
    You stand alone in the dark, a chill mist rises about you and you shiver involuntarily. "Where am I?" You whisper to yourself. Suddenly a sweet voice fills the air, it is soft and echoing, as if coming from a distance, you strain to hear it and words begin to form.

"Where are you? Where am I? 

Do you believe, does your imagination fly?

If I am here then you must be there. 

But if you're brave then enter the lair

Come hither my friend to a place unknown

Do not fear for you are not alone

Where are you? Where am I?

Do you believe your soul can fly? " 


    As the haunting  melody fades a figure steps away from the shadowing mists and confronts you.  Her face is pale as death and her cheeks hold little color. Long dark hair flows like night silk about her thin face, even so she is terrifyingly beautiful in an impossible way. Long shadowy eyes meet and hold yours, entering your very soul. Those eyes hold powerful emotions, joy, sorrow, intelligence, love, hate, memories, even amusement. 

   "Are you in need of directions?" Her voice is soft and low. "For you will receive them if you believe. Do you?" 

    You just kind of stare at her and don't answer. She absentmindedly flicks a lock of her dark black hair out of her eyes. You finally find your voice.

    "Do I believe?" You ask, mind spinning in confusion. "What do you mean?"

    Her fathomless black eyes seem to smile at you though her face is smooth as a morning lake.

    "I am simply asking if you do. Do you?" 

    Swiftly, she reaches out to you and lays a cool hand upon your forehead. You gasp as images fill your mind. Dragons rear, wings spread out wide,  fire exploding from their mouths. Griffons soar above you, screeching piercing war cries and diving, sun reflecting in a blaze of color from their plumage.  A unicorn dashes as if on winged feet across a moonlit plain, mane and tail streaming like star-fire behind it. The young women is standing in the image, watching every thing as if from above. Her name echoes in your head. Or rather names. So many, so full of meaning and yet so full of mystery, you catch one as they race through your mind. Syra.

    "Believe!" The vision is gone and so is Syra. Only her echoing voice remains. "If you believe then follow the paths, if not leave this place now for you do not belong here!" 

    You look about you and to your disbelief, various doors have appeared in the swirling mists. Above each, glowing silver letters trace themselves in front of your eyes. A large stone door is labeled caverns you could go there. There is also one that says meadows or you could go to the one that says forest. You also hear waves crashing, you could follow the sound. There are other doors as well. One wooden one whose plaque says contact and the one next to it is engraved with adopt. A swirling purple curtain hangs in front of a door with the name 'gifts' above it and to it's right is a door that says Syra. Which do you choose? 







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