Clan History

(Stop trying to hit the back button...We know where you live)

Smurf clan was created a few months after the release of Shogo on the Microsoft Zone. The 2 originals, Postal and myself played on the Zone for some time carving a rep for ourselfs. Getting fed up with clans and the inability to join tournaments because of our clanless status we decided to create Smurf clan (Team Smurf). Mainly for the purpose of poking fun at the other clans. I should note at this point back then the clans that existed were pretty much different than what you would find today in the Zone. Back then clans tend to follow the clan these characteristics:

1) You would follow the clan heads orders no questions
2) No women ( the typical additude was women had no place/skills )
3) If you could get alot of frags you were in ( who cares if you got along with the
others? )
4) Size was status. They tended to recruit as many as they could
5) Hold open recruitments and advertise
6) Any non clanner were below you
7) You will play a couple times a week or get booted

This is pretty much why Postal and I liked to go head on with the clans. We spent alot of our time hunting and terrorzing riot users, jackasses, and cheaters. Nicely enough our results ended up real good, running out almost everyone of them out and a few even converted to do the same. When the time came Postal and I decided on this when we made our clan, it would be unlike any other Shogo clan from the Zone.

1) No ranks. We would be established as clan heads, but only for orginization and entering tournys. When it came to issues,concerns, and thoughts it was a open table to be freely discussed and voted on instead of a dictatorship.
2) Everyone had something to say and to offer. People were free to say what was on their mind. If there were any problems they should feel free to speak up.
3) No open recruitments. We would not ask or advertise for members. If someone wanted to join they were free to ask.
4) Potental members would be someone we all could get along with. Someone easy going, trustworthy, and had potential. New members would only be admitted if everyone else agreed on it. What we tried very hard to do was to create a more of a "family" clan. A team mate will watch your back in a game. A friend will back you up and always be there to support you in the game and out.
5) No Cheating. We would not tollerate any cheating, codes, or riots.
6) No one of us is better than the other. We may get more frags than our other members, but they always have something to teach us.
7) Women were free to join. Duh =p check the rouster, we have 3 very lovely and talented ladies with us. Women had just as much rights to play than anyone else. Watching Kawaii chan and Betty in action proves without a doubt women can kick some serious backsides. What was even nicer was helping changing the additudes ( I think Kawaii and Betty fragging them all to hell maybe helped pursuade them ).

Building a more family clan seemed to really pay off. In the end I ended up with a fantastic clan that I am very proud of. We all can play together or seperatly and open a can of Smurf Whupass on the masses. Best of all, they are all truely wonderful bunch of people that have helped to support each other in different times of needs and they have unselfishly and patiently been there for me, even at my worse moments. I Thank you all my friends and clan mates.

- Sniper_Smurf

The Ol' Drunken Shogo-Fu Master

That's not how I remember it! LOL!!! j/k =p ppffftt.. There was these guys named Postal, Sniper, and Smartass. They talked alot of crap to ppl in the Zone including me!! (when I was a newbie) nya nya =p (ya know I love ya guys) but back to my side of the story!! LOL!! I hated their guts back then and also maybe because they thought I was a dude when I used to log on as Archangel187 the endless insults you know the usual sh@#t. I guess locker room talk i dunno... Caveman thing among men I guess!!! =p pppffttt... After that I said I don't think ppl know i'm a girl so I took on a much more girly name which was AsianPearl. OMG!! all the sudden their additudes changed!!! but there was still the occasional sexual harassment, prejudice, and racist ppl. Postal was the first started talking to me = )
I had no idea that he was trying to get to know me to hook me n Sniper up LOL!!! but to make a long story short I thought they were jackasses =p untill I got to know each one of them. I put my foot in my mouth for that, the way they talked was just to get ppl hyped there was no malice intent it was all in good humor = ). I'm so glad I joinedthis clan *sniff sniff* ^_~ (I LOVE YOU GUYS!!) nahh... ahahahahhah =p thought u is..

- Ibuki_Smurfette

Ok, I will be the first to admit we were no angels back then. We were quick to smack down any cheaters, rioters, racism, sexism, and punks. That usally involed alot of trash talk. It takes it's toll after a while. Postal began to talk alot of smack and beat down alot of wannabes, Smartass...well he was a real smartass, and me?
I talked alot of smack to people like a true drunken a-hole. Then again, when you are drunk 7 days a week for years ( 6 pack of Guiness a night with a half bottle of sake and a 6 pack of Guiness and a full bottle of wine and maybe a ale on sat and same on Sun). We did change though once Ibuki joined us. She was and IS a good friend to have. We did manage to eak some good by though.

* First on the Zone to accept women into the clan
* First to start trying to change the additudes about women gamers
* Riot and cheater control
* Instigated a little player mutiny on clans so they would change their structure to more of a democracy
* First clan to really look after and treat each other like true friends
* With out question hunt down and come down on jackasses and racists like a ton of bricks. Quicker to the draw and the smack talk then the rest =p
* Best thing of all was... Having the guts and the brains to swallow my oversized
ego so that I could personally ask Ibuki_Smurfette to join our clan. and.... I am
Eternally grateful that she was crazy enough to say yes. Even if she wasn't
totally serious at first.

Ooook... I guess I have a few gaps to fill =p ( more grey hair kawaii chan ). Another way we set ourselfs up was to keep people off guard. The Smurf name so people would think that we were harmless, the constant babling too keep them off focus ( if you cant captivate your audience confuse the hell out of them ), and the constant unrelenting torment of those we didn't like to get them even more pissed so they would make more mistakes. Yea, we got bad for a while doing all that for that long. To be honest, things really never changed untill Kawaii showed up. Well that and her stopping me from retiring and helping me out through a rough spot of time. You might not like us, hell you might even hate our guts and hey that's ok, but you do have to admit one thing. After everything is said and done how many clans stick together like we have? Never had a member quit or get canned in our many years of existance. How many clans stick it out together through it all and help each other through though times and help a almost hopeless clan leader get some self respect back and help him quit the booze after 2 years of being tanked 7 night a week? Yea, that's what I thought... They are true friends, truely amazing players, and part of one of the most unique clans, not only in my opinion, but others. They have REAL skills not flash and smoke, because they got alot of heart and potential. You might not like us, but after everything is said and done you have to have respect for us. We do what we say and never back down from what we believe in, even if it's not popular.

Yea, Ol' Snipe is gettin misty eyed now... Come here group hug... Ohh Kawaii chan... ~_^ hahaha

preach on sniper!! =) truthfully though no messing around I wouldnt be in this clan if the ppl were'nt like family to me, and may I add that sniper is a good leader always checking up on us n plus the fact that he is cute ^_~ (well thats an added bonus) LIVE LONG THE SMURF!! damn that sounded corny! =P ppfffftt....

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