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Feebas-Milotic evolution FAQ

Most people (Including me) were whining around trying to see how to get a nice Pokemon we saw a Cooltrainer with called "Milotic". We eventually searched around and found everything we needed to know. Enjoy.

->->->Evolves with high beauty rating->->->

Step 1: Finding Feebas: You will need to have the move "Surf"(HMO3) taught to one of your pokemon and a SUPER ROD, no other rod. Go to Fortree city and go west. Find the place were you can jump into the water. There are approximately 400 squares in this particular body of water. I suggest searching every square in the pattern below




You should search every square and not leave a square till you get a bite. More is a bit of overkill but any slacking is enough to let Feebas get away.


There are probably about 6 squares were the Feebas will appear. Our theory is that in that Dewford town craze house, making a craze with "Feebas" in its name will increase your chances and changing your craze will reset the spots they will be in.


Usually if you find Feebas, another one will be either in the same spot or very, very close by. I suggest you try to catch both a Male and a Female because you will be able to breed them and if the one you caught is the wrong personality (Read down the FAQ to see the personality guide), you can breed another one. 


We also liked doing this because we can train our Milotics from Level 5 or 6 so they will be a little bit stronger than one trained from around level 20-30.

Step 2: Check your Feebas: This shouldn't take to long to do but it is always useful.


First, we all recommend you check Feebas' personality. If it is any of the following:






If your Feebas is any of these, it is suggested you breed them to get another one. The reason is because these personalities hate dry pokeblocks, the type used for raising beauty. I wouldn't bother trying to evolve it.

Step 3: Evolving your Feebas: This is the most difficult part. Until you finish this step, your stuck with an ugly fish.


You will need to find and blend the correct pokeblocks for raising the beauty of Feebas. Remember, a Pokemon will only eat 12 pokeblocks before it won't eat anymore, ever. These are the berries and what level Indigo/Blue pokeblocks they make. We have grouped them for convenience.


Group A berries (Level 10-12 pokeblocks)

      Pic                                     Berry

                               Bluk Berry

                               Oran Berry

                                Lum Berry


Group B berries (Level 23-25 pokeblocks)

                                Kelpsy Berry

                                Hondew Berry

                                Cornn Berry


Group C berries (Level 45 pokeblocks)

                                 Pamtre berry


These are the berries we know that create the correct pokeblocks. We always just find a couple of Cornn, Kelpsy or Hondew berries, grow them heaps in the Berry Master's garden then use them all to make decent level 23-25 pokeblocks and use them all on the Feebas. After that, attach exp share to Feebas and battle with your strong pokemon until it grows a level and evolves. Alternatively, if you are a lazy bum, use a rare candy and it will grow a level and evolve.

Tips and Tricks for Feebas and Milotic: Most people like breeding a female Feebas with a pokemon with a good move to give their Feebas a boost for when it becomes a Milotic. Here is an example.


Training a male Lileep to learn Confuse Ray then breeding it with a female Corsola. You hopefully get a male Corsola with Confuse Ray. You then breed it with a female Feebas to get a Feebas with Confuse Ray.


This and many other breeding tricks will make a dream Milotic. And training it from level 5 makes it a lot stronger than training from level 25. Here is a chart of other egg moves of Feebas.


               Move                  Pokemon to breed it with


           Mirror Coat                       Corsola

           Mud Sport                         Mudkip

           Dragonbreath                     Altaria, Bagon


These are the level up moves of Feebas and Milotic


Feebas level-up move list:

           Move                               Type                      Level


           Splash                          Normal                           1

           Tackle                          Normal                           15

           Flail                              Normal                           30


Milotic level-up move list:

           Move                               Type                      Level


        Water Gun                      Water                            1

        Wrap                              Normal                          5

        Water Sport                    Water                           10

        Refresh                            Normal                         15

        Water Pulse                     Water                           20

        Twister                             Dragon                         25

        Recover                           Normal                         30

        Rain Dance                         Water                        35

        Hydro Pump                       Water                        40

        Attract                             Normal                         45

        Safeguard                        Normal                         50

Thanks for reading this FAQ!!!!!










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