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Welcome! Thank you for visiting my site. If you have any fake pokemon that you don't mind me using, please e-mail me! Enjoy My Page and feel free to take anything... for now.

Welcome to my pokemon site!!!! I am still making it and i am always learning how to make my site better! I need tips and i need to know how to make frames! Anyway, this is my site and i am doing my best to improve it and still have a life. All my information will be in info pages. Enjoy!

Oh, and, don't forget to see my Raichu, Scooter and my Pikachu, Chad. They will be gaurding the links to my other pages! =).

My 4 favorite pokemon are

  • Arcanine
  • Scyther
  • Seadra
  • Moltres
Favorite Pokemon Poll
What is your favorite Pokemon?


Image galleries, cheats, and other things that may help

Pikachu Image Gallery

Seadra Image Gallery

Moltres Image Gallery


Fake Pokemon

Adopted Pokemon

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Pocket Monsters NEXT SITE This site is a member of The Pokemon Web Ring and is owned by PokeGuru.
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