Surfing Kinda

Personal Facts
Full Name:   Bradley Christopher Monteforte
Birth Date:   November 25, 1987 (18 yrs old)
Birth Place:   San Diego, California
Resides:   Thousand Oaks, California
Height:   5' 11"
Weight:   155 lbs.
Hair Color:   Brown
Eye Color:   Brown
Siblings:   One sister, Michelle (20)
Pets:   A dog named Lucky


School Facts
Grade Level:   College (UCSD)
Favorite Classes:   Biology AP.   Least Favorite, Calculus.


Sports:   Basketball, running, tennis, & Surfing (not that good)
Teams:   Lakers, Dallas Cowboys, 49ers
Hobbies:   Website/Computers, Saxophone
Games:  Poker, Halo, board games


  Big band/jazz, alternative rock
Song(s)   Roll With Me (Del Amitri)
Artists/Groups: Iron and Wine, Phantom Planet, Starting Line
Movies:   Life As a House, Napoleon Dynomite, In Good Company
Actors:   Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey, Kevin Kline
Pathetic and good movies: ..Peter Pan(2004); The Royal Tenenbaums
Foods:   Pizza and any bread
Color:   Green


  Grapes of Wrath


  The apprentice, ER
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Well, not frequently.....
What are some memorable events that have happened in your life so far?
Well, I'd be lieing if I said that there hasn't been many worth-while events in my life, even if it has been only 18 years. Looking past all of the band events, I'd have to say getting my car is one of the most memorable. It was only this year, but it definately is a highlight of my life. Then the next event would have to be going on 7th heaven when I was in 6th grade. That was such an awsome experience (too bad I was still overweight and funny looking then, lol) The last thing that I won't forget would be crashing on my motor scooter. I know, it sounds funny now, but it was the single most painful experience I've ever gone through in my life. Even though it's a negetive thing, I doubt i'll ever forget it.

What are your educational ambitions and hopes in life?
Well, I'm going to attend UCSD in the fall, where i'm majoring in human biology and minoring in music

What do you do when you're not at school, practicing, doing homework...?
Uhhh, soooo, that pretty much is everything, lol. I like to go to the beach as often as I can. I see a lot of movies and I spend a lot of time on my computer. Because of my massive multi-tasking skills, I listen to music and watch tv when I'm doing my homework.

Where have you traveled?
Well, I've traveled so far to San Fransisco/Sacramento, Indianappolis, and Hawaii.

Does Brad visit the message board?
Of course I visit the message board! What do you think, I just made it and don't even look at what you write? Unless I have massive amounts of homework, I update my pages at least a little bit every day. And I do check those message boards even if I don't reply to them.

When does Brad go online?
I'm almost always online. 'But wait' you might ask yourself. 'He's not always on, in fact, he's never on'. Well it appears this new AIM invisible option works correctly. I can see you, but you can't see me, what a cool idea. I'll be signed in as damoogle45, so look out for me.

What's Brad's next plan for his site?

I guess you'll have to keep checking back to find out....

More Questions???? Email the Webmaster (look at bottom left) and ask the questions you want me to post.

















Contact Webmaster B by email at beachbum45@gmail.com
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Me when I was 12 on '7th Heaven' (I used to look weird didn't I?)