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Have you ever wondered what it would be like
if life had dealt you a different hand,
Would your world be filled with trouble-free worries
or would it be difficult that you couldn’t understand...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like
to wake and not see the beauty of the sun,
Would your heart welcome the scent of the morning
or would you feel as if you were the only one...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like
to wake and couldn’t hear the singing of the birds,
Would your day be filled with excitement
or would silence consume all of your words...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like
to wake and find that you couldn’t walk,
Would you welcome the world with happy smiles,
or would you choose to not even talk...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like
to wake and find your heart filled with pain,
a pain that consumes you all over because
hunger has engulfed your every vein...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like
to have a world filled with so much despair,
Would you wallow within your own self-pity
and accept that the world just isn’t fair...

When times of sadness consumes us
and our lives are filled with sorrow,
Do we wonder what life would be like
if we didn’t wake to another tomorrow?

When our days aren’t going the way we want
and they are filled with so much confusion,
Do we wonder what life would be like
if we didn’t have to reach any conclusion?

Why must life be so confusing
and why do we tend to settle for second best,
Why can’t we have the life of another
and not worry about the rest?

Throughout our lives we always seem to wonder
what if life was different in some other way,
We tend to search for riches and happiness
and always want a better day...

We always want to change things
even though life really isn’t that bad,
We forget about the gift that God has given us
because we always want what we haven’t had…

We don’t realize the reality of what we are all about
We forget that we too are human
and yes, we at times, will be filled with doubt..

We forget about the life we have been given
and we sometimes take our lives in stride,
We forget our lives are already filled with riches
and we should always stand tall and full of pride..

Open your eyes to the sunshine
and greet each day for what it has brought,
Tell yourself this day is a new beginning
and you’ll accept everything you will be taught…

On those days when you feel empty
and in your mind you just don’t understand,
Remember to take a look around you
for someone will always extend a loving hand…

Life is too precious to waste it
on wondering if only this life wasn’t mine,
Accept the gift that God has given you
and the beauty within you, will forever shine…

Estella F. Saldivar
© copyright


Piano Music
Composed and played by me,
Estella F. Saldivar

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Don't Be Afraid

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