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The Pokémon Metropolis ~*Version 1.5*~

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 Pokémon The First Movie is split into two. First there is Pikachu's Vacation (with the soundtrack from Vitamin C, "Vacation") and then Mewtwo Strikes Back. Here I will explain each part...

Pikachu's Vacation

Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu (don't forget Togepi!) Are walking along a forest road when they come to the vacation center for Pokémon and Pokémon only. They leave their Pokémon behind in the center and walk off. Inside they try to get Togepi to sleep and finally they do by getting Bulbasaur to sing it's "Bulba-Bye".

Then Raichu, Marill, Cubone and Snubble walk past them laughing and joking with each other. The sounds of their voices wake up the young egg Pokémon and he starts to cry. Pikachu pulls some funny faces at Togepi to make him go quiet... This does work until Squirtle does and Togepi starts to cry again. Pikachu sends it to sleep again. Then Squirtle goes over to Raichu's group and complains. This makes them mad. They are about to battle when Pikachu comes along and tells them to show an example to the baby, pointing to Togepi. They all shut up. Then Squirtle takes a disliking to Marill and challenges him to a swimming match. So they go the river and jump in with all the Pokémon watching. Marill swims so fast then he bashes his head into an angry Starmie that water gun's him right to the start, seeing this Squirtle swims with joy, when a Goldeen swims by and Squirtle get caught on top. Being dragged slowly to the start Squirtle powers up and races to the finish as fast as he could when he go to the end, he saw Marill beat him, and he slowly sunk in the water, mumbling to himself.

Then Pikachu and Raichu start to get nasty to each other and have a running race right round the center breaking and smashing everything in their path. The whole center gets destroyed. Near by, Charizard is sleeping on a grassy field. Raichu and Pikachu race by on his tail. Charizard got up in a fit of rage and chased the two. After a while of running Charizard accidentally gets his head stuck in a pipe. He roars and yells to get out but no use. So Pikachu and the gang try to pull him out. Nearby Snubble, Raichu and his gang laugh watching this. Charizard starts to cry. Pikachu then goes over to Snubble and begs him for help. Snubble agrees and then Marill, Raichu and Snubble help pull at Charizard's Tail to get him out. Although, Cubone doesn't help. He watches the others and they pull and pull and finally he helps. Pikachu's Eyes light up as he does. Finally, Charizard's head comes out of the tube. Then all the Pokémon re-build the center that they destroyed and all the Pokémon go home to their Masters.


Mewtwo Strikes Back

Ash, Misty and Pikachu sit down to have lunch. Brock starts to cook some stew and Ash can't move a mussel. Misty tells him he is Pathetic (as usual) and a trainer then comes along and challenges Ash to a Pokémon battle. Of, coarse, Ash wins and the Trainer runs off.

Nearby, Team Rocket are spying on them (again, as usual) and they moan about being hungry (AS USUAL!) and Jessie offers to cook, but they refuse as Meowth "lost 8 of his 9 lives" last time Jessie Cooked. A camera homes in on Ash and the gang. A women asks a mysterious figure sitting in a chair whether to extend an invitation to Ash. She then replies from an obvious telepathic reply, "As you wish." A Dragonite is sent out of a hi - tech looking building with a satchel around it's neck.

Meanwhile, Ash is scoffing food faster than he can breathe when the Dragonite soared over their heads. It landed in front of Ash and presented a card. As took it and it lit up. A hologram of a women, looking strangely like nurse Joy appeared in front of them. She spoke: "Greetings Pokémon Trainer. You have been selected to meet my master the most Powerful Pokémon Master on Earth. You will, along with others, join a banquet. I hope you can come, go to the harbor at 2:00 tomorrow where transportation will be waiting to take you to Mew Island,  and if you can please reply as soon as possible." Then the women vanished. Brock Blushed and asked if there was a re-wind button on it. Everyone ignored him. Ash took another card from the Dragonite. It had two boxes on it, one saying yes and one saying no, and he ticked the yes box. He handed it back to the Dragonite who then flew off.

Jessie stopped the flying Pokémon by holding it's head. "We want in!" She ranted and took the card the Dragonite was holding. They discussed this, and of coarse, cook up a plan to get to Mew Island too... Rare and Valuable Pokémon may be there!

A mysterious figure waves his hand in the air. A storm appears outside in the ocean. This storm is then carried over to the harbor...

