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Conspiracy theories. Also a part of The Site Formerly Known as Shadow Island, these conspiracy theories are still as ... uh...strange as ever. A lot of these are from my own brain, but some of them are taken from other great thinkers. This page consists of questions (usually pointing out plot holes or grey area) and statements (usually strange theories revolving around the characters.). Yes, I do have a life. But read on:

1. Where, exactly, is Team Rocket staying all this time? They're following the brats, and yet they carry nothing with them and automatically have everything they need at the start of each episode. In fanfiction it is depicted that they usually are renting a hotel every night. But I think they have a trailer.

2. I figured out who Jessie's father is. It's Giovanni. Sure, he doesn't much look like her; he resembles a suitably Mafia-like Italian, and she's-- well, Jessie. The gorgeous one. But anyway I have reasoning here. They say that Jessie's momma, Miyamoto, was in Team Rocket (and was actually a highly valued employee, it's said. Obviously that gene is not hereditary.). She was said to be one of Madame Boss's favorites. Madame Boss, the Team Rocket leader at the time, (and obviously Team Rocket leadership is hereditary) was Giovanni's mom. Miyamoto was said to work in close proximity with Madame Boss, as she was one her personal favorite agents. Now, Jessie and James are said to be about 17, but on this page I make the assumption they are between 19 and 20, and it is safe to say that they are anywhere from 17-25 years old. Jessie's mom, if pictures are any indication, was fairly young at the time she died, probably only in her late 20's. Jessie was in early childhood when Miyamoto died. Right, so assuming Jessie was eight when her mother died, and Miyamoto was about 27 judging by pictures moments prior to her death (yeah, the one when she's reaching out dramatically for Jessie's picture whilst running through the snow in her mini-skirt Team Rocket ensemble.), that makes her 19 when she had Jessie. Giovanni, nowadays, is visibly much older than Jessie and James, and assuming Jessie is 19, and to be her father, Giovanni would have to be at least 18 years older than she. So, it would make sense for Giovanni to be in his late thirties/early forties since he is depicted as sort of a middle-aged man (not young, like James or Brock). SO! While working in close proximity with Madame Boss, Miyamoto met her son, Giovanni, who was only around 19 at the time. (Since we're assuming that Giovanni wouldn't take over Team Rocket until after his mother's death.) Miyamoto is also around 19. Being in such a close proximity with Giovanni all the time causes Miyamoto to get pregnant and have Jessie! But wait! It's said that Jessie HAS a dad! Well, Miyamoto had to find someone to help her take care of her child, right? Besides, Giovanni wouldn't want to admit, as heir to such a powerful enterprise, that he has a bastard child! And marriage would be out of the question...when Madame Boss realizes that Giovanni had sex with her best employee, she has her killed. Just to teach him a lesson. And he cried. Because he loved Miyamoto, he goes extra hard on Jessie...

3. Jessie and James are brother and sister. Ever noticed how uncannily alike they look? (Okay, it may have something to do with the fact that they are animated characters and all animated characters of the same style tend to look similar.) Here's the thing: James and Jessie are the love-children of Miyamoto and Giovanni, two of the set of fraternal triplets that Miyamoto bore. Miyamoto realized she couldn't keep all three of her children, so she just kept the one that popped out first. She left James on the doorstep of a rich southern mansion, and the other triplet on the doorstep of another rich southern mansion (that happened to be located next door.) So anyway! The third triplet grew up to be Jessibelle--James's dominatrix fiancee--which illustrates why Jessie and Jessibelle look so damn alike. Because they're James's sisters. And the daughters of the Team Rocket guru! Ooh--I smell a scandal! (Well, this one is a bit far-fetched...)

4. Brock takes interest to every girl that appears in the anime--younger girls (think the girl from "Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village" and Giselle from "School of Hard Knocks") to older girls (The Joys and Jennys are of course, classic examples.) But he NEVER gives Jessie, Misty or James any attention. (I include James because James tends to be very pretty, especially while in drag.) Why he doesn't cream himself over Misty may be understandable; since she is quite a bit younger than he is as well as being obviously interested in Ash and a little on the "annoying little sister"ish side. Jessie, besides being conceited and evil, is supposedly quite pretty (or so she tells us) so why isn't Brock attracted to her? And James is even lovelier when in drag, so why does he get skipped over too? Very interesting, especially since Brock has no eyes and therefore shouldn't be able to distinguish between any of them in the first place!


As ideas are conceived, more concepts shall appear!