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Learn About Biomes!
Understanding the Biomes of the Earth!!!

Image © Addison-Wesley Publisihg Company.

A biome is an area on the earth's surface that has a certain set of characteristics. There are seven kinds of biomes in the world: tundra, taiga, temperate forest, tropical rainforest, desert, grassland, and ocean. The map above shows where each of these biomes can be found around the world. Although it does not appear in the key, the ocean is represented by the blue area on the map.

A Biosphere is defined as a complete ecological system, including all organisms and the environment in which they live. Biospheres must be carefully balanced and self-sustaining; otherwise, the life forms they support cannot survive. The only biosphere that exists, to human knowledge, is Earth itself.

All organisms on Earth have survival as their primary goal, but that survival is now being threatened through human stupidity. As rational and self-aware beings, we have the unique ability to understand the potentially fatal consequences of our actions. If we continue to undermine the delicate balance of Earth's biosphere, we will destroy our home and ourselves along with it. Our fear of this seemingly inevitable future leads us to search for new worlds to inhabit. Biosphere II was one attempt to see if humans could recreate the balanced ecosystem we require to survive. To learn more about the biomes of the world, follow the links below.






Temperate Forest



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Nick Ipapo