The gang rush to the harbor in drenching rain to get to the ship that will take them to Mew Island. In the harbor building Ash, and co, meet other Trainers that were also invited. There is also a picture of Nurse Joy on the wall with the word 'Missing' underneath it. Then, Officer Jenny comes in front of angry crowd with another women to tell them that the trip is cancelled due to dangerous weather. Everyone moans and complains to the two women when one tough looking guy with a blue vest decides to go on his own to Mew Island using his Pokémon. All the other trainers follow suit and run out onto the harbor entrance and release all their water Pokémon to swim to Mew Island. Ash of course wants to go to Mew Island but doesn't have a Powerful water Pokémon to take him over sea. Then two odd looking 'Vikings' ask Ash and co if they would like a trip to Mew Island in their Boat. Yes, the gang go with Team Rocket. They get about half way there, when the storm gets the better of them and they capsize into the sea. Misty releases all her Water Pokémon and Ash releases Squirtle. After a very, very long journey they swim to Mew Island with their Pokémon. When they get there, they meet a women standing on the side. She asks for their Invitation and Ash shows it her. The women pops up again and grants them entry. Ash and co go inside to find the other trainers, sitting down talking to their Pokémon. The women tells Ash to wait in here with all the other trainers until her Master is ready to speak to them.

Outside, Team Rocket Made it to the Island, riding Wheezing. Yes I have no idea either but they do! ^_^ When they get there they decide to sneak in UP The waterfall. Of cause they moan but Jessie forces them to. Jessie turns around, as she thought she saw something pink flash behind her...

Inside Ash, Brock and Misty let out all their Pokémon and the other trainers introduce all their Pokémon. All in all, there are 6 trainers, Ash, Brock, Misty and 3 other guys with really powerful Pokémon. Then a women gets all the trainer's attention as she introduces them to her Master... Mewtwo.

Team Rocket are walking in the drains with the playful Mew dancing behind them. They walk along and come to a large room with some weird heavy machinery in it. The Team look around the place and Jessie was hoping that there would be a party. She sits down on a button, on a computer and the screen flashes. Jessie screams and the Team look at the screen. They see a picture of the machinery on the computer and a scared, sounding mans voice delivers a message to the Trio... "We have taken DNA samples from the rare and valuable Pokémon Mew, to clone a Pokémon. Giovanni founded our project, but he wanted super clones, and forced us to add extra powers to this Mew clone... For years I have dreamed of Cloning a powerful Pokémon... and We've succeeded... *fizz * crackle * fuzz *" Then the screen went black. The three looked at the blank screen in amazement. The the screen flashed and a women's voice spoke from the Computer. "POKÉMON DNA SAMPLING HAS BEGUN." It spoke and some hands came down from the ceiling and grabbed the unsuspecting Meowth. It pulled him towards a machine and James and Jessie pulled at Meowth to stop him going in. The machine pulled at his fur and pulled out some hairs. James finally pulled out Meowth and he was safe. A screen on the wall lit up and a figure of a Pokémon on the screen appeared.

"Who's that Pokémon?" James asked looking at the screen.

"It's Meowth!" Jessie Exclaimed. A near by tube full of green stuff bubbled and a Meowth appeared in it. It looked exactly like Team Rocket's Meowth. The Team started to get really puzzled by the whole thing. They looked around the room to find other Pokémon. There were a Venusaur, Charizard and a Blastiose. They looked as though they were sleeping. They looked creepy.

Meanwhile, back in the entrance hall the other Trainers are fuming that a Pokémon is a Pokémon Master. After a long insulting chat, Ash challenges Mewtwo to a Pokémon Battle and he had the arena set up. They all go to the field and Mewtwo calls on his Pokémon...

In the room where Jessie and James were hiding the Pokémon in tubes came to life. They started to walk out of the green tubes and out of the door. The Team just watched as the Charizard, Blastiose and Venusaur trotted out.

Back on the field, the Pokémon that came out of the tubes lined up in front of Mewtwo. He tells the Trainers there is no way that these 'Super-Clones' can loose to their ordinary Pokémon... and he is correct. The first trainer with a Venusaur stands up and commands his Pokémon 'Broot Root' to attack Mewtwo's Super-Venusaur. Mewtwo's Pokémon wins and bashes Broot Root to a pulp. The Next Trainer with a Blastoise (this one is named 'Shell Shocker') fights Mewtwo's Super-Blastoise and this one wins. Now, Ash Challenges his Charizard against Mewtwo's Super-Charizard. After a long grueling battle, Mewtwo's Pokémon wins.

