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1st Fallschirmjager Pioneer Field Manual

1st FJ Sapper Field Manual

Well, with the addition of the 1.30 patch, Sappers are no longer as effective as they were before in anti infantry means. With the new infantry model, rifles, pistols and smg's can be fired while jogging, and infantry can now strafe easily also. This no longer gives the sapper the initiative it had before (running in lobbing grenades) and now that tactic can be done better by smgs (jogging in and engaging with smg from longer distances). Also the addition of the Stuka wing bombs has made them even more useless, instead of having to have 2 stukas or 1 that drops a bomb, respawns and drops another, (which took longer then getting a sapper or 2 in a truck and driving them to the FB) Now stuka's are able to drop 4 other bombs on they're wings which from what i've been told can destroy a FB. But with this new cover it also gives the sapper the ability to sneak up better on tanks and the such, I myself will not be playing sapper as much as i used to, Although i may when needed, i feel the rifleman or smg can now fill its place effectively.


With the recent addition of the 1.20 patch there has been a new class added, and therefore a new section of the 1st FJ, therefore more strategys to be learned, this new class is the sapper, who specializes in explosives, the sapper carries 4 satchel charges, and 6 grenades, A well trained sapper is deadlier then any of the other infantry because of one thing, mobility..... Although the rifle infantry has long range, and the submachine gun infantry has spread and lots of shots fired per minute, both require you to be stationary, or walking (no difference to the enemy). Meanwhile the sappers primary weapon, the grenades can be fired/thrown from full speed, can kill in one hit, and explode apon landing, making the sapper the perfect infiltrator of a base (as i have done many a time) although running in full speed grenades a flying may seem reckless, it works VERY well...And satchels, though not as effective as once thought to be, can still, with the proper placement stop a group of 4 chars/a13s (if ya can catch em) in they're tracks...

Advanced- Grenade Tactics
Advanced- Satchel Tactics
Advanced- Pistol Tactics
