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Judge Not

People make mistakes every now and then

Some make them time and time again

It doesn't mean poor judgment is what they lack

It just takes some a while to get on track

But if second and third chances are not theirs to take

Then what kind of difference in their life do we make

When their faults are constantly put under a microscope

We are not assuring that for them there is hope

Instead the message that comes across to them

Is regardless what they do it'll be them who we'll condemn

And that is not the example in which we want to set for others

When they too should be treated like our sisters and brothers

So judge not, it's not the right thing to do nor is it fair

For when we judge others ignorance is what our hearts wear

Nobody is perfect we have faults of our own

So respect to others is what needs to be shown.

Pamela Lawson
September 13, 2005

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.