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Carol Anderson was born and raised on the south side of Chicago. At the age of two she developed a bone disease which immobilized her in bed for the next three years. There, her grandmother read to her fairy tales, Aesop's Fables, and poetry, her index finger moving under each word. Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Land of Counterpane' spoke directly to the bedridden child, ignited a passion for poetry which continues to this day.

Carol Anderson has had her work published in numerous literary journals including: The Aurorean, Cappers, Dream International Quarterly, Grit, Guideposts, Red Owl Magazine and Upsouth. She has had her non-poetic work published in Guideposts and Streetwise.

She is the author of Ordinary, a book of poetry, published by The Puddin'head Press in 2005."

For info on Ordinary please click here.

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