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Copying from the internet

Copying from the internet

Material in electronic form, such as on the Internet may be protected by copyright. The fact that it is on the Internet does not mean it is “in the public domain” or “copyright-free”. However, many people publish material on the Internet and give permission for
people to copy it for certain purposes (for example, many web sites include a statement about what people are and are not permitted to do with material on the site).
In general, you should not assume that you are entitled to print or download everything to which you can get access on the Internet. Some material on the Internet is infringing material – it is there without the copyright owner’s authorisation.
You should first check to see if there is a statement about copyright on the web site – web site proprietors often state what they permit and do not permit in relation to material on the site.
If there is no statement about copyright, you may be able to imply, from the fact that the copyright owner has made the material available on the Internet, that the copyright owner permits people to print and/or download the material. You would need to be sure that the material had been made available on the Internet with the copyright owner’s authorisation, and that the circumstances in which it is made available clearly imply permission to print and/or download (for example, where a button on the site says “printer friendly version”). It is unlikely, however, that you could imply permission to distribute copies to others, or to use the material for a commercial purpose.

How do I get permission?
Start by contacting the web site proprietor and/or the web master (there will usually be email addresses for them on the web site). .




Creating websites and publishing on th internet
Graphic designers and copyright