =>
 hebrew`qesheth = sagitarius`sign = bow;
[@] [ the icon is archer with legs of horse body
while the symbol or sign is like an "(x)
but with the "(/)-part containing a fish.hook on top;
iris, is the virgin rainbow goddess,
messenger of the gods, depicted with wings and a staff ]

. pictured is the archangel of fire, michael,
with the solar sign on his forehead
. the sign is surrounded by curly lines
that remind of the word "(son)
with both the s and n getting rotated right (clockwise)
so that they sort of look like matching braces .
. all of tarot`s angels appear to come from the same family,
one which i believe is perceived as jewish
although i can't place why;
assuming there is a face type that is popularly identified as jewish,
perhaps the reason for the tarot casting jews as angels
would be that judaism brought us the bible,
and the characters that have so deeply influenced the christian religion

. this male angel looks rather effeminate,
with big eyes and thick lashes like the emporer`s ram had;
but that could be an attempt to make him look very young
or otherwise much stronger than appearance would belie

. the fact that the female angels are all portrayed attractively
in the tarot, reminds me that often when a dominant culture
would like some other to go away,
they will try to marry their women,
and put their men in low-wage jobs

. another theory is that since this key is about
temperance, adaptation, or being stoically graceful during adversity
it would ideal be portrayed with a lamb who could
lie down with the lion without consequence
and soar higher than the eagle

. interesting that this angel has the title "(son)
when jesus christ is variously known as "(son of man)
or "(son of god)
. christ is often quoted about preaching for tolerance,
even by turning the other cheek,
yet I'm sure the religous leaders of his day
would have seen him as a sort of michael the archangel;
because he was so weak in terms of political or military influence,
yet he made such fools of the leadership
parading around as one of them
and then not following any of their rules
all the while
 doing so much more good than they did -- even collectively --
for the common man
. it took several years of dumping water on their cats
and mobbing-away their eagle legal teams
before outraged religious conservatives
finally caught him on a technicality,
about crimes against the emporer
for saying he was king of some other world
when there was no other world! (the emperor was officially god too)

. a 7-point star is on the chest,
 and above that a star;
looking like pleats in his garment,
it is the same hebrew word found in the wheel of fortune (be) ]-27
. his head is gleaming like the hanged man
. the angel over The Lovers
has the sun in the background looking very close and hot,
all the lines streaming off the edge of the page
. the angel over the family [@] tarot#[the judgement]
has a halo of clouds, and is riding on a cloud
 that is studded with bayonets
--. on archangel michael, the rays are around his head
like he is the sun
and arranged by length
so it appears like an eight pointed star
with each arm being 3 lines
. then there`s a 3rd set of divisions with a single arm
so that there should be
8*3 long lines,
8 medium lines,
and 1..2 short lines between the 3levels of quad-divisions

. the sun looks similar, to him,
gleaming and flanked on either side
by peakish mountains

. the angel has a right foot in a pool separating the lion and eagle
. the pool is sephirah#9 "yesod [@] (automatic consciousness, vital soul)
--. contrast this with sephirah#2 is wisdom, 
    and sephirah#3 is understanding .

. adaptation is the fundamental operation of hermetic science
seeking to imitate nature
. equilibrium is the basis of the great work [@] eternal progress
[27: finally,
temperance reminds me of man`s place, and what would drive god to create man:
. if you want a creature that's perfect,
you find that the king of carnivores still can't evade bad weather
and the king of evaders still can't fly off the planet
when the sun expires
. the bowl shaped sign of the hermit
reminds me that in the vast expanses of space
eagles are kept apart from the community of eternal survivors
who are constructing pods that reseed new stars
with the beautiful life forms we took so long to develope
on a precious earth -- who knows how rare it is
-- or how successful we be if we do produce millions of trials
starting as soon as possible .

