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The fourth page of the Chosonminhang Ilyushin IL-62 safety card uses the same colour pattern as the previous two pages.

This page indicates the escape routes of the airplane in an emergency. The top diagram shows clearly the escape path of Ilyushin IL-62 airplane. There are three different types of cabin door in an Ilyushin IL-62 airplane and their exact locations are clearly marked. Below the escape path diagram, on the left, there are three icons showing the method of opening different types of cabin door. Brief descriptions are printed on the right of each icons.

Normally, two escape path diagrams, one for emergency landing on land and one for emergency landing on water, are illustrated in a safety card. But this Chosonminhang Ilyushin IL-62 safety card only features one escape path diagram. Whether this is for landing on land or landing on water is not mentioned. Icons representing emergency landing, which used to appear on every safety cards, are also missing here.

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