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7.1.25: relig/666 (revelation`s number of the beast)

the 666 of ancient hebrew: chi xi degamma

6.6.9: daugharty & sawyer '86 ` structure of elementary math/
ionic greek, alphabetic numbering system (450 BC):
. the greek alphabet in ancient times also included
the degamma character at position#6,
pushing zeta up to mean 7

. degamma is a modified lowercase xi [pict: cursive"(E)]
 such that it looks more like male genitals
than a cursive "(E)
( the middle bar or tongue is located nearer the top,
so that the scrotum has more area than the penis,
the top lip flares up instead of curling back,
and the bottom lip is strongly curved upward
to give the scrotum a more detached look )

. the authors refer to degamma parenthetically as "(stigma)
. "(de-) [greek"de: now, then] means "(the {inverse, complement} of)
while the lowercase degamma resembles the male genitalia,
the lowercase gamma resembles it`s complement: the vagina;
greek"gam- means marriage .
. also, stigma [greek"stizein: to tatoo] means "(marked as untouchable),
and for ages women have never been allowed to work or engage in battle
. stigma is the name assigned to the lung ports of insects
( the lung and vagina have an equivalent biological topology:
they use the same port for both input and output ) .

. this ancient greek numbering system was base 10,
but instead of using zero as a place holder,
they have a separate set of digits for the 10's and 100's positions [1]:
here is what the ancient greeks (writers of bible#revelations) thought of 666:

+( 600 -> chi [ pict: "(x), greek"chiastos: a cross-like structure
                greek"charassein: sharpen or engrave ]
 , 60 -> xi [ pict: cursive"(E),  greek"xiphos: sword-like
            --capital-xi`s pict: segment of double-edged sword ]
 , 6 -> degamma [ pict: male genitals, greek"gam: marriage ]

. graphically, then the number 666 is the progression:
( cross
, sword
, marriage to the male
and although there are many beasts in our world,
the passage in revelations that brought us 666
appears to be primarily concerned with a
            false prophet
. the religious pundits say that this war on terrorism
is the beginning of the very end times
that revelations refers to:
. the apocalypse is initiated when the jews
are struggling to wrest control of israel
from the hands of the muslems
. and the fact that this is happening to the muslims is very significant,
because their unity was born of the christians` colonial arms race
when britain, spain, and france were
pretending to be missionaries of christ`s good news,
only to use their sheep as a trojan horse,
giving them a foot in the door
to brutally rule over their new converts,
in order to subjugate their resources
-- for the dire, if not noble, cause of
fueling the perpetual wars among europe`s superpowers (spain, britain, france)

. hence the good book says you will know the mark
or identity of the beast
by this number:
( a healing cross (where missionaries do the scouting)
, a conquering sword (for gaining access to the booty)
, and a marriage to the male:
   the friendly cross has turned into parasitic slaver !

1: . for the 1000's position they used
an accented version of the single-place digits .

the lighter side of 666

. according to the
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
the meaning of bible's beastly number (666) is not exactly defined;
but, as expected,
is somewhere between:
    624.41  Child Day Care Services
and 710     Arts, Entertainment

. just 10 years ago, the  Standard Industrial Classification
(SIC) -- NAICS's predessessor --
found the beast's number to be somewhere between
real estate involving cemeteries (655),
and financial holding offices (670)

. according to a math society
the beast is benignly between
650      Numerical analysis (the art of approximation)
and 680     Computer science (the art of automation) .


. according to the dewey decimal system,
the beast`s number is between
planning &control systems (658.5)
construction (carpentry, hvac) (695)

. places in dewey`s world where you'd think the beast would be,
are actually in the codes at the beginning:

091.5, philosophy, metaphysics, heretics of physics"(beyond the big bang)
120 sci of knowledge,
133 parapsychology ( occult, ESP, telepathy ),
150 psychology,
152.4, emotional intelligence, empathy,
153 mind extension, 155.2 flowing, 155.9, adapting,
158.1 psycho-cybernetics

...and perhaps:

220 bible/ guide,
230.09 early christians,
270 hist of christianity,
290 religions compared
292 religions ancient or foreign

301 sociology`s required reading,
 301.24 future shock,
302 networking,
302.23 you are being lied to (by media/politics),
303.49 future tech
303.6 violence
306.244 third age (40+)
307.76 mutations pict.s world culture
317.3 demographics, statistics,

320.973 take back govt
324.7097 know politics
338.542 manias, panics, and crashes: a hist of fin crises

344.758 community preservation law
346.7304 renter rights, copyright law
350.001 govt beauracracy guide
355.02 war stategy

362.11 health care system guide
362.2978 children.drugs

362.88 protect yourself from crime
363.11 accident prevention
363.192, food poisoning
363.1929 diet for a new amer
364.109 criminal hist 364.1066 children,gangs n drugs

398.3 t721 superstition n custom
600 tech hist n future
603 encyc o'invention n tech
610 medical consumer
616 medical: psychosomatic
616.0472 foods that fight pain
616.075 yale guide to medical tests

616.462 diabetes
616.622 kidney stones
616.716 osteoporosis, arthritis
616.8047 excitotoxins

616.8572 anxiety; ocd; depression
616.8589 a.d.d. nutrition
616.89 they say your crazy, psychi; francis: your dsm guide
616.8982 schiz

616.994 cancer prevent diet
617.1 repetitive strain injury
618 child health; alzheimers
619 medical fraud
643.16 crime stoppers, security

646.78 the 7 habits of highly effective families,
646.79 retirement guide, places rated
649 parenting
649.68 child intelligence , home learn

650.1 empl, the 7 spiritual laws of success, workplace survival guide
650.13 emotional intelligence at work
658.382 working safe
658.406 think out of the box

. and, here's to escaping the beast!

503 sci & tech
600 engineering

629.8 fuzzy logic, automate, robot
364.373 men are not cost effective

370 learning to learn
371.42 home schooling 371.192 parent power
371.3943 vos savant` forgotten everything I learned in school,
372.19 what your 1..6th grader needs to know
378.03 taking time off (life is a choc'box)
395.52 world etiquette

612.68 longevity
612.8042 peak-performance
613  longevity: psychosomatics u somatisizations
613.2 smart foods, nutraceuticals
615 drugs, herbs

609.226 rv'ing
780.285 music synthesizing tech
808, writing, critical thinking

999 space travel