. sagittarius

## conditions or effects ##

15, the devil (adversary)

ayin, o, 70, eye [@](an orb, limited by horizon), foundation, below,
mirth, capricorn the goat, renewing intel,
. "(devil is from latin`diabolis "(adversary):
[/]the adversary refers to weakness of the flesh, cheating self through bad attitude,
or lying to keep from working through problems .

. the name of the eden`s tempting serpent has the same numerical value as messiah
. one interpretation of "(the devil and god are the same)
is that people doing wicked things simply misunderstood god
. the devil`s forehead has an inverted [@] (distress signal)
symbol of man [@] (the pentagram)

. the woman looks like she's doing her best but the man looks ashamed,
it's about goat, but the humans are wearing the hooves,
and tails ( woman -> fruit, man -> fire )
. the devil is a man goat-face, eagle`legs, bat`wings,
. the devil`s arms are doing
a vulcan hand signal on her side (reminds of using hand as primary sex tool),
and a flaming torch on his side
. the devil`s belly has the mercury sign,
[@](a twisted u with a plus under it, like the snakes climbing the wand of roman god"mercury)
. this is about giving up:
 the man is looking hopeless,
and gesturing that all his things can be stolen without a fight;
meanwhile, the woman is gesturing that her ass is yours "(don't get upset, guy!)
and her "(no problem) expression reminded me of that situation -- acutely important to the faithful multiplier --
where the man
is not really watching things,
[@] (mercury is the sign of "(faulty observation and superficial reasoning))
and the woman
is taking abortives behind his back .
. on the devil`s female-side hand is written 5? the devil`s tarot# is 15 = sum 1..5
and the character of tarot#5 is the hierophant
which is a priestly guy who looks really bored as he`s being told by one bishop
that the other bishop has done something he looks very sorry about getting caught with .

. capricorn

16, the tower


peh [@]pe, p, ph, f, 80, 800 when a final letter, mouth as a speech tool,
grace-sin axis, beauty-ugly axis
activating intel

. pictured is a tower struck by lightening [@] (god`s weapon)
and 2 people are falling to the rocks
[22: . there are clouds of the hebrew`yod [@] sign of the hermit
but unlike the sun and moon keys,]-22
these are not dispersions but carefully arranged as symbols
. the crowned guy is near venus, the sign of female;
and near the guy who looks like a page.boy
is an 8 with a dot in each circle
which is like a twin solar sign

. unlike most other tarot settings
the sex of the humans is not obvious,
so the word tower reminded of stacking, like man on woman,
but the key idea of tarot#[the tower] is [/]peh [@] mouth
. another sort of stacking comes in the form of co.worker sexual harassment
(where an authority is stacking economic influence with sexual needs )
. this scene looks like the king asked for the usual,
but this time the fiery young man burned the house down

. here's the authors method of pointing all this out to us:

. the crowned person is a female,
and that the woman`s crown [@] (#1 = will)
refers to this:
 false knowledge, where subconcious motives
 are allowed to dominate the personality ...
 by emotion and by telepathic invasion through subconsciousness ...
to produce things like
"( can't help the way i feel ) .

. the lightening appears to come from a warrior`s shield in the sky,
and the top of the tower that got blown off
looks more like a crown than the castle turrets as seen in the moon key . ]-22

. mars,

17, the star  (eight-pointed )

tzaddi, ts, tz, z, 90, 900 when a final letter, fish-hook
, that which draws the fish(nun) from the water(mem),
above, administrative intel,

. pictured is hathor the mother nature (again but without clothes),
with right foot is in pond,
and right hand pours water into pond;
the left foot is on ground,
 and left hand pours water onto the ground
. she has hair to her knees,
and in the background is a long-beaked bird perched in a tree
(the egyptian`scarlet ibis, sacred to hermes)
11 bold stars, and one mountain peak .
. when you have found the beginning of the way,
the star of your soul will show it`s light
. aquarius the waterbearer

