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I Wanna Hold You, And Love You...

I went home feeling a little better about school. At least I had a friend I could talk to. She seemed really nice, almost a reflection of me. Except it didn't seem like she liked Hanson much.

I went online, and checked out Hanson sites. Then I went to Yahoo!, and saw a news article concerning Hanson. It read:

Due to a recent change in plans with the Hanson brothers, they will be going on tour agian starting next week. The first stop will be Hartford, Connecticut, and it is rumored that Taylor Hanson will have a very special guest with him.

I started jumping up and down. It didn't click about Taylor Hanson's special guest untill I got permission to call him.

"Hello?" I heard Zac say

"ZACY POO!" I screamed, and I heard him laugh.

"Am I correct in guessing it's Ashley?"

"Yes you are! Is Tay home?"

"Yeah, one second. But you're going to the concert, right?"

"I better be!"

"Good! Ok, here's Tay!" I heard Tay in the background, saying things like "C'mon" or "ZAAAAAC!!"



"Oh god I miss you! I'm picking you up in a week and a day, and you're coming to the concert with me, no if, ands, or buts. My mom and dad both said ok, and I'll even talk to you're..." he stopped there for a second, I knew he was at a loss for words, "foster parents if you want." I don't know why it was so hard for him to say that. But I just knew that it was.

"Can you hold on a sec?" I said, and I ran to Josh and Mary

"PLEASE! Free, and everything! I have a ride, and it's all good! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!" I begged. I was on my knees, almost crying, and they hadn't even said no.

"Yes! You can go!" Mary said, and I ran back to the phone screaming.

"Tay! I can go! I can go! Om my god! yes yes yes!" I was totally freaking out, and I just heard him laughing.

"Great! I'll be there in a week. I love you more than anything. I have to go though." and he made three kissing noises. I made them back.

"I love you."

"I love you."


"Bye" I didn't want to hang up. But I slowly put down the phone. I started screaming, "YOU CAN'T SAY, I DIDN'T GIVE IT... IF ONLY... CUZ I NEED YOU.. OH YEAH.. MMBOP! WHAT TO WEAR! OH YEAH! MMMOP! TAY TAY TAY! YEAH BABE! OH YEAH! UH HUH!" Singing the last few words to the tune of MMMBop. I heard Josh and Mary laughing, and decicded they weren;t that bad.

For now...


Chapter 20
Chapter 22