When the mirror was broken, leaving behind an empty frame like a gate to nowhere, I remembered an old people's saying, that happiness is going to be broken in as many pieces as the mirror did. And I watched myself in all the shards, to give them back the meaning of the whole they were coming from, thus cancelling the curse and keeping untouched the promised image of a happiness to come. 
        I wanted to share one of my dreams with every shard, but I couldn't find any to match my love dream, since their edges were too sharp to fit into a heart shape. And the star-shaped one cried red tears in my palm when I wanted to give it the dream of flying. And then I understood that my dreams can't exist one without the other, that I can't break their fragile network.
        So, I have given all my dreams to all and every shard, watching myself reflected in them with the eyes of the one I would have liked to be... I have given  to each of those faces everything I have never had out of what I have always wanted... And then I closed my eyes and, with the power of the dream, I sent them far, far away, into the light, to live... to love... to be happy... 

        I haven't found out anything about them since then. And sometimes I wonder what their life is like, what could they have become...
        "They"... The sisters of my soul, the children of light to whom I have given birth
once from the refused light emprisoned in mirror shards... I feel them living somewhere and I miss them, I miss all those pieces which could not be happy together, inside me, but only each of them, far away, alone...   

        The old mirror does not exist any longer. And I don't recognize anymore the old sad face I see in the bold brightness of the new one.
        Old people use to say happiness is going to be broken together with the broken mirror. Perhaps... But I still hope that one day, from the mirror waters, coming from far away, along with the memory, one of the happiness' faces, come back from the light, will smile back to me.  


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