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In The Midst Of Hard Times

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned

And the reasons why we don't understand

Things happen for a reason that's all we need to know

But strength and courage are things we need to show

During times when life throws to us a curve ball

Or when we feel at times we're pinned up against the wall

We must not give into disappointment and to despair

That is when we must instead rely on the power of prayer

Because at any moment when we least expect it life will hit us hard

And without any warning our mind and our heart will have the tendency to become scarred

So we must never let our guard down and never loose sight of

Hope, faith, peace, and the most important of them all God's love

So while life at times feels the need to show us its dark and cruel side

We must not forget regardless what comes our way God for us will always provide.

Pamela Lawson
©June 11, 2006

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.