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"The Institution for Better Life"
Laoag City


Admission Requirements

Application Procedure
Admission Procedure
Registration Procedure


1.      The College admits male and female applicants of not less than 17 years of age.

2.      The applicant must:

a.       have completed four-year secondary education.

b.      Have passed the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) with a rating of not less than 75%.

c.       Possesses the following qualifications:

1.      Physically fit – no physical defects such as harelip, cleft palate, limping gate, deafness, etc.

2.      be mentally and emotionally sound.

3.      be morally fit.

4.      be single. If married, female applicant must comply with rules and regulations regarding marriage.

d.      Submit other college requirements and/or examination after passing the entrance examination:

1.      Interview by the Committee on Admission.

2.      Physical examination including X-ray, dental and general physical examination.

Application Procedure

            A. Application form may be obtained from the Office of the Dean, College of             Nursing.. The filled out forms may be submitted personally or mailed to the office                of the dean. The following credentials should be included with the application:

1.      High School Form 137

2.      Birth Certificate or I lieu thereof, the following may be submitted.

a.       Certification of the Local Civil Registrar of the Municipality where the applicant was born, that no record of birth of the applicant is available: and,

b.      Affidavit of two persons not related to the applicant showing knowledge of the birth place and date of birth of the applicant.

3.      Two copies of the latest photograph, (2 x 2) with the signature at the back.

4.      Honorable dismissal from the college previously attended.

5.      Three long –sized self-addressed envelop with stamps.

6.      Alien Certificate of Registration for alien students.

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Admission Procedure

            Selection of students must be made by the Committee on Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.

A. Entrance  Examination:

1.      Credentials must be complete and duly examined by the processing committee before an applicant is allowed to take the entrance examination.

2.      A non-refundable entrance examination fee of P50.00 shall be collected during the date of registration for entrance examination.

3.      Entrance examination is given in the month of December-February of each year for regular students and March for transferee students.

B. Interview:

1.      Personal interview of applicants who pass the entrance examination shall be conducted and scheduled by the Committee on Interview.

2.      Failure to appear means disinterest unless clarification and proper arrangement are made with the Committee on interview in the College of Nursing Office. Failure to make such arrangement cancels the applicant’s right to the other admission steps.

C. Medical and Dental Examination:

1.      An applicant who had passed the entrance examination and personal interview shall be  required to submit the results of physical and dental examination including chest x-ray. This will be arranged by the college but the applicant will pay the fee.

2.      The P.E. form should be filled up by any government or private physician and submitted before classes start.

D. Admission for Internship:

1.      Notification of admission or rejection shall be sent to the applicant after evaluation of all records and results of physical and dental examination including chest x-ray.

2.      A prescribed reservation fee shall be charged to applicants who are accepted. This covers for ordering of books, supplies and other essential needs of the student. Non-compliance for deadline of payment disqualifies an applicant unless previous arrangement with the Nursing Dean’s Office has been made.

3.      All applicants qualified for admission are required to complete all academic requirements before opening of the school year in June.

4.      Withdrawal from the school after paying the deposit may be referred to the Officer-In-Charge of policies on refund and adjustment of fees.

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Registration Procedures

A. New Interns to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.

1.      Students entering the college for the first time should see the Dean for advisement.

2.      Fill out the registration card and submit this to the Dean and the Registrar for approval.

3.      Take the registration card to the Cashier’s Office for assessment and payment of fees.

4.      Return the registration card to the Registrar’s Office  and Dean’s Office. The student copy of the Registration Card shall be issued to respective clinical instructors on the first day of class.

5.      Registration dates must be strictly followed. A fine will be charged to late registrations.

6.      Dean’s copy of enrolment form is submitted to the nursing office.

      Old Student:

1.      Follow the steps of registration procedure.

2.      Check with the Office of the Dean/or Registrar’s Office for any deficiency.

3.      Student with incomplete grades must see respective dean and registrar before she/he is allowed to enroll.

4.      No student is allowed to enroll for the next nursing level with a failed of INC. grade without first seeing the dean.

5.      Fine will be paid for late registration.

Honorable Dismissal and/or Withdrawal:

  1. A student who desires to withdraw should submit petition of withdrawal signed by the parents or guardian. If the petition is granted, a student shall be given an honorable dismissal but she mat not be readmitted to the College of Nursing.
  2. The statement for honorable dismissal indicates that the student has withdrawn in good standing as far as character and good conduct are concerned.
  3. Any student who is expelled from the College as a disciplinary action is entitled to an honorable dismissal. Should she be permitted to receive her transcript of records or the certification of her academic status in the school it shall  contain statement of the disciplinary action against him/her. She may not be again accepted in the College of Nursing.

Student Personnel Services

  1. Orientation Program of Activities for interns to BSN Program:
    1. First Day – checking in of incoming students; conference with parents/guardian.
    2. Second day – Tour to the set up, administration, personnel, and nursing policies.
    3. Third Day – Tour to other health agencies like the PHO,  CGO, PRC, Industrial Agencies and Health Agencies. Orientation on the different services, administration, and policies of agencies.
    4. Fourth Day – Orientation to school policies, personnel, curriculum, and student personnel services.:

1.      Health Program

2.      Guidance Program

3.      Extra and co-curricular activities

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Guidance Program:

    1. There is a guidance a guidance counselor for NCC but all members of the Faculty of the College of Nursing may serve as counselor to the students.
    2. Each class may chooses from among the full time faculty members, a class adviser to whom guidance in all class activities or personal problems and needs can be sought.
    3. The Dean of the College of Nursing has appointed clinical instructors their definite consultation  hours when students could readily secure help from them.
    4. Students with frequent class/clinical delinquencies are referred  to the Class Adviser or Guidance Counselor for proper action.

Health Service: Health service is maintained for students with the following objectives:

1.      To assist the students in regaining, maintaining health, and preventing illness.

2.      To furnish the physician, clinic nurse and advisers physical health data of students for effective counseling.

3.      To provide assistance in time of medical emergency.

The Health Program includes:

1.      Complete physical examination for all students before admission to the College of Nursing. Periodic follow-ups are arranged with the school physician.

2.      annual check-up for old students at the start of the first semester each school year.

Students should be aware of the following policies:

1.      All students must report promptly illness or any accident to their clinical instructor who will in turn notify the Nursing Office.

2.      Any student who will not be able to report on duty because of illness or emergency purpose should secure excuse sleep from the Nursing Office with the physician’s certificate

3.      Any student who desires to visit her sick college mate or relative in the hospital should secure permission from the clinical instructor and head nurse.

4.      Before seeking medical service from a resident physician other than the school physician the student must first inform the dean.

5.      Self-treatment and self-medication and administration, or prescription of treatment to another student is not permissible.

6.      Surgery especially if elective in nature must be approved by the College Physician. In cases of emergency, the College Physician and the Nursing Dean must be notified who will consult with the parent or guardian.

7.      If the services of a specialist is needed, the students pays the consultant fee.

8.      Any student who is on sick leave which will arrange from three months to one year must undergo a complete physical examination before the start of his/her leave and must report every three months thereafter. Failure to report for the required check-up automatically cancels her privileges to re-enter the College of Nursing.

Extra and Co-curricular Activities:

            Students are encouraged to participate in extra and co-curricular activities which are listed as follows:

1.      Weekly convocation (except when in the clinical area)

2.      student Government Organization

3.      Nursing Student Council

4.      Singing Nightingale

5.      Sports

6.      Religious and Cultural Programs

7.      PNSA

8.      Ladies Circle Organization

9.      Community Outreach Program

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