18, the moon


qoph, q, 100, back of the head,
below, corporeal intel,

. canines howl at a moon whose face has the appearance of one being taunted;
all around the moon is a cloud [@] (rain is related corporeal)
of hebrew`yods -- the sign of the hermit
. to the left was a dog, to the right a wolf,
and between them is a hilly road,
. in the distance on either side are castle turrets,
many hills, with 2 peaks; the road goes to the left of them
. coming out of the water and onto the road,
-- coming at the 2 canines from behind --
is a crawfish or lobster,
[@] (egyptian`occult equates shelfish with god"khephra)

. pisces the fish,

19, the sun

resh, r, 200, head and face of man -> countenance,
fruitful-sterile axis, sun`metal = gold,
. the sun looks rather tolerant, as if children are getting close to trouble
and surrounding it is the same cloud of hermit`s yod besetting the moon
. boy flirts with girl, they appear starting into puberty,
a wall is covered with sunflowers they can easily hop over,
and now the are stepping each one foot on the island formed by
a very small circular path
[@] (fairy ring)
. just as the moon is but a mere hint of the intense heat provided by the sun,
the isolation felt when attacked by dogs
is child`s play compared to the exile forced getting caught in a taboo .
. sephiroth`edge"8,9

20, judgement


shin, sh, 300, tooth sharpness, acidity, active manifestation, the holy letter
fire, pluto, planet"vulcan, perpetual intel,

. pictured is an angel trumpetting at a family, there is a cross flag,
and the woman and child both hold out their arms for a hug,
but the man holds his chest like it aches

. their skin is grey [@] (elder, white, light, lvx),
and the positions of their arms form the lvx that means light in hebrew

. sephiroth`edge"8,10

21, the world


tav [@] taw, th, t, 400
, "(signature or mark that is a cross of equal arms
   like that on the breast of the high priestess),
administrative intelligence
the final seal and witness to
the completion of the great work of liberation
. center [@] (the palace of holiness in the midst that sustains all things)
. zion [@] (where man can commune with god)
. saturn [@]
( a god who ate self`children, reminds of a 4th- or time-dimensional suicide,
  -- saturn is also associated with the concepts of
  concreteness(I am my self not society or children)
  and enertia(gods last forever)
. pictured is an inverse of the wheel of life:
replacing the woman`s cycle of (snake, jackal, sphinx with a sword)
is a [boyishly handsome][@] (this key is signifies cosmic consciousness, nirvana)
 but healthy woman dancing
with oppositely spiral wands in each hand

. the view is framed by a greek wreath seen at toga parties;
in fact, she has a toga, shaped in the hebrew`kaph [@] tarot#[wheel of fortune]`hebrew.sign
. in the wheel of fortune,
the bull was staring at the lion who looked worried;
but in tarot#tav, here,
there is the same man, bull, lion, and eagle
except that they represent different emotions:

the bull now faces away and looks strained,
while the lion is staring with power at the bull
. the wand of the right hand turns clockwise, representing involution
. the dancer here is considered to be "(the all-father and all-mother),
(the kingdom[@]bride, and the king)

--. interesting that qabalists call the kingdom"malkuth both
 "(the kingdom) and "(lord king)
while the english bible would have hebrews calling "(the god)
"(lord god)

. when is the kingdom equivalent to the king?
after a brief study of metaphysics  yourself,
you might imagine that qabalists were simply adept
at philosophising about metaphysics
-- and able to answer the mind-boggling question of
"(how was all this created?!)
with a simple:
it doesn't really exist!
it's the same stuff dreams are made of:
real until wake-up,
and it lasts forever in physics, because Be is an eternity of dreams
that sum of which collectively cancels out eachother out,
no dark, no light,
because that and everything in between
exists in that same space
where there is no time or space
and no way to separate them .
or whatever,

[!] footnote:

