"Long time ago, when God has made the whole garden of Heaven by blowing life upon an earth ball, the first man spent his long and sad days among the marvellous birds and flowers who were vainly trying to light up his devastating loneliness. But then God has made a creature alike to him, a woman for the man to never be alone again"

        During the soft fall evenings by the edge of the sea, whispers from the old story drop into my blood. And together with them, memories about the times when I was the first woman of the world, coming your way with the treasures of love that were meant to drive away forever your sadness and loneliness.
        I see again, with the eyes of my mind, Heaven's Garden, too small for our endless love. And then, along the millions of years, the millions of women in whom I have always come your way, the way of the millions of men, peacemaker or warrior, in whom you had been scattered.
        I often remember all this. And now I know Love is the only possible heaven, the only heaven we have been driven away from. And some times, during the soft fall evenings by the edge of the sea, the loneliness hurts in the rib I have been made of.


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