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HEAVENSHINE! Generation, Jesus!

Hello World! I greet you in Jesus name! He is risen! Amen! Glory to God in the highest! I would like to ask you a question. Are you a Christian? Or are you just looking for a way to get out from under the label of Generation X? Let me tell you, I know the way. See, I'm sick of hearing about Generation X,like every teen and young adult out there is bad. Truth be told, there's a lot of us out there who have something a lot of adults don't have, or Someone that a lot of adults don't have. His name is Jesus! That's why I've created this site! It's for others like me, who're ready to escape Generation X and join Generation Jesus! If you're ready, continue on! If you have questions about Jesus, or anything on this site, e-mail me or post it on the forum. Please, feel free

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Around The Site

All About me!
Heavenshine's own forum. If you'd like to join Generation Jesus, click this link
Jesus' life story. It's told page by page, and the second page isn't up yet, but read away!
Bible Verses
Interesting Thoughts and Profound Sayings
Christian Poetry