. a different source described nirvana
as a procedure used by hindu priests for generating sterile prostitutes,
so it's interesting that this key of women`s liberation
would be associated with that term,
given that the [/]world`s bondage
is caused by the women`s bondage
it is her having no say in reproductive mgt that causes the overpopulation
that enslaves the world to poverty and the wars of the desperate
) ]
--. as further reading about nirvana:
william james`varieties of religious experience,
jacob boehme`supersensual life,
ouspensky`tertium organum,
and anything by
swami vivekananda .
. the authors would like to rename this tarot`key
"(the universe) to emphasize that it`s scope is
not merely terestrial but truly cosmic,
and explain that
the world key is about the dancer
this universe is about [/][the eternal dance of life]
. sephiroth`edge"9,10



. planets are symbols of psycho-social forces in astrology
. this book used tarot as a study of all similarly symbolic or occult (secretly taught) schools,
including astrology;
so even though the tarot tool was invented 1200ad,
some of the astrological information concerns uranus, which a planet that wasn't discovered until recently
. notice that many of greek or roman gods were named after planets that were known at the time
but there they also had many other gods, including uranus,
that did not correspond to heavenly bodies,
but that did symbolize psycho-social forces .


. sun`symbol is a center-dotted circle
. the dot might correspond with our belief at the time,
that the sun was atleast economic center of our universe
if not the physical center of the universe .
. the archangel of fire, michael, is shown with the sun`symbol on his forehead,
while soaking a cat (leo), and torching an eagle
. in the study of electricity,  the circle around a dot represents the front view of an arrow;
 it symbolizes both electric flow coming at you
and electromagnetic flux turning clockwise .


. uranus`symbol is a center-dotted circle with an up-arrow above it
. uranus was the god of heaven,
so perhaps the up-arrow means
"( above all of that which is hot as hell ) ?
. in math, the tangent of a vertical is infinity


. venus`sign is a circle with a "(+) under it;
or variously it may have a "(t) under
. it is also known as the sign of the female
. perhaps this was due to their patriarchical society assuming that
women`s biblical reason for living
were as reluctant additions to men,
and their place was seen a strictly submissive to men
trumped only by class stratification (eg, queens being in the royal class) .


. mars`sign is a circle with an arrow coming out at the 45degree angle (to the right)
. it's also been the sign of the male,
perhaps because it resembles an erection,
or because his arrow again means above others
and it refers to the male`duty to progressively dominate more of his peers .
. in math, the tangent of a 1:1 diagonal is #1 !


. mercury`symbol is a venus with horns of flame;
with the flames made as a half circle
like an "(8) with the top quarter removed
. the planet"mercury is very close to the sun,
and the metal"mercury looks as if it is always very hot
since it liquifies at room temperature
. the horned circle can also be drawn as a twisted u,
reminding of the symbol familiar to doctors
of the twin snakes chasing eachother up a staff
. mercury was a god who had such a staff
and it reminds doctors that they are to first do no harm
(the snakes being bad diseases and uglier doctors)
or it can symbolize the path of science,
where we medical technology and disease are constantly
adapting to eachother and evolving
. some very ugly things have been done in the name of science, esp'ly medicine .


earth`symbol is a circled "(+)
. earth is said to be the mother of heaven,
. perhaps "(+) represents mothering,
and the earth is the center of the mothering universe
. in the study of electricity, the circle around a cross represents the back view of an arrow;
 it symbolizes both electric flow going away from you
and electromagnetic flux turning counterclockwise .

. the earth symbol reminded me of the symbol"theta with an "(I)  superimposed on it
. in math, theta represents angle;
and, in alchemy, theta meant salt
. if concepts are additive like symbols,
then the salt and I
are all that the earth is made of;
 the bible`s "(salt of the earth)
is "(all those other people)
. the roman empire paid their soldiers in salt
and in the british empire they had a problem with counterfeiting
as their subjects from india began harvesting salt from the sea for use as cash .


