Thick With Conviction - A Poetry Journal
thick with conviction a poetry journal

Seif-Eldeine Och

My Son was the Concrete

My son's name did not fit
to the beats of your drum,
his body was too heavy
to carry upon your shoulders.

You knew his cries
when the earth trembled,
and knew his breadth
when the winds sighed,
and knew his life
when concrete
packed the sky.

In Memoriam: 9/11/2001

Commas Dripping

Commas dripping
from periods
an ellipsis
of bruise punctures
on the forearm
We loved
with a dagger
that slashed
our wrists

and an asterisk
our trademark

Seif-Eldeine Och graduated from Tufts University with a degree in Middle Eastern Studies. He fell in love with Arab and Middle Eastern poets like Khalil Gibran, Rumi, Abu Nuwas and Nizar Qabbani. In his free time, Seif-Eldeine likes to play basketball, lift weights and box. He also writes articles about psychology, the Celtics, health and writes book reviews.


Current Issue:
December 2011


Russ Brickey
Jackson Burgess
Robert Demaree
James H. Duncan
Carol Lynn Grellas
Paul Hostovsky
Seif-Eldeine Och
Jane Olivier
Timothy Pilgrim
Russell Rowland
M. Travis Walsh

