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Make Time

When we’re busy we don’t keep in touch

With those who to us mean so much

It seems like there isn’t enough hours in a day

To stop long enough to pick up the phone just to say hey

Or to find out how things have been on their end

May it be with our family or with our friends

We manage to put those close to us on the bottom of our list

Because time for us just doesn’t seem to exist

We go on with our day like we’re in a race

That we forget what it means to embrace

The quality time that we’re so deserving of

Just to kick back with those whom we love

So the next time someone comes to mind

It’s important for us to find

The time to reach out even if it’s for a minute or two

Because the bonds that have been created are precious and are few

Even if someone gives us a call we need to pause

And just talk simply because

Our love ones should be our top priority

After all we have the authority

So if it means something isn’t going to get done

It isn’t going to hurt any one

It’s important for us to make room

For those whom we care about then our daily activities we can resume

So we need to take some time and unwind

And make it a point to get in touch with those who are on our mind.

Pamela Lawson
©January 10, 2008

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All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.