Artwork by Adela Serban

I was wondering how would the land of oblivion look like and I was imagining an arid land on which nothing grows because everything has forgotten to live. I would have liked to know it though, but my steps never lead me close enough. However in a night with blurred skies I escaped there, in my dream.

I was walking among ropes of time tying up together mirrors of memories. The further I was going the ropes were becoming thicker and more often, and the mirrors were more and more dusty and blurred so that hard  something could still be seen in them. And I was thinking that when nothing will be anymore seen in the mirrors and the ropes will be so many and so thick that I will not be able to advance, there I must have reached the land of oblivion. But I was walking since much time, since many nights, stars and infinites and nothing seemed to change. I still could see through the ropes of the time, I still could see images in the mirrors. I was not sure I wasn’t going on the wrong way, therefore I stopped to look into one of them, hoping to find an answer. But what I saw confused me even more : there were images of things, faces, places known to me, dear to my heart, images that my soul had kept alive. This could not be the land of oblivion then; I had surely mistaken the path. I was wondering where I had been wrong when a thought came suddenly : “What if… ?”

I woke up the question on my lips but I did not say it out loud because I already knew the answer. I did not precisely wished to meet the land of my oblivion and now I understood I had reached another’s territory. That is, the land of oblivion of those who had chosen to forget what I wanted to keep, the land of those who wanted to forget me.

 I have not travelled there anymore, since that night. There was nothing else to be discovered. I had already found out that at their foggy boundary the land of oblivion is sometimes the same thing as the land of memories.

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Romanian version

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