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The butterfly is a Christian symbol meaning Resurrection into a new life. To Christians, the three stages of the butterfly s metamorphoses are symbolic of the three stages in the life cycle of Christ and the Christian. The caterpillar s non-stop eating reminds us of normal earthly life where people are often preoccupied with taking care of their physical needs. The chrysalis or cocoon resembles the tomb and the butterfly represents the resurrection into a new and glorious life free of material concerns and restrictions.

I have chosen the butterfly as my icon because my life has been like the butterfly. I ve lived a difficult life but, through God s beautiful creations in nature he has brought me peace and guidance and my life has changed into a glorious joy. I hope through my art work with God s nature gallery you may find peace and joy.

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God Bless

Cheryl Lee


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Copyright © 2003 Gods Nature Gallery
Last modified: December 05, 2003