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Portsmouth Quality Flooring specializes in installing all the products we sell. Floors throughout your home or business, as well expert tile installation for anywhere tile can go, kitchens, baths and anywhere else in your home or business. We offer free estimates on the products we sell, as well as installation.You can call us or stop by our showroom to request an estimate.We can consult with you on your needs, provide information, as well as give you the best rates. Our reputation speaks for itself, ask around and you'll soon find out, all over New England, that Portsmouth Quality Flooring not only offers the best prices on flooring, but we're proud to have the highest quality installation team in the area.
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About PQF | 2040 Lafayette Rd, Route 1, Portsmouth NH 03801 | Phone: 603-436-3422 | Go to Top
Store hours: Monday thru Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm | Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm | Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm | Closed Sundays

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