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Of Course!

It was the day before Tay was coming to pick my up, and I called Des.

"Hello?" she said, picking up the phone.

"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall. I need to go shopping."

"Why not?" She said. I hadn;t talked to her in awhile, I hadn't been feeling well. My stomich was really acting up, and I couldn't stand the pain. But it felt much better, and I had been able to call her today. Josh had this thing about talking on the phone when I was absent. I couldn't. I could have killed him! I wanted to tell Des for the whole week but couldn't.

"See ya!" I said, and I hung up. I told Josh I was going to get a new outfit for the concert tomarrow. He offered to drive, and I refused. I hopped in his truck, and drove to pick up Des.

When I got there, she came out in wide leg pants and a tank that had flames on it. She looked really cool, and she got in the truck.

"So, why do you need to go to the mall?" she asked, and I smiled.

"I couldn't wait to tell you! I'm going to meet up with my boyfriend tomarrow!"

"Cool. Who is he? Do I know him?"

"Um, Taylor Hanson."

"You're fucking kidding me right?"

"I'm serious! We met in Tulsa, when I lived there. I guess I should tell you the whole story." and I did, for beggining to end. At the end she just stared at me in disbelief.

"Don't tell anyone, but I love those guys!"She said kind of sheepishly. I looked at her, but quickly turned back to the road.

"Wanna come with me tomarrow? Tay's picking me up, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you went." With that she started nodding, and smiled.

When we got to the mall, there were so many places I wanted to go. First we went to Pacific Sunwear, but I didn't want anything there, so we went to WeatherVane, and I got some PJ's *not for the concert* and a CD shaped thing with eye shadow and lipstick in it. Then we went to Limited Too, and I got really cool flares, and a shirt. Then we went to Hot Topic, and I got alot, but I got a shirt that says "In My World You Don't Exsist" and flame shoelaces.

When we were done, we went backto my house, and I put all my clothes away.

"Wanna see if you can spend the night? Then we can just go. We can even call Tay tonight if you want! I'm allowed to call him, but I have to pay for the calls."

"Sure." she said, and called her mom. She said yes, and I walked downstairs to ask Josh. He said it was Ok, and we hung out in my room all night listening to Hanson.


Chapter 21
Chapter 23