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Do Not Fear Change

If changes in your life need to be made

Take a leap of faith and don't be afraid

God will be there with you every step of the way

He will supply you with what you need every day

To face the things that cause you to fear and to doubt

He will show you what life is truly about

But you have to be willing to do your part

So you need to have an open mind and an open heart

Things at first might be scary but in time you will see

That sometimes changes are what sets one free

So don't second guess yourself that's the worse thing to do

Everything will come together and fall into place for you

You have no idea what God has in store so it's time to enjoy the ride

And allow Him to show you life from a completely different side

It is hard to let go of a life that you are accustomed to

But there comes a time when you have to do what is best for you

Don't look back on the choice you made it is now time to take steps ahead

It is time to focus on what it is you want out of life instead

Stop worrying about if you are doing the right thing or not

Because if you think about it in life you only get one shot

So live the life you have always dreamt of

One that is filled with the promise of happiness and of love.

Pamela Lawson
©October 24, 2007







All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.