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A Christmas Message

I know you haven’t been able to bring yourself to put up a Christmas tree
As the lights, the balls, the ornaments are a constant reminder of me
Even the thought of Christmas shopping makes you feel sad
Because it reminds you of the Christmas list for me you once had

No music can be heard, no cookies ard baked, no food is prepared
As they too were things we as a family once shared
I know the Holidays bring to your heart a lot of tears
And the last thing you want to do is ring in another New Year

Since with you I am not there, not in the way you would like for me to be
I know how hard for you it has been because it has been just as hard for me
I miss you more than words can say especially around the Holidays
But I know you are with me as I feel your love in other ways

Just remember come Christmas Day with you I am there, I’m in your heart
For there isn’t anything in this life time that could ever keep us apart
You raised me, you took care of me and most of all I felt your unconditional love
And that is something over the years I had always been fond of

Merry Christmas my dear loved one and Happy New Year too
May you find happiness and love in every thing you do
I hope on Christmas Day every one will remember there’s only one gift that can touch the heart of others
And that is peace on earth amongst our sisters and our brothers.

Pamela Lawson
©December 16, 2008

All poetry on The Light of Love is the copyrighted work of Pamela Lawson and may not be used without her permission.