Mewtwo, then claims his Prize... Their Pokémon. He sends out lots of Black and Silver Pokéballs which capture all the Trainers Pokémon. There are thousands of these balls, sucking up the Pokémon causing havoc. Ash then gets a brainstorm (unusual) and says that Mewtwo can't capture their Pokémon if they are already in their Pokéballs. He returns Bulbasaur and Squirtle in the Pokéballs. He laughs at Mewtwo, who is, unfortunately much more cleaver than Ash and two Black and Silver Pokéballs come along and capture Ash's Pokéballs! Soon all that is left is Pikachu who starts to run from the balls up a winding passage. He keeps running, shocking the swarms of balls as he runs, and slips falling down to the ground. Ash throws himself off the side and falls after Pikachu. One of Mewtwo's Pokéballs capture Pikachu and Ash falls down in the water. He follows Mewtwo's Pokéball, along with many other Pokéballs, with Pikachu in and slides down a long shoot leading to where Team Rocket are...

In the room with the cloning machine, there are lots of Mewtwo's Pokéballs going along a conveyor belt and into the cloning machine that Meowth got caught into. Team Rocket gazed at the large screen on the wall guessing all the Pokémon that appeared, that were being cloned. On the belt Ash Ketchum Rolled by struggling to hold his Pokéball with Pikachu in. He ran into the machine following his best Pokémon and went in the machine. Metal arms from everywhere tried to restrain Ash but the machine couldn't take it and blew up. All of the balls opened and all of the Pokémon looked dazed and confused. Then, in the green tubes all the cloned Pokémon hung in the green slime sleeping. Ash told all the Pokémon to find Mewtwo to deal with him and walked out the room with them all. On the way out Team Rocket just stared. Then a pink cat like Pokémon flew out of the room... Mew.

Outside, Mewtwo tells The Trainers  that their Pokémon would be safe with him on Mew Island, and that they could stay on the Island while his Storm Destroys the world. Then Ash comes out of the Clearing telling Mewtwo, that I will never happen with all the Original Pokémon behind him. Mewtwo laughs at him and summons his super Pokémon. Then he tells them how could they possibly win, against his Super Pokémon. Ash then walks over to Mewtwo and tries to punch him. But the barrier around Mewtwo just blocks him. Mewtwo then sends Ash flying over onto some rocks. Misty and Brock squirm as they think their light-headed friend is just going to be squished to a pulp, when Ash lands on a Pink Bubble that appears from nowhere. Everyone Gazes in amazement at this sight and Mew appears from the sky and pops Ash's bubble, making him fall on his backside. Mew, laughed at this and then created another bubble, which she started to bounce up and down on. Mewtwo starts to curse and throws a energy ball at Mew, saying this world is only big enough for one of us. Mewtwo starts to attack Mew and one energy ball hits her. She is sent flying, away into the sky. Mewtwo smiles to himself and tells the Trainers that they have no chance of escape. Then a massive energy ball came flying down from the sky and hit Mewtwo sending him flying. Mew re-appears from the sky. Mewtwo then gets angry with this and commands his Pokémon to fight the other Trainers. There is a massive battle going on, Mewtwo's Super-clones against the Trainers and Mew against Mewtwo. There is a frantic battle going on and the super clones will not stop. Pikachu, meets his clone who starts to beat him up. But Pikachu refuses to battle. The clone cant understand this and carries on attacking with Tears in his eyes. Meowth meets his clone and prepares to fight when, funny enough, the clone says there is no need to fight and they start to have a little conversation.

Meanwhile, Brock, Misty and Nurse joy are saying how terrible this battle is because of them having to battle to the death. Ash is climbing down from the rocks and he finally gets to the bottom. He watches the fighting Pokémon with horror and says to himself that someone has gotta take a stand like Pikachu. He looks at the electric rat, being slapped by it's crying clone. Ash then cant take anymore and runs onto the field. Mew and Mewtwo are sending energy bursts at each other, the burst hitting each other in the middle. Ash runs into the center of Mew and Mewtwo and... Ash gets Zapped by both Pokémon.

Mewtwo looks surprised at this, and calls Ash a fool for sacrificing himself to stop the Pokémon battling. The smoke dies down and a stone figure of Ash lies in the middle of the field. Silence. Pikachu starts to zap Ash to bring him back, but no. Pikachu starts to cry and so do all the other Pokémon, Including the clones. They cry and cry and a beam of light travels towards Ash. The tears cover him and he returns to full color and opens his eyes. Mewtwo and Mew then fly off with all the clones.

Ash asks where they will be going and Mewtwo tells them to learn when they know so much of. He then says that maybe these events are better best forgotten and the world around everyone turned to a bright light...

Misty asks why they are at the harbor and the Trainers complain about not being able to get to Mew Island. They go outside. The storm had stopped. Everyone wonders how this could of happened and Ash saw something pink fly in the sky. He tells his friends about this, but they don't believe them and leave the harbor, for another Pokémon Journey.

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