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Beginner Fish

Welcome to my beginning aquarist page. The first thing you need to do is buy a good book on aquarium fishkeeping. Do not buy the so called "starter kit" 10 gallon aqariums. They are the worst thing you can buy if you are a beginer. They are ok for just a few fish, but its best to buy a 29 gallon or up. I say this because 10 gal. aquariums are very unstable, as far a temperature and disease go, and they are just plain too small to keep more than just 2 or 3 fish. The genneral rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per 1 gallon of water. However, this rule doesn't take int account the fact that some fish, like pleco-type catfish, grow wide as well as long. With that said, what fish to get? Most fish will be fine in you new tank, as long as you know how big they will grow to be. Avoid fish such as a pleco- catfish. They grow large and will tear up your tank. Also, certain types of goldfish cannot be with other fish because they demand high water temp. Plants are importain too. Make sure they are compatible with your fish. If you have any questions e-mail me.
