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It was Christmas Eve and Santa was getting ready to leave

To deliver toys to children whose heart still believed

In the magic of Christmas and in the miracle of

Yuletide cheer, peace, happiness and love

With a schedule as tight as could be

He had plenty of gifts to put under everyone's tree

So with a plan ahead of him he was ready to take flight

He had a lot he had to do for his workload was not at all light

But the pleasure of being able to provide a smile here and there

Just showed how much he handled his job with such tender, loving care

To know he could full fill the smallest of wishes filled his heart with pride

And to feel the presence of excitement every where made him that more grateful inside

For there's no other gift he would rather give then to be able to be a part

Of bringing the true meaning of Christmas to the surface of everyone's heart

So to be able to cover every single house across the land

Made his job that more rewarding and that more grand

Because when it came to children no matter how rich or how poor or how young or how old

There will be memories to be remembered and stories for a lifetime that will be told

So when Christmas times come to an end and the decorations are put away

May we remember to live each minute of our lives as if it is still Christmas Day

Because the greatest gift ever given to mankind just doesn't have to be remembered

Or felt or shared among those whom we love and those whom we don't know in the month of December

So as Santa heads back to the North Pole let us continue to spread

The same kind of joy and peace in the months and in the years ahead.

Pamela Lawson
©December 9, 2007

From Our House To Yours may you have a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful, Blessed New Year!

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.