. jupiter`symbol is a 3-pronged fishing fork over a "(+)


. astrology is an archaic branch of social-psychology
in which the behavior of astronomical objects or gods
were believed to be the cause of human behavior and fortune
. it could also be thought of as a system of symbolizing human behavior systems
with astronomical sytems
. or like modern religions, it could be used as a tool for identifying and rallying around
the wise and influencial .
eg, house:
. one of the 12 divisions of the zodiac in astrology;
or, the sign of the zodiac in which a planet is found at a specific time.

astrological significance of day`name

sunday    dies solis     (sun)
monday    dies lunae     (moon)

tuesday    dies martis (mars)
1) tiw: anglo-saxon name for nordic tyr, son of odin and god of war,
closest to mars (greek ares), son of roman god jupiter (greek zeus).

wednesday    dies mercurii (mercury)
2) woden: anglo-saxon name for odin, nordic dispenser of victory,
closest to mercury (greek hermes), roman messenger of victory.

thursday    dies jovis (jupiter)
3) thor: nordic god of thunder, eldest son of odin,
closest to roman jupiter (greek zeus).

friday    dies veneris (venus, uranus)
4) frigg (or freyja): wife of odin, the nordic goddess of love,
equivalent to venus (greek aphrodite).

saturday    dies saturni (saturn)

zodiacal constellation (with descriptions of their symbols)

. "(zodiac) is from greek zoidiakos kuklos, literally "(circle of animal figures)
 from zoidion (small animal) from zoion (living being)
. includes any of the twelve constellations
that a sign of the zodiac is named for:

ram aries   
(ram horns or mosquito face qp)

bull taurus   
( planet"mercury, flaming ball, twisted u, twisted twin snake dance)

twins gemini   
( ii, capital pi )

crab cancer   
( 96 on it`s side )

lion leo   
( u on line 2 vert up to n on line 1; vert down to u on line 3)

virgin holding leafy branches up virgo   
( tttt with x below the last pair )

balance libra   
( omega underscored, -- omega is _n_ )

scorpion scorpio   
( m with last vert coming down into a devil`s tail or fish.hook )

archer with legs of horse body sagittarius   
( x with the / containing a fish.hook on top )

goat with fish body capricorn
(v with knob on the / and then coming down with a curl back to the right )

water bearer aquarius   
( = but wavy )

fishes both hooked on one line
pisces    the fishes     ( an h with the verts pushed towards eachother while hor stays same length )

astrological word origins constellation shapes

. word origins and the appearance of the star formations they represent:

aquarius is classified as an air sign and its ruling planets are saturn and uranus.
also called the water carrier
[14th century. from latin, “water carrier,” a noun use of aquarius “of water,” from aqua

aries is classified as a fire sign and its ruling planet is mars.
also called the ram
[pre-12th century. from latin aries “ram.”]
(looks like a woman`s crotch -- the first thing to ram)

cancer is classified as a water sign, and its ruling planet is the moon.
also called cancerian
also called crab
[pre-12th century. from latin (see cancer ); from the constellation’s sideways movement across the sky.]
(a square with six legs -- insect not crab)

capricorn is classified as an earth sign, and its ruling planet is saturn.
also called goat
[pre-12th century. from latin capricornus, literally goat`s horn, from caper goat + cornu horn ]

libra is classified as an air sign and its ruling planet is venus.
also called scales
also called balance
[pre-12th century. from latin, literally “balance, scales.”]

taurus is classified as an earth sign, and its ruling planet is venus.
also called bull the
[14th century. from latin taurus bull]
(looks like non-erect penis urinating)

sagittarius is classified as a fire sign and its ruling planet is jupiter.
also called archer
from latin, “archer,” from sagitta “arrow.
looks like m-dot or arrow pointing at handle of spoon)

pisces is classified as a water sign and its ruling planets are jupiter and neptune.
also called fishes
[pre-12th century. from latin, plural of piscis “fish”

. the twins or castor and pollux, after its two brightest stars
[pre-12th century. from latin, plural of geminus “twin.”
--( looks like a foreskined penis erect pointing left, or a vagina when owner's facing right

