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How does the program work for you?
All products purchased through your business generate Product Value (PV) which will determine your monthly bonus. There are three main ways to increase PV.
Personal Purchase - PV will be generated when you buy those products you used through your own business
Business Presentation - helping others start their own businesses as Omegatrend Members will add to your business volume
Workshops provide a great way for the people to try Sanden Brook Skin Care and Cosmetics products in the comfort of a home environment, receiving personalised advice and service

For Helping Others to Succeed

You will be rewarded for your consistent work and for helping others achieve success their business. The more others succeed the more rewards you will earn.

(For more details - visit or email us at

Introducing Others

For each person (including yourself) that you personally introduce into Omegatrend as members, you will receive a half price shopping voucher. Establish 3 persons (to form a club 3) and earn up to AUS$200 (RM$140).

Basic Principle : Help 3 people to succeed and to help them duplicate.

Help establish 3 people in Omegatrend Business and achieve a Club 3 as well as earn vouchers of up to AUS$200 (RM$140).

Help these 3 people to establish 3 others to achieve their own Club 3 and you'll earn AUS$300 (RM$380).

Now help these other people helping 3 others start their own businesses. By so doing, you will receive Income Subsidy of AUS$2,000 (RM$3,000) monthly for up to 15 months.

Keep up this consistent effort of helping others become successful, Omegatrend will reward you with monthly income packages from AUS$7,000 (RM$15,000) to AUS$40,000 (RM$60,000).


receive Special Recognition & pins for your efforts

additional income when you trained to become a workshop specialist

enjoy special Weekend Lifestyle Retreats

bring your family on a vacation with the Premier Club Family Holiday Fund

There are two main ways to be rewarded:

More Coming

another way coming

Basic Principle Coming

Other Benefits Coming