Team Smurf

A while back I made the decision to close off the entire site to the Shogo community and turn my back just like they turned their backs on us after all of the support, hard work, and trend setting that the FRONT and the Smurfs put into the community. Well, I thought it over a little more and I don't feel like I should let the hard work and accomplishments of my team to fall to the wayside or the community to distort their views of Team Smurf any more than it already has over the years. With that said our HISTORY section is back online, it's the exact same history posted those years ago that NO ONE could dispute then, just as no one can dispute now (Even though they try), because we always have played things 100% straight, just as we do now, and always will. And of course the talented and loyal friends that made up our happy family and team from out MEMBERS section.

The Smurfs and the FRONT 242 are still around, we are still friends, and we are still gaming under our new group The DisposableHeros.

- Sniper_Smurf (The Ol' Drunken Shogo-Fu master ™)