. classified as a water sign and its ruling planets are mars and pluto.
also called scorpion
[14th century. from latin, from scorpio (see scorpion ).]
greek skorpios “sea fish, scorpion.”
a nocturnal arachnid (. order: scorpionida)
of warm dry regions that has a long body with pincers in front
and a thin segmented upturned tail tipped with a venomous sting

chinese zodiac

. each successive year is named for one of 12 animals
. these 12-year cycles are continuously repeated and combined with a sequence of the five elements
(water, wood, fire, metal, earth)
in a 60-year major cycle.

rat    shu   
1900    1912    1924    1936    1948    1960    1972    1984    1996    2008
ox    niu   
1901    1913    1925    1937    1949    1961    1973    1985    1997    2009
tiger    hu   
1902    1914    1926    1938    1950    1962    1974    1986    1998    2010
hare    t'u   
1903    1915    1927    1939    1951    1963    1975    1987    1999    2011
dragon    lung   
1904    1916    1928    1940    1952    1964    1976    1988    2000    2012
snake    she   
1905    1917    1929    1941    1953    1965    1977    1989    2001    2013
horse    ma   
1906    1918    1930    1942    1954    1966    1978    1990    2002    2014
sheep    yang   
1907    1919    1931    1943    1955    1967    1979    1991    2003    2015
monkey    hou   
1908    1920    1932    1944    1956    1968    1980    1992    2004    2016
rooster    chi   
1909    1921    1933    1945    1957    1969    1981    1993    2005    2017
dog    kou   
1910    1922    1934    1946    1958    1970    1982    1994    2006    2018
pig    chu   
1911    1923    1935    1947    1959    1971    1983    1995    *2007*    2019

uranus`word relations

via latin from greek`god"ouranos

gk`ourania: one of the muses,
-- urania: in greek mythology, the muse of astronomy.
muse: goddess of art:
in greek mythology, one of the nine daughters of zeus and mnemosyne, goddess of memory
. the muses inspired and presided over the different creative arts
. they are calliope (the muse of epic poetry)
, clio (history)
, erato (love poetry)
, euterpe (lyric poetry)
, melpomene (tragedy)
, polyhymnia (sacred song)
, terpsichore (dance)
, thalia (comedy)
, and urania (astronomy).

gk`urania: aphrodite
goddess of love; unfaithful wife of hephaestus,
and mother of
  eros (boy-god of love
     who fell in love with psyche, traditionally armed with bow and arrows )

gk`orrhos: buttocks, posterior, caudal,
-- <adj>ura: one having a tail like <adj> .
gk`ouron: urine,
gk`ouraios "(of the tail)
-- uraeus: the jewelry on front of haeaddress of ancient rulers of the sacred asp (a snake)
     the sacred serpent found on the headdresses of egyptian rulers and divinities, representing sovereignty

gk`ouranographia, "(science of the skies)
-- uranography:   mapping of the stars: the branch of astronomy that deals with making maps of the constellations


. a classical deity (others being ge, gaea or gaia, tellus, cronus or kronos, saturn, ops,
and greek`rhea (a titan who was the wife of cronus and mother of the gods)
. a planet discovered     1781 by william herschel, eight years before the element was identified uranium
. the seventh smallest planet in the solar system
. the seventh planet from the sun
. is blue-green in colour
and is mostly ice, hydrogen, helium, with atmosphere of hydrogen, helium
. ice volcanoes, a volcano-like formation composed of plastic ice magma, are found on the two 1787 moons of uranus
. in astrology, rules aquarius along with saturn.
a giant planet: one of the four largest planets in the solar system, jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune
a superior planet, further from sun than earth: mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
a jovian planet, one of the four major planets, jupiter, uranus, saturn, or neptune
an outer planet, has an orbit outside asteroid belt: (jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune)
. has a ring, a band of dust, particles, and small bodies revolving around it
(such bands are known to circle saturn, jupiter, uranus, and neptune)
. has 17 satellites,
all of which are named for characters in the plays of william shakespeare:
belinda, bianca, portia, puck, cressida, ariel, miranda, desdemona,
titania (officially designated as uranus iii ) -- the largest moon of the planet uranus
( in medieval folklore, the wife of oberon and queen of the fairies )
oberon  -- second-largest discovered 1787
{ cordelia, ophelia } --moons with gravitational influence that seems to help stabilize the outer ring of uranus
rosalind -- small inner moon
umbriel  -- one of the five major moons circling the planet uranus
(named after a sprite in the alexander pope`poem [the rape of the lock])
juliet -- juliet is international radio communications code for j


