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I'd like to thank:

First and foremost, TammyT for the photos and other goodies she has so graciously shared with me; and her encouragement, for which without, I may never have done this page; and for becoming my friend! You are good peeps, girlfriend!

Many, many thanks to Andy & David for ... well ... for being there to make the music! I admit that I'm old enough now to TRULY appreciate their musical talents - and I really hope we hear more from them in this new millennium!

If you're new to web page building, Boogie Jack's is THE place to go! The Boogie Man (snicker!) has pretty much everything you could possibly want . . and he's funny too! I subscribed to his "Almost A Newsletter" a while back, & I look forward to the tips/info/humour in it every month. Thanks, Booj, for the totally cool graphics & stuff!


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