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Health is one of the important things you care about. Public health and safety are the number one priorities today. Since public health has become an issue, the government and other public health organizations have started pouring out tips to keep you healthy. In today’s fast and busy world, many people do not have time to eat right. They do eat food, but not the right kind. The fast food has led millions of people in America to obesity, excluding people who regularly exercise. Because we work or the kind of work that we do, we sometimes get under tremendous pressure, and that creates mental stress. Mental stress is health’s enemy and will affect your lifestyle and behavior. However, it can be cured. It requires mental toughness and time away from work and other similar places to relieve the stress. Also, you need to exercise to keep yourself in a good shape. Exercising helps prevent/avoid obesity and keeps the body fresh and flexible all the time. You will not see the results instantly, but in a long run, you will notice in your older life. Keep in mind that regular exercise is required in order to stay healthy besides other things. Study suggests that if you can make a right food choice, exercise regularly and relieve your stress as needed will definitely help you live a better and a healthy life, which will help you keep the doctors away.

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How to Stay Healthy?
By An, Kristen, Mike and Pranay
Communication 110 Group Project