. the primeval sky god; [personification of heaven]
son and husband of
the earth goddess gaea (ge) [personification of the earth];
  ( she sprang from primordial chaos and herself produced uranus [the heavens],
  by whom she was the mother of the cyclopes and titans
. father of cronus and the titans
. the ruler of the heavens, dethroned by his son cronus.
. the titans were one of the twelve children of uranus and gaea,
supreme rulers of the universe until they were overthrown by zeus
. son"hyperion  was the father of
( helios, god of the sun,
  selene, goddess of the moon,
  and eos, goddess of the dawn.

other gods of ancient greece

god of the winds, who kept them imprisoned in a cave on the lipari (aeolian) islands

goddess of love; unfaithful wife of hephaestus, and mother of eros (boy-god of love who fell in love with psyche,
traditionally armed with bow and arrows )

god of the sun, music, poetry, prophecy, agriculture, and pastoral life; the twin child (with artemis) of zeus and leto

god of war; the son of zeus and hera

goddess of chastity, the young of all creatures, the moon, and the hunt; also associated with childbirth; twin sister of apollo

god of medicine whose emblem was the caduceus, a winged staff with two snakes coiled around it; son of apollo

athene (athena, pallas athene)
goddess of war, wisdom, and the arts and crafts, who was supposed to have sprung fully grown from the head of zeus; she was the patron of athens

god of the north wind

cronos (kronus)
ancient fertility god who castrated his father and protected himself from a similar fate by eating his children; son of gaea and uranus and husband of rhea

goddess of agriculture; daughter of cronus and rhea, and mother of persephone by zeus

goddess worshiped alongside zeus at his most ancient shrine at dodona; said to be the daughter of okeanos and tethys and mother of aphrodite

dionysus (bakkhos)
god of wine, orgiastic excess, and mystic ecstasy; son of semele and zeus

goddess of the dawn; daughter of hyperion and thea

primordial god of darkness who sprang from chaos; father of aither (upper air) and hemera (day)

boy-god of love who fell in love with psyche, traditionally armed with bow and arrows; the son of aphrodite

erinyes (the furies)
a group of goddesses with fearsome faces and snakes for hair, who visited retribution upon those who had done wrong, and who sprang from the blood that fell on the earth upon the castration of uranus; their names were alecto (relentless), megara (resentful), and tisiphone (avenger of murder)

graces (charities)
goddesses who personified beauty, grace, and good nature; named aglaia (splendor), euphrosyne (rejoicing of the heart), and thaleia (blossom)

god of the underworld (which bore his name); brother of zeus and poseidon

goddess of youth, who served nectar and ambrosia at olympian banquets; dutiful daughter of zeus and hera

goddess of the underworld and magic, sometimes identified with artemis and the moon

the sun god, thought to make his daily journey across the sky in a chariot; father of phaethon

god of fire and metalcraft; son of zeus and hera, and husband of aphrodite

goddess of women and marriage; queen of the gods, sister and consort of zeus, mother of hephaestus, hebe, and ares

god of merchants, thieves, and travelers, and messenger of the gods who carried a staff around which serpents coiled; son of zeus and maia

goddess of the hearth

goddess of health, whose sacred creature was a snake; daughter of asclepius

god of sleep, often depicted carrying a poppy; son of nyx, brother of thanatos, and father of morpheus

goddess of peace and wealth, sometimes regarded as one of the horae, who presided over the seasons and the order of nature, and were the daughters of zeus and themis

virgin rainbow goddess, messenger of the gods, depicted with wings and a staff

great mother goddess, originally from phrygia and later identified with rhea

goddess of wisdom who helped zeus to overcome his father cronus; daughter of okeanos and tethys

