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I'll Be There

I know you are going through a lot
And you just want to be left alone
But I want to make sure you know
Whatever is wrong you don’t stand on your own

I am here for you on me you can call
It doesn’t matter the time of day
I have a shoulder for you to lean on
Or together we could pray

Even if you aren’t in the mood to talk
We could just hang out and do nothing at all
Whatever you feel like doing you can count on me
I’ll wipe away the tears that fall

Sometimes we just need that one friend
With whom we can confide in to get things off of our chest
Because at times the stress just needs to be released
In order for us to gain a little bit of rest

So whenever you need a friend around
For you I will be there
So don’t think it is a bother
Because when it comes to you I care.

Pamela Lawson
©January 11, 2007

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.