International School of Ballet Spring Recital
Bled, Slovenia

13 May 2006

This is a page to show a bit of went on at our spring recital in May 2006. There are some incidental pictures here, but also links to pages for specific dances. Enjoy!!

Behind the scenes: Here I am doing Neza's hair while Lucija looks on. When you think of teaching ballet, you think of pointed toes and curved arms, but skills with hair (and sewing, too) are pretty vital.

In the older girls' dressing room, doing more hair. Of course since I was dancing I had to do my own hair and makeup about an hour before the girls showed up. By this point we're almost at half-hour. Can you feel the excitement?

Click here to see our "concert" pieces - the short dances performed in small groups.

Click here to see shots of me and my girls dancing "Preghiera" ("Prayer").

Click here to see our miniature ballet "Poletni Metuljcki" ("The Little Butterflies of Summer").

Here's the entire group onstage after the show. I'm in the black, all the way on the left, and the man standing next to me is my boss, Aleks, and the other two women are Savina, who coached an independent student who performed but does not study with us, and Maja, who taught the preschool class ("Zvoncki").

After the show, greeting our distinguished guests. The two ladies on the left are affliated with the Ljubljana Opera Ballet and State Ballet School, and then there's me and Aleks.

These are some of my favorite pictures - the afterglow! L-R: Tamara, Lea, Anamarija, and blocking her face is Neza.

Little Lea, looking like an angel, as usual!

A Mladinski Moment (these girls are all from Mladinski Klas II): L-R Neza, Ana, Izabela.

One last picture to sum up the experience, because words just aren't enough for all the work, fun, struggle, challenge, courage, tears, politics, excitement, and beautiful heart-felt love that went into it. This is me talking to the kids at the conclusion of our last rehearsal before the show (Aleks is standing behind me and Ziga is crouching off to the side, waiting to assist with translation). This was my Braveheart moment - only, replace "They can take our lives but they cannot take our freedom!" with "We've worked hard and I couldn't be more proud of you all - now go downstairs and remember: no eating in your costume!" But yeah, the feeling (and the cheers as we sallied forth to meet the challenge) were otherwise pretty victorious.

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