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Make The New Year Count

May each new day be filled with the promise of

Faith, belief, peace, strength and love

May happiness and hope also play a part

In the things you seek within your heart

So as you journey into a brand new year look ahead

With excitement instead of nothing but dread

This is your chance to start anew so claim it as yours

You will never know what possibilities are in store

So make this new year count with yourself in mind

You won't be disappointed with what it is you'll find

Regardless of how the old year ended another year you've been given

So be even more aware, more hopeful and also be more driven

The New Year is yours to mold so make this year the best one yet

So when you look back you won't have one ounce of regret.

Pamela Lawson
©December 26, 2006


All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.