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What I Wish For

I wish I could be the one you came home to

And be the one to do with you the things you love to do

I wish I could be there to hold you all night long

And be the one to give you hope when things go wrong

I wish I could be the one to make you laugh and smile

And be the one who makes your life worthwhile

I wish by your side is where I could stand

And be the one to walk with you hand in hand

I wish I could be the one who could be there

To show you how much for you I care

I wish I could be the one to look into your eyes

And be the one with you to watch the sun rise

I wish I could be the one to touch your hearts core

And be the one to provide you shelter when it pours

I wish I could give you everything you dream of

But most of all I wish I could give to you my love

I wish my wishes one day would come true

So no longer would my heart be missing you.

Pamela Lawson
©June 10, 2006

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.