goddess of memory; the titan mother, by zeus, of the nine muses

moirai (the fates)
the three goddesses who controlled human life: klotho (spinner) who spun the thread of life, lachesis (caster of lots) who tended the thread, and atropos (death's inevitability) who cut the thread

nine daughters of zeus, who were each associated with a particular art or science

goddess of justice and retribution

goddess of victory, sometimes represented as winged

god of water, the sea in particular; older than poseidon, he was called “the old man of the sea”; his fifty daughters by the sea nymph doris were the nereids (divine sea nymphs)

god who embodied the ocean, believed to be a great river encircling the earth

god of flocks and herds, shown as a man with the horns, ears, and hoofed legs of a goat, and playing a shepherd's panpipe

persephone (kore)
goddess and queen of the underworld: daughter of zeus and demeter

son of helios, the sun god, who was allowed to drive his father's chariot of the sun across the sky for one day; he lost control and plunged too close to the earth, scorching parts of it and blackening the skin of some humans; he was killed by zeus with a thunderbolt

plutos (pluto)
a minor god of wealth, sometimes identified with the underworld

ancient embodiment of the sea

chief god of the sea, also worshiped as god of earthquakes; brother of zeus and hades

god of fertility, represented as grotesquely ugly with an exaggerated phallus; son of dionysus and aphrodite; he was later a roman god of gardens

a sea god with oracular powers; he could assume any shape and would do so to avoid answering questions

a fertility goddess, one of the titans; wife of cronus and mother of several gods, including zeus

goddess of the moon; daughter of a titan, and sister of helios

sea goddess; daughter of uranus and gaea

a merman sea god; son of poseidon and the sea goddess amphitrite

god of the west wind; husband of iris

chief of the gods who dispensed good and evil, he was the father and ruler of all; son of cronus


. classic on qabalism [@] bk"zohar
. patanjali`yoga aphorisms
rosicrucian`fama fraternitatis
. astral plane is 4th dimension [@] (psychical universe?)
. the system of gematria
derives meaning from the numeric value of each hebrew letter?
kether, crown of the tree of life

... [/][and others found in this herein]

the purpose of occult schooling

 there are many variations of the tarot
due to attempts to maintain secrecy
(hence, for example,
the diff'tween koran and [!]sp q'ran?
(a muslim aquaintance explained that the english translation is not faithful?
perhaps the q'ran version includes actual verbal clarifications
to demystify the text)


. elemental trumps = ( fool, hanged man, judgement)
. planetary trumps = <their hebrew letters are double letters, or associated with pairs of opposites>
. zodiac trumps = (
. diviners divide the deck into 12 houses, one for each of the astrological houses of heaven,
and then assign each house an aspect of your life;
so the meaning a card depends on the house it lands on
[@] reminds of rap song`lyric "( in the house )
. the astrology signs 1..12 map to the major trumps = ( 4..9, 11, 13..15, 17, 18 )

hand signals

. while the hierophant is greeting the rat-sorry pair he holds up right hand `(1,2), a dbl finger
{ dildo, vagina, bird-#1, pairing: the human is a pair, his collar is a pair of rings interrupted by a moon } ?
when the devil is with the sorry lovers,
he holds up right hand (1,2), (3,4) -- 2 dbl fingers (vulcan chat)
. is this what they do? or is this their reaction to this part of their job? .

relig/tarot#[wheel of fortune]:

. another dimension that I was reminded of
when they showed only 2 of the 4 powerful beings that are shown in the wheel of fortune
was that
these 2 beasts (lion, eagle)
-- undomesticated kings of land and air --
are well known in ancient myth to be more vulnerable to the sun
than either man (building shelters) or bull (domesticated)
. these 4 beings are described in the old testament sayings of a prophet,
and also rehashed in revelations
. in some ancient myths (greek?)
there is a man who attempts to fly like a bird
but his feather glue melts when he gets too close to the sun .