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Treasured Friendship

During rough times it is you who gets me to see

Things are not always as bad as they seem to be

And even though I may see things in a different light

You encourage me to keep faith and hope in sight

And to have a friend like you to help see me through

Makes me realize that's what true friends do

And a true friend in you is what I have found

One who I know for me who will always be around

And to know I have that type of friend in you

Makes my heart smile when I am feeling blue

So I am convinced the day you and I met

A blessing in my life is what I did get

For your friendship was the answer to my prayer

And I hope through out the years we will continue to share

A friendship that was blessed right from the start

One that has touched the depth of my heart.

Pamela Lawson
©August 8, 2005

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.