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Miss, I Hate To Tell You This...

I woke up in a hospital, and there was a doctor sitting right next to me. He looked at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"Hi Miss. Greenburg, I'm Dr. Lawrence. Are you feeling ok?" He asked, not taking his eyes off me. I nodded, and felt very sick to my stomic. Knowing I was going to puke, I turned the other way and did it on the floor.

"Oh dear, NURSE! GET A MOP IN HERE NOW" the doctor screamed. Then he turned to me.

"I have bad news for you, sorry thats all I got today, no good," he started, "Well, first off, you have to go to foster care, until we can find you a foster parent. Because we now know that there was abuse in the family. Secondly, I don't think you knew this, but you we're about three days pregnant with a baby that now has no chance of surving. What we did was remove the feutus from your body, so you may feel sick to your stomic for awhile. The foster home knows this, and will treat you well."

My eyes shot open as big as they would go and I swallowed hard. Wheather he called the cops or not that night, Roger ruined my life. He killed life me and Taylor had created. He ruined two lives.

I started crying hard, I couldn't stop. I puked three more times, and the doctor said I should stay overnight, and that I could call the father of the baby to tell him. But that was all. Visiting hours were over, and I was leaving tomarrow.

After much searching, we found the phone number, and they gave me a phone to call Tay with.

"Hello?" I heard Zac answer on the other line.

"Hey Zac, its Ashley."

"Hey babe! Long time no talk. How are you?"

"I'm not feeling to well. Can I talk to Tay?"

"Anything babe. Get better ok?" Zac said, and I smiled. He was so sweet, I missed him.

"Hello?" I heard Tays angelic voice said. I started crying, just at his voice.

"Tay, its Ashley. Hun I have awful news."

"Shoot. Nothing can be as bad as how much I miss you."

"Aww, you're so sweet. Well, I have to go to foster care, because Roger, my step dad beat me. I'm in the hospital, but visting hours are over, and I'm leaving first thing tomarrow. Also, and this is the worst one... Tay, remember the night of the tree? Well.. I was pregnant... Tay.. Roger puched my stomic, it killed the baby. Please don't be mad at me. Please."

All I heard next were sobs. I knew Tay was crying.

"Ashley, I could never be mad at you. Never."

"Tay, another thing. My parents didn't call to have me taken away. It was some anonymos guy called and said I would be going home."

"Ashley, I need to see you before you go. Call me when you get to the foster home, or write, because I need you." Tay said. Then the doctor came in and said I needed to get off the phone. We said our good byes, and I hung up.

"Now get some rest, tomarrows gunna be a LONG day." the doctor said, and shut off my light.


Chapter 17
Chapter 18