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Begging of Book



My Rage


About Me

Good vs Evil

Thoughts of perception!

Just when you thought life would be easy, just when you thought your life was getting better. I have an idea for you, its just your own perception! Yes you may think you have a life, but it turns out its nothing! Yes I said nothing! Why because your perception is that you have a great life, you sit on your ass you do nothing. You use the clicker like its life support, if the batteries die on that sucker, you feel as you have lost the love of your life!!!

Now What do you think of a page full of rant? Do you wish to read through a page full of just random thought? I hope not, but if you do, muahah I'm scared because I'm just writting because i'm in a mood to type!! Type of like a madman? No just to let my mind flow, just to type what my brain is thinking.

WOW Well just testing to see if I still knew a little html to increase the font size! Well to rant and rave, which do you care to know about? My dreams? My passion? My Rage????

My dreams are the most abnormal I'd say, they like to tell the future of my life and others around me. My dreams tell of a philosiphy of me. I'm going to record my dreams and post them for everyone to see. Just click on DREAMS on the navigation bar. This is just a log of my dreams written right after a dream. So it won't be in perfect english, its just my mind flowing onto the pad so to speak.

A philosiphy that will transpire into a book. A book that will change people, change them into a new perception of thinking. Of what this world is, what th is world will become.

Ahh but to every human or mortal which ever you care to call us, there are two sides to us all. There is Good, and there is Evil.

I'm going to take you to the two sides of me, so you can see what I am capable of, and what others maybe capable of. Why do I write this you ask? I write this only for myself, its totally selfish. Its a RANT! The whold point of this page is for me, I don't care who reads it!!! So which do you care to see? If you are reading that is....